Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API

Package com.sssw.jbroker.web.portable

Provides interfaces and classes for portable Stubs and Skeletons for XML RPC.


Interface Summary
ClientRequest The ClientRequest class represents the XML RPC request created by the client.
ClientResponse The reponse received by the Client.
Delegate The Stub delegates certain methods to the Delegate.
InputStream The XML RPC Input Stream.
InvokeHandler The Invoke handler is the target of XML RPC invocations.
MDBSkeleton.MDBDelegate The base class delegates the JMS messages to this interface.
OutputStream The XML RPC Output Stream.
ResponseHandler Response Handler is the factory for ServerResponse.
SAAJSkeleton.SAAJSkeletonDelegate The base class delegates various methods to this interface.
ServerRequest Represents an XML RPC request received by the Server.
ServerResponse Reprsents an XML RPC response created by the Server.
ServletSkeleton.ServletDelegate The base class delegates the HTTP methods to this Interface.
Skeleton A Skeleton is an InvokeHandler
TieSkeleton The Tie skeleton delegates to an object.

Class Summary
DOMMessage The DOMMessage class contains the various parts of a SOAP message, i.e.
DOMSkeleton The DOMSkeleton is a special, generic skeleton, which always treats parameters as un-typed.
MDBSkeleton The Message Driven Bean (MDB) skeleton is the base class of all Web Service implementation that are realized using a MDB.
RequestProperty Deprecated. As of jBroker Web 2.0
SAAJSkeleton The SAAJSkeleton is a special, generic servlet, which doesn't break down the XML instance on the wire into individual parameters.
ServletSkeleton Servlet skeleton is the base class of all Service Servlets.
Stub Portable Service Stub.
Stub.StubObjectFactory JNDI support - stubs are referenceable.

Exception Summary
ApplicationException An ApplicationException represents an exception which occured on the server and is present in the response.

Package com.sssw.jbroker.web.portable Description

Provides interfaces and classes for portable Stubs and Skeletons for XML RPC.

Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API

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