Other Issues

Deactivate Shared NSS Pools

After creating shared NSS pools or volumes, you must deactivate them before you bring the cluster resource online; otherwise, the resource will go comatose because it is already active on the server where it was created.

Using DELAY.NLM in Cluster Resource Scripts

If you use DELAY.NLM to delay execution of commands in a cluster resource load or unload script, do not use the load command in the script to load DELAY.NLM. Instead, add a command to load DELAY.NLM to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file on each server where the resource will run. Then specify the amount of time you want to delay command execution by adding the DELAY command to the load or unload script. For example, if you want to cause a five-second delay, add DELAY 5 to the script.

Do Not Use the Prepare Volume for Use by Novell Cluster Services Option in NetWare Remote Manager

If you are using NetWare Remote Manager to create NSS pools and volumes to use in your cluster, do not check the Prepare Volume for Use by Novell Cluster Services check box. This feature does not work and will not correctly cluster enable your newly created pool or volume.

Instead, go to the NetWare Remote Manager Cluster Config screen and use the New Cluster Volume button to cluster enable the volume. You can also use ConsoleOneTM to create and cluster enable NSS volumes.

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