Post-Installation Steps If You Are Using the Pervasive Database

  1. The Pervasive database server should be started before continuing with the post-installation steps. To start the server, type mgrstart at the server console.

  2. Execute the command psregsvr sys:\system\mkc.nlm at the server console.

  3. By default, two licenses are provided for Pervasive. For unlimited licenses for 90 days, run the Pervasive utility by typing the following command at the server console.

    NWUCINIT -C11 -Q sys:\pvsw\license2

    SYS:\PVSW refers to the directory in which Pervasive is installed.

    To view the installed licenses, type the following command at the server console.

    NWUCUTIL -g11

  4. Install the Pervasive client on a Windows machine by running SYS:\PVSW\CLIENTS\WIN\SETUP.EXE, available on the NetWare 6 server.

    For information on Pervasive 2000i client compatibility with different versions of the Windows operating system, refer to the Pervasive 2000i Readme file.

  5. From the client, start the Pervasive Control Center by clicking Start > Programs > Pervasive > Pervasive Control Center.

  6. Right-click Pervasive.SQL 2000i Engine > click Register New Engine.

  7. Enter the name of the server where the Audit database is to be hosted.

  8. Browse to the database folder.

  9. Right-click Databases > click New Database.

  10. In the New Database wizard, enter the following details.

    • Server Name
    • Interface - Select Engine as the interface type
    • User Name - The server administrator name in the format .admin.novell
    • Password for the server administrator.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Enter NAASADMN as the database name and \\Netware_server_name\sys:\_netware as the directory > click Next.

  13. Click Finish.

    A new database is created and an informational message is displayed. .

  14. Click OK

    The NAASADMN entry will appear below Databases in the left pane.

After you complete the post-installation tasks, NAAS must be configured before you can use the components. You can run the NAAS default configuration utility to do this, or you can do the configuration manually. For information on the default configuration utility, see NAAS Default Configuration Utility. For information on manual configuration, see Manually Configuring Novell Advanced Audit Service.

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