Checking for Disk Errors

MONITOR indicates how many data blocks have been redirected by Hot FixTM because of bad sectors on the disk. Review Hot Fix statistics regularly to detect disk problems before they cause loss of data.

IMPORTANT:  When the number of available Hot Fix redirection blocks is 10 or fewer, NetWare broadcasts warning messages. If you receive these messages, the Hot Fix redirection area is nearly full and the disk is in danger of failing. Take immediate corrective action.

Follow this procedure to review the Hot Fix statistics in MONITOR.

NOTE:  Some hard disks perform their own redirection automatically, independent of the NetWare Hot Fix mechanism. The MONITOR statistics reflect only Hot Fix redirection.

  1. Load MONITOR at the server console prompt.

    For instructions on using MONITOR, see MONITOR in the Utilities Reference.

  2. Select Storage Devices, then select a Hot Fix partition.

  3. Press Tab to expand the information window.

    The window displays several Hot Fix statistics.

    The following statistics indicate how much data redirection is taking place:

    Total Hot Fix Blocks Available: The total number of blocks within the Hot Fix redirection area, whether used or not.

    Used Hot Fix Blocks: The number of blocks holding redirected data.

    Number of Available Hot Fix Blocks: Remaining unused blocks in the Hot Fix redirection Area.

    System Hot Fix Blocks: The number of blocks in the Hot Fix redirection area set aside for Hot Fix and Mirroring tables. These blocks are used to manage both Hot Fix and mirroring.

    The number of available Hot Fix blocks equals the total number of Hot Fix blocks, minus the used and system Hot Fix blocks.

  4. Note the number of used Hot Fix blocks and compare it to the total number of blocks and the number of available blocks.

    If the number of redirected blocks is zero or very low, and if it has not changed since you last reviewed the statistics, you do not need to take corrective action.

    If the number of redirected blocks has increased substantially since you last reviewed the statistics, or if the number is over half the total number of redirection area blocks, back up the data on the hard disk and troubleshoot the disk, controller, and host bus adapter.

    If the number of redirected blocks has increased slightly since you last reviewed the statistics, monitor the server closely and be prepared to troubleshoot the hardware if necessary.

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