Securing Web Manager

Keeping intruders out of Web Manager is best accomplished through the use of encryption and server certificates. By default, encryption is enabled on your server and a server certificate is created when you install NetWare 6.

But you can take additional steps to help ensure the safety and security of your servers and data. For example, keep your administrator username and password well hidden. You might also occasionally change your Web Manager port number. Using a port number of 49152 or higher is a safe choice.

IMPORTANT:  Some ports below 49152 may be in use by other services and should not be used. Using a four-digit port number between 49152 and 65000 is the safest choice. However, for a complete list of registered port numbers, visit the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.

To change NetWare Web Manager's port number, do the following:

  1. From the NetWare Web Manager home page, click Admin Preferences.

  2. In the Web Manager Port field, type the port number you want NetWare Web Manager to use.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Restart the server for the settings to take effect.

Using Encryption

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), enabled by default when NetWare Web Manager is installed, is used to secure NetWare Web Manager by applying encryption to information going out or coming in to Web Manager. When enabled, you must use HTTPS to access Web Manager.

Once encryption is enabled, you can then use ConsoleOne to install Public Key Infrastructure Services (PKIS). When you install the Novell Certificate Server (during the NetWare installation), a Key Material Object (KMO) was created by default. A KMO, also called a Server Certificate Object, includes a server certificate and key pair files.

To enable or disable encryption in Web Manager, do the following:

  1. From the NetWare Web Manager home page, click Admin Preferences.

  2. Under Encryption, click On to enable, or Off to disable SSL.

  3. From the Server Certificates drop-down list, select the Server Certificate object you want to use for SSL encryption.

  4. Click OK.

For more information on installing and configuring the Novell Certificate Server, refer to the NetWare 6 NetWare 6 Overview and Installation Guide or Setting Up Novell Certificate Server in the Novell Certificate Server Administration Guide.

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