Setting the Primary Document Directory

You probably don't want to make all the files on your file system available to remote clients. An easy way to restrict access is to keep all of your server's documents in a central location, known as the document root or primary document directory.

Another benefit of the document directory is that you can move your documents to a new directory (perhaps on a different disk) without changing any of your URLs, because the paths specified in the URLs are relative to the primary document directory.

For example, if your document directory is SYS:NOVONYX\SUITESPOT\DOCS, a request such as tells the server to look for the file INFO.HTML in SYS:NOVONYX\SUITESPOT\DOCS\PRODUCTS\.

If you change the document root (by moving all the files and subdirectories), you only have to change the document root that the server uses, instead of mapping all URLs to the new directory or telling clients to look in the new directory.

To set your server's primary document directory, do the following:

  1. From the Web Manager home page, click Enterprise Web Server servername > Content Management > Primary Document Directory.

  2. In the Primary directory field, enter the full pathname of the directory that you want to make the primary document directory.

  3. Click OK > Save and Apply.

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