Editing FTPSERV.CFG Configuration Files

The configuration file FTPSERV.CFG is created by default during the FTP Server installation and is placed in the SYS:\ETC directory. A separate FTPSERV.CFG file exists for each FTP Server that is installed on the cluster.

Each FTPSERV.CFG file contains a line that specifies the IP address assigned to the FTP server. By default, the IP address assigned to the FTP server is the same IP address that is assigned to the NetWare server where the FTP server resides.

A separate unique IP address must be assigned to the FTP server so that it can move with the FTP server during failover and failback. Edit the FTPSERV.CFG file and change the HOST_IP_ADDR line to specify the unique IP address you want to assign to the FTP server. For example, if the unique IP address you want to assign to the FTP server is, the line would read Host_IP_ADDR=

Assigning a unique IP address to the FTP server allows it to bind to the unique IP address instead of to the IP address of the local host.

FTPSERV.CFG also contains a line that specifies the default home directory for FTP users. This home directory must reside on a volume on the shared disk system. The volume where the home directory resides doesn't have to be cluster enabled.

Edit FTPSERV.CFG and change the DEFAULT_USER_HOME line to specify the user home directory and volume on the shared disk system. For example, if the user home directory on the shared volume is SHARE1:/HOME, the line would read DEFAULT_USER_HOME=SHARE1:HOME.

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