ConsoleOne 1.3

Installing the NICI Client

Some of the ConsoleOne snap-ins for NetWare 6 require the NICI Client. To use those snap-ins, you must install NICI on every workstation where you will use ConsoleOne.

IMPORTANT:  Two versions of NICI are provided for Windows platforms: 1.5.7 and 2.0.2. We recommend that you install both versions.

NICI 1.5.7 is implemented as a kernel driver, while NICI 2.0.2 is implemented as a shared DLL. Applications using NICI 1.5.7 will not work if only NICI 2.0.2 is installed. Likewise, new applications will require at least NICI version 2.0.2. Both NICI versions can be installed on the same Windows workstations, providing support for all applications.

A Client CD containing the NICI client for Microsoft* Windows operating systems is included with NetWare 6. NICI clients for Solaris* and Linux* can be found on the Novell software download page.

To install the NICI client from the Client CD, insert the CD. An autorun application begins. Select the NICI client from the list.

Running ConsoleOne on the NetWare Server Console

For best performance, we recommend that you install ConsoleOne on a workstation. Use the NetWare 6 Client CD to install ConsoleOne and snap-ins onto your workstation.

Losing Connection to ConsoleOne after Cluster

After a node in the cluster dies, you should log out and then log back in to see the Cluster View in ConsoleOne.

ConsoleOne Is Not Refreshing Properly

With 3D mouse pointer software installed on a machine running ConsoleOne, the screen might appear to not refresh properly.

To solve this problem, remove the 3D mouse pointers.

For more information on this issue, refer to Solution #10058840.

ConsoleOne Does Not See the Tree

In a pure IP environment, ConsoleOne does not see the eDirectoryTM tree of the server that ConsoleOne is running on.

To fix this, make the following changes in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file:

For more information on this issue, refer to Solution #2943528.

Administering Volumes and Files Using Novell Client for Windows 95/98

There is a defect in earlier versions of Novell ClientTM for Windows 95/98 that causes problems when you try to administer volumes and files in ConsoleOne. (This is not a problem with Windows NT or 2000.) This defect has been resolved in the Novell Client that ships with NetWare 6.

If you are using an earlier version of the Client, you should disable caching on Windows 95/98 by modifying several settings in the Client properties panel.

  1. Right-click the red N in the system tray.

  2. Click Novell Client Properties > Advanced Settings.

  3. For each of the following options, adjust the setting as specified:

    Option Setting

    Cache Writes

    Change from On to Off.

    Delay Writes

    Change from On to Off.

    File Cache Level

    Change from 3 to 0.

    File Write Through

    Change from Off to On.

    True Commit

    Change from Off to On.

  4. Click OK.

Support for the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set

This release of ConsoleOne does not support the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS). We are currently working on a patch to allow HKSCS support in future releases of ConsoleOne.

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