This section provides example scripts for Dynamic File Services.
This example uses the Dynamic File Services CLI to set up one pair named myPair with a primary path of e:\Primary and a secondary path of f:\Secondary. It creates three policies and associates them to the pair:
The GRAPHICS policy moves graphic files to the secondary path. It is scheduled to run daily at midnight.
The OLD FILES policy moves files that have not been modified within two weeks to the secondary path. It is scheduled to run weekly on Saturday at midnight.
The MODIFIED FILES policy moves files modified during the past day from the secondary to the primary. It is scheduled to run hourly.
ECHO Create Dynamic File Services Setup of one pair and three policies ECHO Create the pair named myPair DswCli.exe -pair -add -name=myPair -primaryPath=e:\Primary -secondaryPath=f:\Secondary -description="Pair linking user home directories and old storage" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Create the policy named GRAPHICS to secondary DswCli.exe -policy -add -name="GRAPHICS to secondary" -fileExtension=JPG,JPEG,BMP,GIF,PNG,RAW -daily="00:00" -primaryToSecondary -description="Moves all graphic files to secondary storage. Runs daily at midnight." -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Associate the policy to myPair DswCli.exe -associate -policyId="GRAPHICS to secondary" -pairId=myPair -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Create the policy named OLD FILES to secondary DswCli.exe -policy -add -name="OLD FILES to secondary" -lastModified="gt2w" -primaryToSecondary -description="Moves files that have not been modified for over two weeks to secondary. Runs weekly on Saturday morning at midnight" -weekly="05@00:00" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Associate the policy to myPair DswCli.exe -associate -policyId="OLD FILES to secondary" -pairId=myPair -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Create the policy named MODIFIED FILES to primary DswCli.exe -policy -add -name="MODIFIED FILES to primary" -lastModified="lt1d" -primaryToSecondary -description="Moves files that were modified within the last day to the primary. Runs hourly every day." -hourly -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword ECHO Associate the policy to myPair DswCli.exe -associate -policyId="MODIFED FILES to primary" -pairId=myPair -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword
The following command uses a Dynamic File Services CLI command to run the three policies manually for the pair named myPair:
ECHO Manually run all policies DswCli.exe -execute -policyIdList="GRAPHICS FILES to secondary","MODIFIED FILES to primary","OLD FILES to secondary" -pairId=myPair -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword
The following example uses the Dynamic File Services CLI to delete the three policies. The policies’ associations to the pair are also deleted.
ECHO Delete the policies DswCli.exe -policy -delete -policyId="GRAPHICS to secondary" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword DswCli.exe -policy -delete -policyId="OLD FILES to secondary" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword DswCli.exe -policy -delete -policyId="MODIFIED FILES to primary" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword
The following example uses the Dynamic File Services CLI to delete the link between the primary path and secondary path. No files are deleted.
DswCli.exe -pair -delete -pairId="myPair" -serverName= -port=8999 -userName=Administrator -password=myPassword