The Dynamic File Services retention pair consists of a primary path and a secondary path where files are stored but are not visible to users via a merged view. You specify policies to move files between the primary path and this repository. You determine how long to keep files for historical reference and to comply with contractual or legal requirements.
12.1.1 Managing Policies for Retention Pairs
Policies for retention pairs can move files only from the primary path to the secondary path. The files that are moved during a policy run are stored in a time-stamped folder. The data structure in a policy-run folder is relative to the root of the primary path, and is structurally the same.
For information, see Section 9.0, Creating and Managing Policies.
12.1.2 Configuring Non-Administrator Reviewers
Members of the Dynamic File Services Retention Review group can review retention data by using the Web-based Retention Review Service. Administrator privileges on the server are not required for membership. When reviewers work in the Web interface, they have all of the file access privileges necessary to restore or delete the retained files. They cannot open or use the files from the Web interface.
The Novell Dynamic File Services 2.2 Retention Review Quick Start provides an overview of the review process for non-administrator reviewers. It familiarizes them with the Retention Review Service and the review process without requiring them to understand Dynamic File Services and how the retention pair is created or managed.
12.1.3 Reviewing Retained Data
You can schedule reviews for the repository that meet your company’s compliance needs, such as monthly, quarterly, yearly, or by custom dates. Reviewers access the retained files via the Web-based Retention Review Service. Reviewers can delete files, keep files, and generate a report about the review. All retention review actions are audited.
12.1.4 Navigating the Retention Repository
A Dynamic File Services retention pair stores retained data in retention review folders. Each folder contain a set of files that were moved in a single policy run or a manual run for the primary location in a retention pair. A review folder’s name includes the date and time of that policy run.
The data structure in a review folder is relative to the root of the primary path, and is structurally the same. You can click a folder’s name link to navigate down through the file tree. The path for the is displayed at the top of the page to help you keep track of where you are in the structure. You can click a previous directory in the path to navigate back up the tree, or you can click any directory in the path to jump directly to it. Click the pair name to return to the top of its repository.
Folders and files in the structure are paged to display 1000 entries at a time. The files are listed alphabetically as you might see them in a Windows Explorer browser, with the folders grouped above the files. Use the and buttons to move from page to page. Click a page number to jump directly to a page.
For example, the first page displays the first 1000 storage objects in the folder, according to the alphabetical listing in the source folder. The second page displays the second 1000 storage objects, and so on.
On each page, the list provides information about the files and folders. Each row includes the name, the type as file extension or folder, the last date modified, the file owner, and the file size. Folder sizes are not reported (that is, the cell contains dashes (---) instead of a value).
Dynamic File Services keeps a database of user names and their Security Identifiers (SIDs) as files are moved to a retention repository. A strikethrough for an owner name indicates that the user name is invalid and no longer exists as a user or group on the server or in the Active Directory domain (if present). If the file is restored to its original location, the NTFS file system sees the SID, but the file is an orphan file without a valid owner. An owner name of indicates that the file was an orphan file when it was moved to the repository, and the SID is unknown to the UserName-SID database.
The default sort order per page is alphabetical by the e column. You can click a column heading to sort the displayed files in ascending order (click once) or descending order (click again). The sort order changes only for the files and folders that are currently displayed on the page. Numbers in file names are sorted as text, not as numbers.
A subfolder is automatically removed from the repository and display when all of the files in it have been permanently deleted or have been restored to the primary. A policy run or manual move folder is also removed when it no longer contains files.