Configuring a Secondary IP Address

A secondary IP address can be configured on the same interface that has the primary IP address.

When multiple interfaces exist, the secondary address is associated with the interface that is bound to an address that is on the same network. If there are more than one interface on the same network, then you can select the interface to add the secondary IP address. If the secondary address is not valid on any of the networks bound to existing interfaces, the address is rejected and an error message is produced.

To configure a secondary IP addresses, do the following:

  1. Add a secondary IP address by entering the following at the command prompt:

    add secondary IPAddress x.x.x.x noarp prompt

    Noarp is used to add the secondary IP address as the non-ARPable one. If you don't use noarp, it will be added as ARPable. Prompt allows you to select from the available interfaces. If you don't use prompt, it will be added to the first bound interface of the same network.

  2. Delete the secondary IP address by entering the following command:

    del secondary IPAddress x.x.x.x

  3. Display the secondary IP addresses by entering the following command:

    display secondary IPAddress

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