Taking a Test Run

When you install NetWare Web Search Server, some of your server's content is automatically indexed and appears on the default search form as the "NetWare Web Search" and "Doc Root" indexes.

Once you start the Enterprise Web Server, you can open the search page using your Web browser and perform a search against the content that has been automatically indexed.

To test NetWare Web Search using the default search page, do the following:

  1. Type http://domainname/novellsearch in your Web browser's address field and press Enter.

    IMPORTANT:  The URL is case sensitive. Use the exact case shown above.

  2. Type NetWare in the Search field > press Enter.


The Search form template, SearchTemplate.html, is stored on your server at /searchroot/TEMPLATES. See Customizing the Look and Feel of Search Server Content for information about how to customize templates.

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