
Use at the server console to



Parameter Use to


View the Link State Packets (LSPs) received by the router, if the remote router is running NetWare Link Services ProtocolTM (NLSPTM).


When you load IPXCON, the top of the screen displays a summary of routing statistics for the selected router. (The following figure shows a partial display of routing statistics.) The bottom of the screen displays an Available Options menu.

IPXCON routing statistics screen example

The following table explains the fields in the summary display. Because IPXCON is a real-time monitor, these fields are always active, and some values in the fields change as the router processes IPX packets.

Field Explanation

Host Address

Name of the router being monitored.

Packets Received

Number of IPX packets received by the selected router.

Packets Sent

Number of IPX packets sent by the selected router.

Packets Forwarded

Number of IPX packets forwarded by the selected router.


Number of circuits in use on the router.

A circuit is a logical attachment to a network segment through which a router can reach other systems. A circuit can be a local or wide area connection.


Number of networks known to the selected router.


Number of services that can be reached from the selected router.

The Available Options menu allows access to additional features of IPXCON. These features are described in the following table.

Option Use to

SNMP Access Configuration

Select the server you want to monitor.

You can monitor the local system, which is the default, or a remote system.

You can monitor the remote system through IPX or TCP/IP.

You can also set the poll interval to specify how often the information will be retrieved through SNMP.

IPX Information

View statistics for the selected router's IPX packet routing.

To display additional packet routing statistics, select Detailed IPX Information from the bottom of the IPX Information window.

IPX Router Information

View general information about the selected IPX router.

NLSP Information

View the following NLSP information about the selected router:

System information
Area addresses

To view the Link State Packets (LSPs) received by the system, load IPXCON by typing


The LSP option is enabled only if the server is running NLSP.


View circuit information.


View the Forwarding table.


View information for the currently reachable services.

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