Performs operations on a registration key file. The -registration action allows you to register a license key on the server where you have installed the Service component of Dynamic File Services. When it is used without providing a registration key file name, it checks to see if a key has already been registered.
You can get a license key from Novell Customer Center. Save the key as a .txt or .html file on the server.
DswCli.exe -registration [-regFilePath=<"filename">] [authentication_parameters] DswCli.exe -dumpLicense
For information about how to provide the servername and login credentials that are needed to connect to the server that you want to manage, see Section 3.3, Authentication Parameters.
When the -registration action is used without providing a key file name, it displays whether a license key has been registered on the Dynamic File Services server.
DswCli.exe -registration [authentication_parameters]
The following -registration command displays the registration status.
DswCli.exe -servername=localhost -u=Administrator -p=novell ‑registration
The -regFilePath option specifies the path and filename of the license key file for Dynamic File Services. The key file must have been previously obtained from the Novell Customer Center and saved to a location on the server.
DswCli.exe -registration -regFilePath=<"filename"> [authentication_parameters]
The following command reads the specified license key file and registers the license key with DynamicFS:
DswCli.exe -servername=localhost -u=Administrator -p=novell -registration -regFilePath="C:\dir1\myregistration.txt"
The -dumpLicense option outputs information to the terminal console about the license if the Dynamic File Services product is registered on the specified computer.
DswCli.exe -dumpLicense [authentication_parameters]
The following command reads information about the currently registered license and outputs it to the terminal console:
DswCli.exe -servername=localhost -u=Administrator -p=novell -dumpLicense
Sample Output
C:\Program Files\Dynamic File Services>dswcli -dumplicense License Contents: Registrator = "MyCompany, Inc." DomainName = "EXAMPLEDOMAIN" MachineName = "SERVER1" MachineAddress = "BC305BD86E01" UserName = "SERVER1\Administrator" S/N = "7c02-0201-228a-4e06-bc45-1212-1234-12ab" Timestamp = "3/20/2012 4:51:17 PM" REPLICATION = "true" STANDARD = "true" RETENTION = "true" VERSION = "1" PRODUCTTYPE = "NDFS" PRODUCTLEVEL = "500" CLOUDLEVEL = "500" IMPACTLEVEL = "High" LICENSETYPE = "TEST" PAIRCOUNT = "unlimited" POLICYCOUNT = "unlimited"