Complete the following tasks to install the sample project for testing and configuration purposes:
If you did not install the PSA during the initial driver installation, locate the product CD or download, go to the PeopleSoft application server, and run install.exe. You should see the following PSA files on your target server:
These files are self-extracting zip files that contain the PSA project folder and files for the respective 8.1x and 8.4x versions of PeopleTools. Extract the appropriate file onto the file system of your PeopleSoft Application Designer host (c:\psa).
To ensure that the PSA can be imported into the PeopleSoft Application server, make sure of the following:
After the PSA files have been installed in an accessible file system location, they must be imported into the PeopleSoft Database via the PeopleSoft Application Designer tool.
Connect to the PeopleSoft database as administrator in two tier mode.
In the Application Designer, select File > Copy Project From File.
Click Browse, then select the PSA project directory: c:\psa\psa-psa8.
Click Open.
With all object types selected, click Copy to copy all project components into the PeopleSoft database.
Connect to the PeopleSoft database as administrator in two tier mode.
In the Application Designer, select Tools > Copy Project > From File.
Click Browse and select the PSA project directory: c:\psa\DIRXML_PSA50_TOOLS84.
Click Open.
With all object types selected, click Copy to copy all project components into the PeopleSoft database.
After you have imported the project into the PeopleSoft database, you should build project record definitions and project views.
Log in to PeopleSoft using an administrator username that has administrative and development rights.
From the Application Designer, select Build > Project.
From Build Options, click Create Tables and Execute SQL Now. After project tables are created, click Close to close the Build Progress window.
Click Build to create sample project tables.
You must create project tables before creating the views. Views are created using information from table fields.
In the Application Designer, select Build > Project.
In Build Options, click Create Views and Execute SQL Now.
Click Build to create the sample project views. After views are created, click Close to close the Build Progress window.
In order for the driver to access PeopleSoft transaction tables, you need to apply security to the PSA. You accomplish this by creating the DirXML Administrator role and then assigning it to the administrative user. You can assign the role to an existing account or create a new account specifically for PSA security.
In the Application Designer, click Go > PeopleTools > Maintain Security.
Click Use > Roles > General > Add.
In the Add Role field, type DirXML Administration, then click OK.
In the Description field, type DirXML Administration.
Click the Permission Lists tab, then click the drop-down arrow.
For the Permission List value, type DIRXML, then click OK.
The Description field populates automatically.
Click Save.
Click Use > User Profiles > General > Update/Display.
Type your administrative user username as the User ID, then click OK.
Click the Roles tab, then click in the last row to add data.
Add the DirXML Administration 4 role to this user, then click Save.
Close and restart the PeopleSoft clients and applications.
Log in to the PeopleSoft portal.
Click PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles.
Click Add a New Value, then specify a role name (for example, DirXML Administrator).
Type a description for the role.
(Optional) Type a long description for the role.
Click the Permissions List tab.
Search for and select the DirXML permissions list, then click Save.
Assign the DirXML Administrator role to your administrative user by clicking PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles.
Click Search to locate the User Profile that you want to add the DirXML Administrator role to, then click the User ID.
Click the Role tab, then click Add to add a new role.
Search and select the role, click DirXML Administrator to add it, then click Save.
The PSA Sample project is intended to provide recommended PeopleSoft integration scenarios through the use of very comprehensive direction and examples. The various elements of the PSA are completely independent of any existing PeopleSoft application software, so there is no risk of data table corruption, extension, or modification.
The objects of the PSA include:
All of these objects are named with a prefix of DIRXML_ so that they cannot be confused with existing objects.
This application is intended to simulate the data and functions of an HR or other type of Person provisioning application. The base Record definitions for the application are:
The data is accessed using the DIRXML_ADMINISTRATOR menu options. The menu provides access to a DirXML Sample People component and a DirXML Sample Department component. These applications simulate the standard methods for adding and updating Department and Person data into the PeopleSoft database. The driver default configuration does not directly access any of these tables or components. Additionally, the data provided by this application is not passed directly to the driver from these components. The actual transfer of data takes place through staging table components.
The staging table interface is designed to insulate the PeopleSoft Application data from direct manipulation by the driver. This allows an interface to be designed to:
The Record definition that represents all of the data that can be published or subscribed by the driver is called DIRXML_STAGE01. This record aggregates most of the data fields from the three Application data records into a single access point. There are also additional fields not in the Application records that are used to contain references to the synchronized eDirectory objects.
For PeopleSoft users, the data in the staging table can be accessed via the DirXML Schema 01 component of the DIRXML_ADMINISTRATOR menu. The driver accesses the data via the DIRXML_SCHEMA01 Component Interface.
Every time a modification is made to the Application Data Records, transaction records are placed in the DIRXML_TRANS01 table. The PSA places identifiers indicating the key of the data row being modified, the time of the event, the type of event, and various other pieces of transaction related data. Any change made to a data row via the DIRXML_ADMINISTRATOR application interfaces will be recorded with an NPSDriver1P identifier that shows the data is being published by a PeopleSoft administrator. Changes made via the Component Interface API are be recorded with an NPSDriver1S identifier that shows the data was subscribed into the application tables programmatically.
In addition to providing an audit trail of database modifications, the transaction table is utilized by the driver to facilitate Publisher channel activities. The driver polls the transaction table for records in the Available state, reads the related application data record, and processes the data through the Publisher channel. The transaction records are then updated with the processing status.
In addition to the transaction tables and interfaces, the PSA includes utilities to monitor, maintain, archive, and remove transaction records.
Data moves between the various PeopleSoft Components and tables through PeopleCode. Each of the application data records in the PSA contains PeopleCode that performs the basic functions of moving data between the Staging table and Application tables, ensuring the integrity of the data and data transfers, and generating Transaction table records at the appropriate time and with the appropriate data. PeopleCode is very powerful and is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks, some of which are potentially destructive to your data.
IMPORTANT: Only personnel who have completed PeopleTools and PeopleCode training should modify the elements of the PSA.
These guidelines might prove helpful when implementing changes to the PSA.
You can test to ensure that transactions are created by entering a new person using the PeopleSoft Identity Manager sample application. This example uses Departments, so you need to create a sample department and then add a person (assigning him or her to that department) to validate that the application works. The following information explains how to test your sample applications.
In the Application Designer, select Go > DirXML Administrator.
In the DirXML Administrator menu, select Use > DirXML Sample Department.
Click an empty Department field row to add sample department, description, and DirXML DN values.
Click Save to add the Department.
From the DirXML Administrator menu, select Use > DirXML Sample People > Add.
Type data into the various fields for the new person, then click Save.
Asterisks represent required fields.
Validate that an ADD transaction was created by selecting Use > DirXML Transaction 01.
Click the Search button.
Verify that the transaction was created and select the transaction.
Click Use > DirXML Schema 01 > DirXML Schema01A.
Verify the Schema data on the first tab (Schema 01 A).
Verify that you can update the fields on the second tab (DirXML Schema 01 B).
Click Use > DirXML Trans by Associations and verify that you can view the data.
Click Use > DirXML Driver Defaults and verify that you can view the sequence of transactions.
Verify that other Transaction table applications work by clicking Use > DirXML Transaction 02 (03, 04, etc.), and DirXML Trans Maintenance.
You can create additional transaction tables (Transaction 05, Transaction 06, and so forth.) The delivered sample application is configured to use only Transaction01.
Log in to the PeopleSoft portal.
Click DirXML Administrator from the left-side menu.
If the DirXML_Administrator menu doesn't appear, you should delete the Application Server cache and reboot the Application Server.
Click DirXML Sample Department.
Specify a sample department, then click Save.
Click DirXML Sample People.
Enter values for a sample user, then click Save and verify that the user's data appears in the Transaction01 table.
Verify that other delivered application work by selecting them from the DirXML Administrator menu.