The slpuasa deamon provides the functionality for both the User Agent as well as the Service Agent.The slpuasa deamon will read the /etc/slpuasa.conf file on start-up and do a Active-Discovery of the DA on the Network if the "isMulticastOnly" option is disabled or commented (Default value is 0), otherwise the slpuasa deamon will use the multicast option.
The slpuasa.conf file contains a list of configuration parameters for configuring the SLP User Agent - Service Agent daemon. slpuasa daemon reads this file when it is started.
If any change is made to the slpuasa.conf file, the daemon needs to be restarted for the changes to be reflected.
Each parameter is in a single line in the form: parameter=value
Parameters are described as follows:
The Maximum Path Unit to be set parameter is used by the Service Agent to service the SLP requests. The default value is 1400.
A value of 1 means that the slpuasa daemon will not discover any Directory Agents (active or passive). Use this option only if you have problems due to a Directory Agent, because this parameter can cause an unnecessary increase in the multicast traffic in the network. The default value is 0.
Use to select either broadcast or multicast SLP requests. A value of 0 means the User Agent and Service Agent use multicast. A value of 1 means they use broadcast. The default value is 0.
The value of the site's multicast TTL. The default value is 32.
SLP scope that the preferred DA is configured with. Provides the Scopes with which this UASA is configured with the preferred DA.
Preferred DA IP address or DNS name.
Example :
#net.slp.useScopes = printer.
The slpuasa can be started/stooped with the slpuasa script as /etc/init.d/slpuasa {start/stop} on Solaris and as /etc/rc.d/init.d/slpuasa {start/stop} on Linux.
The slpinfo diagnostic Utility helps to list the :
a). -t Option : Lists the various servie-types.
b). -s <service-type> : Lists Various Services Under the Service-type :
example : slpinfo -s "ndap.novell///" will list all the services under the Service-Type : "ndap.novell".
The query can also be given with attributes :
Example : slpinfo -s "ndap.novell//svcname-ws==*name*.)" will list all the services containing text name.
c). -a "service:ndap.novell:///treename."
The query will list the Attributes of the respective-tree. i.e. svcname , svcaddr ( The TCP and UDP addresses of the Server ) , svcid , version , nds-version etc.