Administrator Tasks

There are several ways that you can simplify your administration tasks and customize how Windows workstations interact with the network.

Specifying Contexts in the Context Search File

During the installation, you specified the NDS® contexts of Windows users that required access to the network. These contexts are saved in the context search file. When the Windows user enters a username, the Novell® Native File Access Pack component running on the server searches through each context in the list until it finds the correct User object.

NOTE:  In Domain mode, if User objects with the same name exist in different contexts, each user object attempts authentication in order until one succeeds with the corresponding password.

You can add or remove contexts by editing the context search file.

  1. Using any text editor, edit the CIFSCTXS.CFG file stored in the SYS:\ETC directory of the server running Novell Native File Access Protocols.

  2. On separate lines, enter the full contexts to search.

    For example if you had users with full NDS distinguished names such as Robert.sales.acme,,, and, then you would enter the following contexts to the CIFSCTXS.CFG file:


  3. Save the file in the SYS:\ETC directory.

  4. At the server console, enter CIFSSTOP to unload the current context search file.

  5. Enter CIFSSTRT to load the new context search file and apply the changes.

When Windows users log in, they enter only a username and the simple password. The system finds the User object in the context specified in the CIFSCTXS.CFG file.

NOTE:  Remember that users must have a simple password before they can access the network.

Providing Network Access to Domain Users

You can provide access to users from an existing NT domain by importing them into NDS.

  1. Configure the Novell Native File Access Protocols software for Domain authentication.

    Importing users from an NT domain is not supported in Local Mode. In Local Mode, the main NetWare® Remote Manager page is displayed rather than the NFAP Import Users page.

  2. Run NetWare Remote Manager following the instructions described in the NetWare Remote Manager Administration Guide in the NetWare 6 documentation.

    The NetWare Remote Manager is launched by entering the IP address of the server into the URL field of an Internet browser.

  3. In the left frame, click Manage eDirectory > NFAP Import Users.

  4. Browse to the NDS Context that you will import the users into.

    Any time you reach a valid context for importing users, a Start button will appear.

  5. Click Start to import users.

    The context that you select will be automatically written to the CIFSCTXS.TXT file, which contains all the contexts of all users.

    Status of the import is given on the interval that you select.

  6. When the import is complete, click Done to clear the screen.

Customizing the Network Environment Using a Configuration File

  1. Log in to the server running the Novell Native File Access Protocols.

  2. Change to the SYS:\ETC\ directory.

  3. Edit CIFS.CFG using a text editor.

    Enter the desired parameters following the rules for syntax.

  4. Save the CIFS.CFG file to the same directory (SYS:\ETC).

  5. Restart the server.

Configuration File Parameters

The following parameters can be set in the SYS:\ETC\CIFS.CFG file to customize the user experience for your environment.

HINT:  Any parameter can be excluded by placing a # at the beginning of the command line. If the parameter is excluded, the default value is used.


The name of the server running Novell Native File Access Protocols. The length can be a maximum of 15 characters. This name is displayed in Network Neighborhood. This server name must be different from the NetWare Server name.

Value: 'Server_Name'

Default: None


The comment associated with the server name listed above. This comment is displayed when viewing details.

Value: 'Comments'

Default: None


The method of authentication used by Novell Native File Access Protocols.

Value: Domain | Local

Default: Local


The domain or workgroup that the server will belong to.

Value: 'Domain_Name'

Default: Workgroup


The domain or workgroup that the server will belong to. Workgroup and Domain can be used intergchangeably.

Value: 'Workgroup_Name'

Default: Workgroup


The PDC server name and static IP address. This is needed if the PDC is on a different subnet. This option should be used only when there is a valid reason for overriding WINS or DNS.

NOTE:  The address of the PDC must be static; otherwise, if the PDC reboots and the address changes, the server running Novell Native File Access Protocols will not be able to contact the PDC.

Value: 'PDC_Name' Address

Default: None


The PDC server name. If the PDC and server running Novell Native File Access Protocols are on different subnets, clients must use DNS name resolution to find the server. PDCNAME does not include the IP address.

Value: 'PDC_Name'

Default: None


Address of WINS server to be used to locate the PDC, if the PDC and server running Novell Native File Access Protocols are on different subnets.

Value: IP_Address

Default: None


Bind the CIFS protocol to the IP address specified. For multiple addresses, repeat the command as needed.

Value: IP_Address

Default: Bound to all addresses.


Allow any volumes or directories on the server to be specified as shared points and to be accessible via the Network Neighborhood. If no -SHARE line is specified (or is commented out), then all mounted volumes are displayed.

Value: 'Localpath' 'Sharename' Connection Limit 'Comment'

Default: All mounted volumes are shared.


When On (enabled), this command enables Unicode characters (used in double-byte languages).

Value: On | Off

Default: Off (disabled)

IMPORTANT:  To support Unicode, an additional file named UNINOMAP.TXT must be created and saved in the SYS:\ETC directory. When the -UNICODE value is set to On, the UNINOMAP.TXT file is used to resolve Unicode-to-ASCII "no-map" problems.

To specify "no-map" cases in the UNINOMAP.TXT file, enter the first Unicode value to watch for and then the second value representing the ASCII replacement code. For example:

0178 98


Save the values in the UNINOMAP.TXT file. If an unmappable character is encountered, the system uses the ASCII substitution character specified in the file.

Sample Configuration File

#This name will display in Network Neighborhood with the #following comment. 


-COMMENT 'Server running Novell Native File Access Protocols'

#Novell Native File Access Protocols is configured to use Local #authentication.


#The workgroup name is ONENET.


#When this volume is mounted, the local path CIFSVOL:\ will appear as a sharepoint named Graphics Volume with unlimited connections (0) and its corresponding comment.

-SHARE 'CIFSVOL:\' 'Graphics Volume' 0 'Lots of image files'

Configuration File Shortcuts

You can enter the following commands at the server console to modify the configuration file.

CIFS SHARE ADD 'localpath' 'sharename' connectionlimit 'comment' adds a new sharepoint and also adds the command to the CIFS.CFG file.
CIFS SHARE REMOVE 'sharename' removes the sharepoint and comments it out of the CIFS.CFG file.

Viewing Configuration Details

You can view details about how Novell Native File Access Protocols are configured by entering the following commands at the server console.

CIFS INFO displays operational information.
CIFS SHARE displays all active sharepoints.
CIFS SHARE sharename displays information about a specific sharepoint.

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