You install the driver as part of the Novell Nsure Identity Manager 2 installation program. For installation instructions, refer to the Novell Nsure Identity Manager 2 Administration Guide.
This section explains how to import the driver configuration for the Identity Manager Driver for User Management of SAP Software. After you have imported the configuration, you can use iManager to configure and manage the driver.
In this section, you will find information for:
As you import the driver configuration file, you will be prompted for the following information.
The following additional driver parameters are set to default values during the import process, but they can be modified in iManager (by clicking the Driver Configuration tab on the driver object.)
The Create Driver Wizard helps you import the basic driver configuration file. This file creates and configures the objects and policies needed to make the driver work properly.
The following instructions explain how to create the driver and import the driver's configuration.
In Novell iManager, click DirXML Utilities > Create Driver.
Select a driver set.
If you place this driver in a new driver set, you must specify a driver set name, context, and associated server.
Select Import a Driver Configuration from the Server, then select SAPUser.xml.
The driver configuration files are installed on the Web server when you install Identity Manager. During the import, you are prompted for the driver's parameters and other information. Refer to Configuration Information for more information.
Specify the driver's parameters, then click OK to import the driver.
When the import is finished, you can define security equivalences and exclude administrative roles from replication.
The driver object must be granted sufficient eDirectory rights to any object it reads or writes. You can do this by granting Security Equivalence to the driver object. The driver must have Read/Write access to users, post offices, resources, and distribution lists, and Create, Read, and Write rights to the post office container. Normally, the driver should be given security equal to Admin.
Review the driver objects in the Summary screen, then click Finish.
If you want to use the default configuration, you need to extend the eDirectory schema. This provides greater abilities to administrate the User Management functions of SAP R/3 and Enterprise R/3 systems. We recommend applying a set of schema extensions to the eDirectory tree that will synchronize with the SAP system.
During SAP's development of their own LDAP-based User Administration utilities, a standard set of schema extensions was developed for use with Novell eDirectory. These extensions are contained in the R3-Novell-Ldif-Schema-extension.ldif file. This file is designed to be applied to eDirectory by using the Novell Import Conversion Export (ICE) utility.
In addition to the ldif-format schema extension file, the schema extensions are also available in the sapuser.sch file (the eDirectory standard).
If you want to extend the schema using the LDIF file, the following instructions help you use the ICE utility. For additional information, refer to the Import Conversion Export utility documentation.
Activation must be completed within 90 days of installation or the driver will not run.
For activation information, refer to "Activating Novell Identity Manager Products" in the Novell Nsure Identity Manager 2 Administration Guide.