You can restrict the amount of volume space that individual users can use. You can also place limits on the size that individual folders can grow to.
Currently, you can perform these tasks only on traditional NetWare volumes, not on NSS volumes.
Right-click the volume > click Properties > select the Users with Space Restrictions page.
In the User Name column, if the user whose space you want to restrict is already listed, click the user > Modify.
Otherwise, click Add to add the user.
In the dialog box that appears, select Limit Volume Space > enter a space limit in the field > click OK.
Click OK in the Properties dialog box.
Right-click the folder > click Properties.
On the Facts page, select Restrict Size.
In Limit, enter a size limit in kilobytes.
The limit will be rounded to the nearest 64 kilobytes.
Click OK.
Right-click the volume > click Properties > select the Users with Space Restrictions page.
In the User Name column, click the user > Delete.
Click OK.
The user is now limited only by the available space on the volume.
Right-click the folder > click Properties.
On the Facts page, deselect Restrict Size.
Click OK.
Any size restrictions on parent folders are still operative on this folder.