This section provides example notification messages for the Email add-on to the Novell Dynamic File Services Notification Services.
field is empty, the line is omitted from the message.Standard Pair Example
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Pair Created Operation Successful Date/Time: 05/02/2011 12:34:29 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Retention Pair Example
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER2: Pair Created Operation Successful Date/Time: 5/02/2011 12:35:30 PM Identity: EXAMPLE=SERVER2\Administrator Pair Name: MyRetentionPair Pair Type: Retention Primary Path: G:\finance Secondary Path: \\server44\finance_retention Description: Description of MyRetentionPair. Use the following URL to complete the retention review:
Standard Pair Example
Subject: NDFS Notification –EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Pair Unlinked Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/30/2011 12:41:22 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Retention Pair Example
Subject: NDFS Notification –EXAMPLE-SERVER2: Pair Unlinked Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/30/2011 12:41:22 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER2\Administrator Pair Name: MyRetentionPair Pair Type: Retention Primary Path: G:\finance Secondary Path: \\server44\finance_retention Description: Description of MyRetentionPair.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Created Operation Successful Date/Time: 6/28/2011 12:34:30 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 1GB.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Modified Operation Successful Date/Time: 6/28/2011 12:34:30 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Delete Operation Successful Date/Time: 6/28/2011 12:34:30 PM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Associated to Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Disassociated from Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Added Exclude/Include Folders to Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance. Current Exclude List: F:\home\bob\project1;F:\home\bob\project2
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Removed Exclude/Include Folders from Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance. Current Include/Exclude is set to None
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Execute Now on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Preview Now on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Scheduled to Run on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: Dswservice Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Policy Ran on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB. Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance. Total Files Moved to Primary = 2022 Total Files of Files Failed to Move to Primary = 0 Total Files Moved to Secondary = 0 Total Files Failed to Move to Secondary = 0
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Stop Running Processes on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1 Manual Move on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Schedule Created Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Weekly on Sunday Review Frequency: Weekly Description: Every Sunday at 12:00 AM until complete
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Schedule Modified Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Weekly on Saturday Review Frequency: Weekly Description: Every Saturday at 2:00 AM until complete
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Schedule Delete Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Weekly on Saturday Review Frequency: Weekly Description: Every Saturday at 2:00 AM until complete
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Schedule Associated to Policy Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Weekly on Saturday Review Frequency: Weekly Description: Every Saturday at 2:00 AM until complete Policy Name: BigFiles Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Schedule Disassociated from Policy Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Weekly on Saturday Review Frequency: Weekly Description: Every Saturday at 2:00 AM until complete Policy Name: Big Files Policy Direction: PrimaryToSecondary Description: Files GT 2GB.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Notification Review Modified Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Review Frequency: Quarterly
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER2: Retention Review Notification Use the following URL to complete the retention review: Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Schedule Name: Qtrly-Jan-lastday Review Frequency: Quarterly Pair Name: MyRetentionPair Pair Type: Retention Primary Path: G:\finance Secondary Path: \\server44\finance_retention Description: Description of MyRetentionPair.
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER2: Registration Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: Dynamic File Services Controller
Subject: NDFS Notification - EXAMPLE-SERVER1: Log Level Change on Pair Operation Successful Date/Time: 10/28/2011 1:01:21 AM Identity: EXAMPLE-SERVER1\Administrator Pair Name: HOMEPAIR Pair Type: Standard Primary Path: F:\home Secondary Path: \\nas1\home_secondary Description: Home folders on server1 to nas1 appliance. Current Log Level on DswMcpCore: Debug Current log level on DswStandardEngine: Debug