Managing Print Jobs

The following sections provide specific information about the NDPS print job management features. All of the procedures listed below can be performed either through NetWare Administrator or through the Novell Printer Manager. Users designated as Managers or Operators for a printer can perform these tasks for all jobs routed to that printer; individual job owners can only perform these tasks for their own print jobs.

Viewing Print Job Information

You can view information about individual print jobs waiting to be processed by a specific printer by using the following procedure.

  1. In iManage, click Print Management > Manage Printer.

  2. Browse to and select the printer the job was sent to.

  3. Click Printer Control > Jobs.

    Information about the print jobs is displayed.

Deleting Print Jobs

Administrators can delete any print job after it has been submitted if the job has not yet started printing. Users can delete only their own print jobs.

NDPS allows you to delete a print job from the jobs list by using the following procedure.

  1. In iManage ,click Print Management > Manage Printer.

  2. Browse to and select the printer the job was sent to.

  3. Click Printer Control > Jobs.

  4. Check the checkbox next to the job you want to delete.

  5. Click delete.

Changing the Order of Print Jobs

Occasionally, you might need to print a job sooner than other jobs that have already been submitted to a printer and are awaiting servicing. Administrators can move jobs up or down the list. Users can only move jobs down the list.

Administrators can reorder any print job after it has been submitted if the job has not yet started printing. Users can reorder only their own print jobs.

The following procedure explains how this is done.

  1. In iManage, click Print Management > Manage Printer.

  2. Browse to and select the printer the job was sent to.

  3. Click Printer Control > Jobs.

  4. Check the checkbox next to the job you want to modify.

  5. Click Promote to move a print job up the list.

Moving Print Jobs

NDPS allows operators and job owners to copy or move a print job to another printer. The target printer must be running on the same server (managed by the same NDPS Manager) as the printer on which the job currently resides. Also, the target printer must be compatible with the driver that formatted the job. For example, if a job was formatted with an HP5si driver, it should not be copied or moved to an HP LaserJet* III.

Administrators can copy or move any print job after it has been submitted if the job has not yet started printing. Users can copy or move only for their own print jobs.

To move a print job using iManage, do the following.

  1. In iManage, click Print Management > Manage Printer.

  2. Browse to and select the printer the job was sent to.

  3. Click Printer Control > Jobs.

  4. Check the checkbox next to the job you want to modify.

  5. Click Move to move the print job to another printer in the list.

Modifying Print Jobs

You can modify a print job in two ways:

Administrators can modify any print job after it has been submitted if the job has not yet started printing. Users can modify only their own print jobs.

To modify a job, do the following.

  1. In NetWare Administrator, select the printer the job was sent to from the browser window, and then click Jobs/Job List.

    If you want to see a list of jobs already processed and being retained, click the Show Retained Jobs option.

  2. Select the job you want to modify.

  3. Click Job Configuration > Job Options and then select Configurations from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the properties you want and click OK.

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