You can salvage (recover) files and folders that have been deleted from NetWare volumes if they haven't been purged yet. By default, NetWare volumes undergo purges periodically, but you can purge specific files and folders immediately to recover space if needed.
In the left pane, right-click the volume or folder that the files and folders were deleted from > click Views > click Deleted File View.
The deleted files and folders appear in the right pane. To resize a column in the right pane, drag its border.
Ctrl+click or Shift+click the files and/or folders that you want to salvage.
Right-click your selection > click Salvage.
Salvaging a folder doesn't salvage its contents. You must salvage the folder first and then salvage its contents.
In the left pane, right-click the volume or folder that the files and folders were deleted from > click Views > click Deleted File View.
The deleted files and folders appear in the right pane. To resize a column in the right pane, drag its border.
Ctrl+click or Shift+click the files and/or folders that you want to purge.
WARNING:Purged files and folders can't be recovered. Once you click Purge, you can't cancel the operation.
Right-click your selection > click Purge.