Novell® GroupWise® 7 provides substantial improvements over GroupWise 6.x in five areas:
Windows Client Enhancements: The Windows client has a new look and feel that includes the Nav Bar, Panels, Home Folder, color schemes, and new icons. In addition to the new look and feel, you can now create and view multiple calendars, create all day events, spell check as you type, use Quick Filters, see the Messenger presence information for users, create HTML signatures, and control inline quotations.
Cross-Platform Enhancements: The Cross-Platform client has added many features including spell checking, rules, junk mail handling, cleanup tools for your mailbox, backup and restore, and the ability to set your default views, create all day events, and control inline quotations.
WebAccess Client Enhancements: The WebAccess client has a new look and feel that brings it closer to the look and feel of the Windows client. Some of the new features include easier tabbed navigation, the ability to drag and drop items, right-click on items, folder management, Work in Progress folder, and name completion from your Frequent Contacts Address Book.
Administration Enhancements: GroupWise administrators have additional control over users’ working environments, including granting rights to users to edit distribution lists, appending global signatures to users’ messages, and controlling the appearance of the GroupWise Windows client interface.
Agent Enhancements: The POA now supports SOAP, so that SOAP clients such as Evolution™ can connect to GroupWise. The GroupWise Linux agents can now run as a non-root user and the new High Availability service automatically restarts the Linux agents if they go down unexpectedly. The Linux and Windows agents support IPV6. IPV6 support is not currently available on NetWare®.
For a complete listing of all major enhancements and new features in the GroupWise components, refer to the following sections: