Port Number Assignments
Port numbers enable IP packets to be sent to a particular process on a computer that is connected to the Internet. Some port numbers are permanently assigned; for example, e-mail data under SMTP goes to port number 25. A process such as a Telnet session receives a temporary port number when it starts. The data for that Telnet session goes to newly assigned port number, and the port number goes out of use when the telnet session ends.
A total of 65,535 port numbers are available for use.
Some port numbers in NetWare® 6 can be reasssigned from one net service to another. Others cannot be reassigned. When adding or removing products or services from your NetWare 6 installation, or when making new port number assignments, refer to the following table, which indicates default port assignments and notes which ports can be reassigned and which cannot.
The symbols used in the table indicate the following:
= The port is configurable
= The port is not configurable
= Dependent on a subsystem
= Availability and dependency cannot be determined
Table 19. Port Assignments and Availability Status, Listed by Product
Apache |
80 443 |
Apple* Filing Protocol (AFP) |
548 |
BorderManagerTM |
21 119 443 1040 1045 1959 7070 8080 9090 |
Common Internet File System (CIFS) |
139 |
CsAudit |
2000 |
8090 |
DirXML Remote Loader |
8000 |
Domain Name Service (DNS) |
53 |
eGuide |
389 636 |
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) |
20 21 |
GroupWise® Monitor |
1099 |
GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) |
25 110 143 389 636 9850 |
GroupWise Web Access |
80 443 7205 |
iFolderTM |
80 389 443 636 |
iMonitor |
80 |
iPrint |
443 631 |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
389 636 |
Line Printer Requester (LPR) |
515 |
Media Server |
554 |
Message Transfer Agent (MTA) |
3800 7100 7180 |
NetWare Core ProtocolTM (NCPTM) |
524 |
NetWare Enterprise Web Server |
80 443 |
NetWare File System |
20 111 2049 |
NetWare Graphical User Interface |
9000 9001 |
NetWare/IP (NWIP) |
396 |
NetWare Remote Manager (NRM) |
80 81 8008 8009 |
NetWare Web Access |
80 |
Network Time Protocol (NTP) |
123 |
21571 21572 |
Novell Internet Messaging System (NIMSTM) |
80 81 110 143 389 443 444 636 |
Novell Modular Authentication Services (NMASTM) |
1242 |
Portal Services |
80 443 8080 |
Post Office Agent (POA) |
1677 2800 7101 7181 |
Radius |
1812 |
Remote ConsoleTM DOS |
2034 |
Remote Console Java |
2034 2036 2037 |
Server Compatibility Mode Driver (SCMD) |
2302 |
Service Locator Protocol (SLP) |
427 |
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) |
161 |
Telnet |
23 |
Tomcat |
8080 |
Virtual Private Network (VPN) |
213 353 2010 |
Web Manager |
2200 |
ZenworksTM for Desktops 3 |
2544 2638 8039 |
Zenworks for Servers 2 |
80 443 1229 2037 2544 8008 8009 |