Activating and Deactivating a Hard Disk

Use this procedure to determine the operating status of your disk subsystem components and to activate or deactivate a storage device. (When you deactivate a disk, its volumes are dismounted.)

  1. From the MONITOR Available Options, select Storage Devices.

    For instructions on using MONITOR, see MONITOR in Utilities Reference.

    A list of Registered Storage Objects appears. The device information associated with a highlighted storage device appears in the upper window. You can verify the type of storage device in the Device Type field.

    NOTE:  Storage devices are listed in hierarchical order to reflect each object's dependencies. In descending order, each object is indented to indicate that it is a child to the object above it. In ascending order, parent objects appear immediately above the highlighted object.

  2. Select the appropriate hard disk from the list.

    The Drive Status window appears. The Operating Status field indicates whether the device is activated or deactivated.

  3. Press Enter to access the Operating Status options.

  4. To change the operating status of the disk, highlight either Activate or Deactivate and press Enter.

    If you attempt to deactivate a disk that has mounted volumes, you receive a confirmation prompt. If you confirm that you want to deactivate the disk, the volumes are dismounted.

  5. Press Esc until you return to Available Options.

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