Working with the NetWare Enterprise Web Server

A Web server is a fundamental building block for bridging disparate networks together into one net. With the NetWare® Enterprise Web Server, you can host Internet, intranet, or password-protected extranets that serve as secure portals to your company's business processes and information.

The Enterprise Web Server is a key component in building true, one net, eBusiness solutions. It is a powerful NetWare-ready HTTP server that is ready to run right out of the box.

You can use the Enterprise Web Server to host all types of Web content, from simple Web sites containing static HTML files to complex, dynamically generated Web pages and Web applications that can automate your business processes and improve communications.

Among other things, the NetWare Enterprise Web Server lets you

The information in this section will help you become familiar with how to manage Web server settings, how to publish content to it, and how to add your own Web applications.

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