Guidelines for Using Variables

Please note the following guidelines when using variables to either customize the default templates, or to create new templates from scratch:

IMPORTANT:  In prior versions of NetWare Web Search Server, the term search site was defined as a collection of one or more indexes and related configuration files. To avoid confusion with the term Web site, the term was changed wherever it appeared in the documentation and in the variables and parameters. Search site is now referred to as virtual search server.

New variables and parameters that parallell the term virtual search server have been added. Note that they function identically to the prior variable and parameters, and that the old variables and parameters can still be used.

Similarly, the term collection has been changed to index .

We recommend that you start using the newer variables and parameters so as to avoid confusion.

For more information about how to implement variables in a search or print template, or how to implement search parameters in an HTML document to create a search form, see Customizing Your Search Solutions.

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