The following sections help you to set up Internet addressing:
Before you can set up Internet addressing, you must install the GroupWise Internet Agent. If you have not already installed the agent, see Installing the GroupWise Internet Agent
in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide.
In ConsoleOne, click
.In the
list, select the Internet Agent to use as the default Internet Agent for your system.By default, each domain uses this Internet Agent for outbound messages sent by users in the domain. If you have multiple Internet Agents in your GroupWise system, you can override the default setting at the domain level. For more information, see Domain Overrides.
To define an Internet domain, click
to display the Internet Domain Name dialog box.Specify the Internet domain you want to define in your GroupWise system, then click
to add it to the list of Internet domains.Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for each Internet domain you want to define.
When you finish, all Internet domains you want to define should be listed in the
box.The preferred Internet domain is indicated by a check mark. This is the Internet domain name that is used when GroupWise constructs a user’s preferred e-mail address. A preferred e-mail address is the address that is published in the GroupWise Address Book and in the To field of sent messages. You can override the preferred Internet domain name at the domain, post office, and user/resource levels. For more information, see Section 45.2.3, Overriding Internet Addressing Defaults.
If the Internet domain you want to be the default preferred domain for your GroupWise system is not already selected, select the desired Internet domain, then click
.In the Preferred Address Format list, select your system’s default Internet address format.
This is the format that is used when displaying addresses in the GroupWise Address Book and in a message’s From field if it is not overridden at a lower level. For a list of the available addressing formats and their respective advantages and disadvantages, see Section 45.1.4, Preferred Address Format.
You can override the preferred address format at the domain, post office, and user/resource levels. For more information, see Section 45.2.3, Overriding Internet Addressing Defaults.
If desired, turn on the
option.This option allows the Internet Agent to resolve addresses for incoming messages by performing first initial last name lookups on the username portion of the address. When doing so, the Internet Agent uses the first letter of the username as the first initial and the remainder of the username as the last name. It then resolves the address to any GroupWise users whose Last Name field (in their eDirectory User object properties) contains the last name and whose Given Name field starts with the first initial.
For example, if the recipient’s address is, the first initial would be J and the last name would be Peterson. The address would resolve to the user whose Last Name field is Peterson and Given Name field starts with J. If more than one user’s given name starts with J (for example, John and Janice), the message is undeliverable.
This option is useful if you want to be able to use the UserID@Internet_domain_name format but your userIDs do not really reflect your users’ actual names (for example, John Peterson’s user ID is 46789 so his address is In this case, you could publish users’ addresses as the first initial last name (for example, and enable this option so that the Internet Agent resolves the addresses to the appropriate users.
In the
list, select the address formats that you want to be supported for incoming messages. GroupWise delivers a message to the recipient if any of the allowed formats have been used in the address.You can override the allowed address formats at the domain, post office, and user/resource levels. For more information, see Section 45.2.3, Overriding Internet Addressing Defaults.
Click OK to save your changes.
If you changed the preferred address format, you are prompted to update the Internet e-mail address (User object >
) for all affected users. The Internet e-mail address is the address returned in response to LDAP queries to eDirectory™. It is recommended that you allow this update; however, performing it for the entire GroupWise system might take a while.At this point, Internet addressing is enabled.
All domains, post offices, and users/resources in your GroupWise system inherit the defaults (Internet Agent for outbound messages, preferred Internet domain name, preferred address format, and allowed address formats) you established when enabling Internet addressing for your system. However, if desired, you can override these defaults for individual domains, post offices, or users/resources.
At the domain level, you can override all Internet addressing defaults assigned to your GroupWise system.
In ConsoleOne, right-click a Domain object, then click
.To override one of the options, select the
box, then select the option you prefer for this domain.Click
to save the changes.If you changed the preferred address format, you are prompted to update the Internet e-mail address (User object >
) for all affected users. The Internet e-mail address is the address returned in response to LDAP queries to eDirectory. We recommend that you allow this update; however, performing it for an entire GroupWise domain might take a while.At the post office level, you can override the preferred Internet domain name, preferred address format, and allowed address formats the post office has inherited from its domain. You cannot override the Internet Agent that is assigned to handle outbound messages.
In ConsoleOne, right-click a Post Office object, then click
To override one of the options, select the
box, then select the option you prefer for this post office.If you need additional information about any of the fields, click
to save the changes.If you changed the preferred address format, you are prompted to update the Internet e-mail address (User object >
) for all affected users. The Internet e-mail address is the address returned in response to LDAP queries to eDirectory. We recommend that you allow this update; however, performing it for an entire GroupWise post office might take a while.At the user and resource level, you can override the preferred Internet domain, preferred address format, and allowed address formats that the user/resource has inherited from its post office. You cannot override the Internet Agent that is assigned to handle outbound messages.
In ConsoleOne, right-click a User or Resource object, then click
.To override one of the options, select the
box, then select the option you prefer for this user or resource.At the user and resource level, the preferred address format can be completely overridden by explicitly defining the user portion of the address format (user@Internet domain name). The user portion can include any RFC-compliant characters (no spaces, commas, and so forth).
For example, if you’ve selected First Name.Last Name@Internet domain name as your system’s preferred address format and you have two John Petersons, each on a different post office in your system, you would end up two users having the same address ( You could use this field to differentiate them by including their middle initials in their address ( and
You can use the same e-mail ID for more than one user in your GroupWise system, if each user is in a different Internet domain. Rather than requiring that each e-mail ID be unique in your GroupWise system, each combination of e-mail ID and Internet domain must be unique. This provides more flexibility for handling the situation where two people have the same name.
If you need additional information about any of the fields, click
to save the changes.If you changed the preferred address format for a user, you are prompted to update the user’s Internet e-mail address (
). The Internet e-mail address is the address returned in response to LDAP queries to eDirectory. We recommend that you allow this update.