
Installing Printers on Windows NT/2000

To install a printer on Windows NT/2000, you must have Administrator rights or be a Power User.

Managing iPrint

iPrint can be managed with the Novell® iManage browser-based management utility. Not all operations have been included in iManage. For those operations that you cannot complete in iManage, you can use NetWare Administrator. For information on setting up iManage, see the Novell iManager Administration Guide.

IP Address Limitation

When using iPrint, IP addresses must be between 1 and 255 for the Network ID and Host ID. Addresses that have a 0 (zero) in any of the four octets are not currently supported. For example, is not supported.

Using NDPS Gateways

When you use iManage to create an NDPS® Printer object and select the Novell Gateway, the Novell Gateway (NDPSGW.NLM) is used.

When you use NetWare Administrator to create a Printer object and select the Novell Gateway, the gateway comprised of PH.NLM and NDPDS.NLM is used. This is the only version of the gateway that supports RP protocol and local ports.

To use a third-party print vendor's gateway, you must use NetWare Administrator to create the NDPS Printer object.

Running iPrint Map Designer

To have full functionality of the iPrint Map Designer, IPPSRVR.NLM must be loaded before starting iPrint Map Designer.

Changing Printer Security Levels

If you change the printer agent security level to high and do not check the Requires Security check box on the IPP Support page of the printer's Client Support Page in iManage, you will receive the following error:

Error message: iPrint Client - "The request requires user authentication."

IMPORTANT:  When you check the Requires Security check box, the URL for the associated printer will change. Users who have already installed this printer will have to delete and reinstall the printer in order to use the updated URL.

Invalid IP Address When Loading the NDPS Manager

When you load the NDPS Manager, you can specify an IP address or DNS name. If you do not specify one, the NDPS Manager uses the address stored in SYS:\ETC\HOSTNAME. If either the IP address or DNS name specified on the command line or in the HOSTNAME file is invalid, you will receive the following error:

IP Address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx, specified at load time, is not bound. Program execution cannot continue normally. Press Escape to continue.

To resolve the error, use a valid DNS Name or IP Address on the command line, or edit the SYS:\ETC\HOSTNAME file to contain a valid address.

Using TTS on NSS Volumes

By default the Transaction Tracking SystemTM (TTSTM) is not enabled on NSS volumes for NetWare 6 servers. To protect database integrity, NDPS requires that TTS be enabled on the NDPS Manager's host volume before NDPSM.NLM is loaded. If the NDPS Manager's host volume is an NSS volume, you should enable TTS by completing the following:

  1. Enter

    NSS /transaction=NDPS_Manager_host_volume_name

    If you want to list the NSS volumes on a server, enter NSS volumes.

  2. Dismount the NSS volume by entering

    NSS /Deactivate=NDPS_Manager_host_volume_name

  3. Remount the volume with TTS enabled by entering

    mount NDPS_Manager_host_volume_name

iPrint Client Install Page Has No Link

When using a map generated by the iPrint Map Designer, if users click on a printer from a workstation that does not have the iPrint client installed, they might be redirected to an iPrint client install page that does not have the client install link.

To resolve this, use a text editor to edit LOGIN\IPPDOCS\TOOLS.JS and make the following changes to the Function: ProductNotInstalled section.

Replace the

"        document.writeln(\"" + parent.iprintclientinstallString + "<BR><BR>\");\n" +

line of code with these lines:

"        document.writeln(\"" + parent.iprintclientinstallString + "\");\n" +

"        document.writeln(\"<BR>\");\n" +

"        document.writeln(\"<BR>\");\n" +

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