Administrator's Guide
This chapter describes how to configure security for a Novell exteNd Application Server. It contains sections on:
For information about setting up Silver Security users and groups, see Setting Up Users and Groups.
In the application server's three-tiered architecture, security is set up at the server tier:
The application server acts as a single user with multiple connections to a database (to which applications are deployed) or a connection pool (from which data is retrieved). Acting in this manner, the application server adds extra user and object security for the data source. In effect, the application server is treated as a user with access privileges. Native data source activity and security measures are not compromised.
The application server supports HTTP, HTTP using the SSL 3.0 protocol or the TLS 1.0 Transport Layer Security protocol (HTTPS). HTTPS provides data encryption between clients and the application server to ensure privacy and data integrity.
EJBs running on the application server use the IIOP over SSL protocol to ensure privacy and data integrity. The IIOP over SSL support is provided by the ORB. The application server supports only RSA authentication for EJBs.
For more information on the ORB's IIOP over SSL support, see the Novell exteNd Messaging Platform help.
About SSL SSL 3.0 (developed by Netscape) provides security and privacy over the Internet. TLS 1.0 (Transport Layer Security protocol) based on SSL 3.0 (defined by Internet Engineering Task Force (IEFT)) will eventually supersede SSL 3.0. HTTPS provides data encryption between clients and servers to ensure privacy and data integrity. The SSL protocol is application-independent, allowing protocols like HTTP and FTP to be layered on top of it. The SSL protocol is able to negotiate encryption keys as well as authenticate the server before data is exchanged by the higher-level application. The SSL protocol maintains the security and integrity of the transmission channel by using encryption, authentication, and message authentication codes.
You may choose to require SSL to access your application. Because SSL affects performance, you may decide to use SSL only for specific data-sensitive portions of your site. Or you could consider using Cryptographic Hardware Integration (CHI), which enables significant application server SSL encryption/decryption performance enhancements. For information on installing and using CHI on your application server, see Using Cryptographic Hardware Integration.
About HTTPS With HTTPS, you get a communications channel that provides privacy, user authentication, and message integrity. The application server implements SSL and TLS as follows:
The application server must have an authentication certificate (also called public-key certificate, digital ID, or digital certificate) to make an SSL or TLS connection. The certificate is a digital "ID card" that cannot be forged. This certificate describes the server and includes a chain of trust.
Both client and server encrypt what they send using information from both their own certificate and the certificate at the other end (if the client has a certificate). This means the sender can be sure that only the intended recipient can decrypt the data, and the recipient can be sure that the data came from the place it claims to have come from and that no tampering has occurred.
Mapping J2EE roles to existing users You can map roles defined in a J2EE archive's deployment plan to users and groups available to the application server (Silver Security users, or users and groups from an external security system). For information on how this works, see Accessing security provider systems.
Authentication begins and ends with the client session. Both the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) and DSA (Diffie-Hellman) encryption algorithms are based on public and private keys. The SSL and TLS protocols require the server to have an X.509 certificate containing its identity, its public key, and the identity and signature of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate. The client authenticates the server based on the certificate it receives. The client then encrypts the public key and sends it back to the server to be used for encrypting further data transmissions. The encryption algorithms usually used are RC4, DES, and 3DES.
The client session operates in one of three modes:
The application server security system provides four major security functions:
The application server security system handles all data integrity and data privacy functions with virtually no administrator involvement.
The remainder of this chapter describes how to implement authentication in the application server environment.
Authentication is the process of determining user identity. Some applications identify users through a challenge, such as requesting a user ID/password pair, or through an authentication certificate. When an Anonymous user tries to access an object on your site, you can require a login or return an error. If you require a login, you can do so at either the server level or the object level. Use the SMC to configure specific objects to require a login for access. Alternatively, use the Require user authentication setting at the server level to force users to log in when they first connect to the server.
For more information, see Enabling authentication.
If you intend to use SSL or TLS communications, you need to:
When doing administrative tasks such as adding users and databases to the server, you may want a secure (SSL) connection between the server and the client you are using (such as the SMC or a browser) so that all communication is encrypted.
The following three sections describe:
Establishing a secure (SSL) connection between a Java client and the application server
Establishing a secure (SSL) connection between an HTML client and the application server
Establishing a secure (SSL) connection between an EJB client and the application server
Secure communications between the application server and Java clients can use either the RSA or the DSA protocol.
Because you can configure unique ports for each protocol, the port you specify depends on whether it is intended to be a runtime port for users or an administration port.
For more information, see Setting up separate ports.
To establish a secure (SSL) connection between a Java client and the application server:
Install an RSA or DSA certificate on the application server.
For information, see Using certificates.
Enable the RSA or DSA port(s) in the SMC.
For information, see Enabling RSA/DSA ports.
Connect your client to the server using HTTPS at the DSA or RSA port.
In the dialog that displays, specify your server followed by the number of the runtime or administration port you want to use.
NOTE: If you want to use the RSA port default, you need only specify https://hostname on the command line. If you want an RSA connection on a port number other than 443, you must specify the port value on the command line.
Secure communications between the application server and an HTML client (browser) use the RSA protocol.
To establish a secure (SSL) connection between an HTML client and the application server:
Install an RSA certificate on the application server.
For information, see Using certificates.
Enable the RSA port in the SMC.
For information, see Enabling RSA/DSA ports.
Open your browser to the server using HTTPS at the RSA port.
The RSA port you specify depends on what type of operations you want to perform.
Specify your server followed by the (optional) number of the RSA runtime or administration port:
NOTE: If you want to use the RSA port default, you need only specify https://hostname on the command line. If you want an RSA connection on a port number other than the 443, you must specify the port value on the command line.
Secure communication between the application server and EJB clients is established using the IIOP over SSL capabilities of the ORB. At startup, the application server exports the RSA certificate to the ORB. When the deployment plan of an EJB specifies a cipher suite and the application server has an RSA certificate installed, the ORB ensures that the communication is secure.
Java clients require access to the agrootca.jar file in order to participate in secure communications. This file is installed in the \Common\lib directory. This file is installed automatically for SilverJ2EEClient clients.
Communications failures Communications failures may happen when:
SilverJ2EEClient does not have the matching CA certificate of the server's certificate
SilverJ2EEClient does not have the agrootca.jar file installed
For information on specifying cipher suites for deployed EJBs, see the chapter on J2EE archive deployment in the Facilities Guide.
To establish a secure (SSL) connection between an EJB client and the application server:
Install an RSA certificate on the application server.
For information, see Using certificates.
Enable the RSA runtime port in the SMC.
For information, see Enabling RSA/DSA ports.
For HTML or Java clients, connect your browser to the server using HTTPS at the RSA runtime port:
NOTE: If your RSA runtime port uses port 443 (the default), you need only specify https://hostname on the command line. If you want an RSA connection on a port number other than 443, you must specify the port value.
For EJB applications that contain stateful session beans for which session-level failover is specified, you must also create a range of ports for IIOP SSL communications.
For more information on creating the IIOP SSL port range, see Specifying ORB settings.
The system verifies users and their permission levels according to lists of groups and users that you provide. User and group information can be defined using the application server's native security system called Silver Security, or it can be obtained from an external security system. All Silver Security information is stored in the SilverMaster database. For external security, all information is obtained from the external system.
The application server recognizes users and groups from the following systems:
Security provider |
Description |
Silver Security |
Native security that maintains a list of valid users and groups in the SilverMaster database. |
Windows NT directory services |
Capability to connect the application server to the NT Domain name registry. |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
Directory service that connects the application server to defined LDAP directories. |
NIS+ |
Network Information Services Plus, a name service that is available on SunOS 5.x and later operating systems. |
X.509 certificates |
The application server supports client certificates generated from authority servers such as VeriSign, Netscape Certificate Server, and Microsoft Certificate Server. For more information, see Using certificates. |
The application server implements the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), which connects it to native UNIX security and to Windows NT and LDAP directories:
You can use the SMC to set up access to security provider systems. After you set up access to provider directories, you can define access control for the users and groups from these external systems.
If you want to change from using Silver Security to a new security provider, make sure your administrator account has access permissions to the new security provider account.
CAUTION: If you disable Silver Security before you grant the administrator account access to the new security provider, you will need to run SilverMasterInit -l to regain access to the application server.
For information about setting up Silver Security users and groups, see Setting Up Users and Groups. For information about access control, see Authorization and access control.
To add security provider access:
Any LDAP and NIS+ servers that are known to the application server are listed.
Select the type of provider you want to register (all providers are selected by default).
NT is valid only when running Windows NT. If you choose NT, it is not necessary to add an NT domain; NT provides system calls that the application server uses to discover the primary and trusted domains. But you do need to set up the server so that users can log in with their NT names. See Using NT security.
To add an LDAP or NIS+ server connection, choose the appropriate item and click Add.
For more information on adding the LDAP security provider, see Using LDAP security.
For more information on adding the NIS+ security provider, see Using NIS+ security.
The SMC also allows you to set the security resource timeout period,which defines how often the application server reloads the list of available users and groups from defined security providers. The default value is 15 minutes.
You may want to increase this number if the information in the external system does not change frequently or if the connection to it is slow.
To reset security resource timeout:
You can use various NT directory services to manage NT users and groups. For example, users logging in with their NT user name and password only have to do this once per session (unless you set additional security at the server or cluster level).
Using NT users and groups can help simplify security administration. For example, defining local groups lets you combine users and global groups from multiple domains into a single group.
A local group is available only within the domain in which it is created. A global group is available within its own domain as well as any trusted domain.
Local groups defined on the server machine can include local users as well as global groups and users from the primary domain or any trusted domain. An NT local group cannot, however, contain other local groups.
For more information on NT user groups, see your Windows NT documentation.
Speeding NT authentication Supporting local groups can result in slower NT authentication if you have many large trusted domains. If this is a problem for you, you can speed authentication by disabling local group support in either of two ways:
Adding the following line to the httpd.props file (located in the application server's \Resources directory):
Programmatically setting the property PROP_SUPPORT_NT_LOCAL_GROUPS (in AgiAdmServer and AgiAdmCluster) to Boolean.FALSE
To support NT users and groups, the application server requires the Act as Part of the Operating System and Log on as a Service operating system privileges. These privileges are set when the application server is configured as a service running under the default NT System account. However, if you change the service to run under a user account or if you decide to stop running the server as a service, you must make sure that these two NT system privileges are set.
If you change the service to run under a user account, the NT Control Panel automatically grants the Log on as a Service privilege to that account; however, you will need to manually configure the Act as Part of the Operating System privilege. To allow users from trusted domains to log in, you must configure the Log on Locally privilege regardless of whether or not the application server is running as a service.
For more information on setting up Windows security, see your Windows documentation.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service that allows Internet clients to query and manage an arbitrary database of hierarchical attribute/value pairs over a TCP/IP connection. LDAP provides a specification that allows applications to communicate with it. The application server allows you to specify LDAP users and groups, display LDAP attributes, and use LDAP users and groups in access control expressions. The application server supports access to LDAP servers (such as Novell eDirectoryTM, Microsoft Active Directory and Sun One Directory Server) that support both Version 2 and Version 3 of the LDAP protocol.
The application server interacts with an LDAP server as follows:
When the application server interacts with an LDAP server |
Details |
When it needs to verify a user's credentials during login |
In this case, the application server passes a specific user's login information to the LDAP server. |
When it needs to display generic information such as lists of users and groups |
How (or whether) your application server accesses this generic information depends on how your LDAP server is configured:
To prevent information about LDAP groups and users (including client credentials) from being transferred as clear text, use an SSL or TLS connection between the application server and the LDAP server.
To use SSL or TLS communications with the application server, you must already have configured your LDAP server to support SSL or TLS and have installed certificates on the LDAP server.
For more information, see your LDAP server documentation.
NOTE: When using SSL or TLS communications with LDAP, you can set the application server certificate to be sent to the LDAP server if it's requested. When the LDAP server is set to request or require certificates, it will attempt to verify any certificates sent to it.
You can set the application server connection to use only the LDAP Version 2 protocol. By default, the application server first tries to connect to the LDAP server using LDAP Version 3. If the connection attempt fails, the LDAP server is supposed to report an error, in which case the application server will try to connect using the Version 2 protocol.
If LDAP Version 3 is not supported This approach will not work with an LDAP server (such as Microsoft Site Server) that doesn't always report the error using LDAP Version 3. If LDAP Version 3 is not supported, you need to set the Force LDAP Version 2 option in the SMC in Step 6 in the setup procedure.
Specify the server and (optionally) the login attribute and user name/password as follows.
Field |
What you specify |
Server |
The name of the LDAP server. The server name must be recognized on your network. If the LDAP server uses a nondefault port, you must specify it as part of the server name. For example: localhost:636 |
Use SSL |
Use this option if the specified LDAP server and port are configured to use SSL communications.
Send Certificate to Server |
This option allows the application server's certificate to be sent to the LDAP server. When the LDAP server is set to request or require certificates, it will attempt to verify any certificates sent to it. If the LDAP server is set to request or require certificates (and this option is enabled), the application server's certificate is sent to the LDAP server so that it can verify it against a list of trusted CA certificates. If the LDAP server is set to request or require a certificate (and the application server does not have one), the application server will ignore the Send Certificate to Server command for certificate requestsand if the LDAP server requires a certificate, the connection will fail. You can select the Send Certificate to Server check box onlyif you have also selected Use SSL (above). |
Force LDAP Version 2 |
Set this option to work with an LDAP server (such as Microsoft Site Server) that does not support LDAP Version 3.
User Login Attribute |
(Optional) If you specify a value for this property, it defines the LDAP attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a user. Make sure you pick an attribute that is unique for all users. TIP: Specifying a value here can simplify login for LDAP users. For more information, see Simplifying login for LDAP users. |
User Name and Password |
If appropriate, enter a user name and password to allow the application server access to LDAP information. The application server will use these system login credentials anytime it needs to access generic LDAP server information. If your LDAP server allows anonymous access, these account values are not required.
Use this panel to specify groups on the LDAP server:
Item |
Description |
Group Location |
(Required) A distinguished name that identifies the level in the hierarchy where you want to start searching for group entries. For example, to start at an organizational unit called employees that exists under the organization called myco, enter the following: ou=employees,o=myco Every group under and including employees in the hierarchy will be included.
Group Filter |
(Required) The LDAP search filter is used to determine what constitutes a group for this LDAP server. A common usage is to specify a value of the object class attribute that identifies a group. The filter definition can be any valid LDAP search filter. For example: (objectclass=groupofuniquenames) |
Attribute of Group |
Required for LDAP servers (like Netscape Directory Server) that use an attribute of a group object to define group membership. |
Attribute of User |
Required for LDAP servers (like Microsoft Site Server) that use an attribute of a user object to define group membership. NOTE: Microsoft's Active Directory supports both Attribute of Group and Attribute of User to define group membership. Specifying Attribute of User and a User/Group Attribute of memberOf is the most efficient setting. |
Group/Users Attribute |
(Required) An attribute used to display all members (users) of a group in the SMC. The name you enter is the LDAP group or user attribute that defines group membership. For example: uniquemember |
Group Description Attribute |
(Optional) An attribute used to identify a group description in the SMC. The name you enter is the LDAP attribute to which you want to map the description. For example: notes |
Group Additional Attributes |
Select All if you want all of the specified LDAP group attributes to be listed in the SMC. Select None if you want no additional attributes to appear. The specified attributes will be displayed in a tab when you select a group in the Users & Groups panel and open the Property Inspector.
Click Next when you have finished specifying groups.
Item |
Description |
User Location |
(Required) A distinguished name that identifies the point in the hierarchy where you want to start searching for users. For example, to start at a point (or node) entitled developers that exists under software, enter the following: ou=developers,o=software Every user under and including developers in the hierarchy will be included. |
User Filter |
(Required) The LDAP search filter is used to determine what constitutes a user for this LDAP server. A common usage is to specify a value of the object class attribute that identifies a user. The filter definition can be any valid LDAP search filter. For example: (objectclass=person) |
User Description Attribute |
(Optional) An attribute used to identify a user description in the SMC. The name you enter is the LDAP attribute to which you want to map the description. For example: title |
Full Name |
(Optional) Specifies the full name attribute, if available. For example: cn |
Additional Attributes |
Select All if you want all of the specified LDAP user attributes to be listed in the SMC. Select None if you want no additional attributes to appear. The specified attributes will be displayed in a tab when you select a user in the Users & Groups panel and open the Property Inspector.
The SMC displays the settings under the LDAP directory. You can view the new settings anytime by selecting Users & Groups in the Security options in the SMC.
NIS+ (Network Information Services Plus) is a name service available on SunOS 5.x and higher operating systems. Users are contained in the NIS+ table identified by passwd.org_dir, and groups by group.org_dir. After you have added users and groups, you can use them in security expressions for access control.
Type the name of the NIS+ server in the following format:
You can use the SMC to view users and groups that you have defined for any security provider.
Highlight an icon to view the users and groups known to the server:
You can expand a selected item to show specific users and groups.
The application server supports a number of security realms including Silver Security, NT security, LDAP security, NIS+ security, and certificate security. All except certificate security involve establishing an identity by providing user name information and a password.
When users log in they see a dialog similar to this:
If the authentication dialog is being presented by a browser, the dialogdefined by the browserwill look a little different from the dialog shown above but will consist of the same fields.
User authentication in HTTP works by taking the user name and password separated by a colon ( : ). So make sure that user names and passwords don't contain colons. With LDAP distinguished names in particular (they can be quite long), make sure no component of the name contains a colon.
A user name is composed of three parts delimited by backslash characters: Realm\Authority\Name.
Part |
Description |
Realm |
The application server supports the following security provider realms for login: |
Authority |
Authorities are as follows: |
Name |
The user name |
User name shortcut formats By default, the application server allows shortcuts to the full user login name, as follows:
Silver Security If the user enters one part for a user name, a Silver Security user name is assumed. For example:
emilyh is translated to SSSW\\emilyh
NOTE: For Silver Security, the authority is an empty stringnothing between the two backslashes. The authority is not needed, because an external security system is not used.
Windows NT If the user enters two parts to a user name, an NT user name is assumed, with the format domain\userName. For example:
By default, LDAP and NIS+ names must be fully qualified, as follows:
LDAP Login syntax for user name: LDAP\serverName\distinguishedName
The user must enter the entire pathname. For example:
LDAP\myServer\cn=Nancy Smith,ou=My Company
NIS+ Login syntax for user name: NisPlus\server/nisDomain\username
The user must enter the entire pathname. Note that the authority has two components, separated by a forward slash. For example:
You can change these default login specifications, as described next.
You can override the defaults for login name components. So if you use only one type of external security system (and perhaps only one external security authority), you can allow users to provide a shortened name, thus simplifying the login procedure.
To override the defaults for login name components:
Specify your default realm and (optionally) your default authority, and a display name for the realm:
A full login name can always be specified, in which case the defaults are ignored.
Example Suppose your site uses security names from a single LDAP server. You could set the following defaults:
Option |
What you specify |
Default Security Realm |
Default Security Authority |
ServerName |
Users that exist in the LDAP server can now just use their LDAP user name and password when logging in to the application server.
In this same example, a user that exists as part of the Silver Security security realm must now specify a full login name:
In LDAP, a user name is specified relative to the LDAP naming hierarchy as a distinguished name (DN). The DN is a comma-separated list of nodes that contain attribute/name pairs from the leaf node where the user resides back to the root node.
By default, LDAP users logging in to the application server are required to enter the entire DN, which can be quite long. You can simplify login for LDAP users by specifying the User Login Attribute property when adding an LDAP server as a security provider. For more information on this property, see Using LDAP security.
If you have specified a User Login Attribute, when the user credentials are being verified during the login sequence, a search is performed for the specified User Login Attribute, with a value that matches the Name portion of the login user name. The search starts from a point in the LDAP hierarchy identified as User Location when defining the LDAP server to the application server (see Using LDAP security).
If the search is successful, the DN of the corresponding user (the first one found if there are multiple hits) is used to construct a fully qualified login name, and the login operation continues. If the search is not successful, the operation continues as though the Name field were the distinguished name of the LDAP user. This allows LDAP logins using either form when the attribute is set.
Example 1 Assume the following server properties are specified:
In this example, a default security realm is defined and the login attribute is set to mail. At this site, each user's mail attribute is that user's full e-mail address.
A user defined in an LDAP server named myServer, with a DN of uid=ecraig,ou=Development,ou=Billerica,o=My Company,c=US and an e-mail address of (that is, a user whose mail attribute is, could use a login name of either:
myServer\uid=ecraig,ou=Development,ou=Billerica,o=My Company,c=US
Example 2 Assume the following server properties are specified:
In this example, a default security authority has now been specified in addition to the default security realm. The login attribute has now been set to uid.
The same user as above (whose uid is ecraig) could use a login name of either:
uid=ecraig,ou=Development,ou=Billerica,o=My Company,c=US
Certificates are required when using HTTP with the SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols (HTTPS). HTTPS provides data encryption between clients and the server to ensure privacy and data integrity. Certificates can also be used to authenticate users.
This section contains the following topics:
A certificate (also called a public-key certificate, digital ID, or digital certificate) is a file that authenticates the identity of a user or a group. The certificate is a kind of license issued by a trusted organization called a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA may be an external company that offers certificate services (such as VeriSign) or an internal organization such as a corporate MIS department.
For Internet applications, it is generally a good idea to have a server certificate that is signed by a widely recognized and trusted guarantor. For intranet applications, it may be sufficient to have the guarantor be the company in which the application is running.
Both users and servers can have certificates attesting to their identity. If you want to use SSL or TLS for privacy, the application server must have a server certificate. Once it is enabled, the server may request a client certificate from the browser attesting to the identity of the user.
Certificates provide these important security services:
The following table describes how the application server supports certificates:
Support item |
Description |
Server certificates |
A server certificate is required for SSL or TLS/HTTPS. This allows clients to authenticate the server. There are two types of certificates, depending on the type of client:
NOTE: Java clients verify server certificates against a list of trusted CA certificates that are stored in a JAR file when establishing an SSL connection to the application server. See Verifying SSL server certificates for Java clients. |
Client certificates |
Client certificates are optional and are used for user authentication by the server. They are installed in a browser. You can get client certificates from a number of authorities, including VeriSign. Each client certificate includes the CA certificate that generated it. The server must have a corresponding CA certificate. NOTE: The application server does not support DSA client certificates. |
CA certificates on the server |
CA certificates represent trusted clients based on the CA that signed for them. CA certificates are required on the server for verifying corresponding HTML client certificates. The server will authenticate only client certificates that were generated and/or signed by one of its installed CA certificates. |
What are commonly called global certificates are actually Global Secure Site IDs from VeriSign. They are a form of digital ID that allows for 128-bit encryption worldwide. (Standard VeriSign digital IDs, now called Secure Site IDs, do not allow for U.S.-based companies to use 128-bit encryption outside the U.S.)
It is up to VeriSign to certify servers as supporting Global Secure Site IDs. It is not up to a server vendorsuch as Novellto declare support for Global Secure Site IDs.
For more information, see
You can use the SMC for these tasks:
The SMC provides the following functions for RSA server certificates:
NOTE: To generate a certificate for a dispatcher, you must use the command-line tool described in Creating and installing server certificates for the dispatcher.
To generate an RSA server CSR:
Complete the items on the panel that displays as follows:
This panel allows you to specify the size of the key pair to generate.
The 1024 bits option usually provides an acceptable level of security. Selecting a higher level decreases the speed of the initial connection. The 512 bits option provides a low level of security.
This panel shows the paths for the CSR. You may edit these paths if you choose. You will use this information later when installing the certificate.
Click Copy CSR to Clipboard to copy the contents of the CSR to the clipboard for use in the next step.
Follow the directions to request a certificate for your application server (for example, by using the VeriSign Web site Once your request is approved, the certificate authority sends the new certificate back to you through e-mail.
After you have generated a CSR, you may want to back up the private key information in case the SilverMaster database gets corrupted before you get the CSR back from the certificate issuer. If you've saved the private key, you'll still be able to install the certificate.
Choose Export Private Key. A message box displays advising you to use HTTPS.
Supply the path and file name where you want to store the RSA private key.
Supply a password for this file. This does not have to be the administrator's passwordit just applies to the file containing the private key information.
To install a certificate (with or without a private key):
Choose Install Certificate or Install with Private Key.
If you chose Install with Private Key, a message box displays and you are advised to use HTTPS for this procedure.
Paste the signed certificate into the text area and click Finish.
If you chose Install with Private Key, you are prompted for the file containing the private key and the password associated with the file:
To back up an RSA certificate:
To import (install) an RSA certificate:
Choose Import Certificate. You are advised to run in HTTPS mode.
Specify the password used to protect the file. (This is the same password used to export the certificate.)
You can use the SMC to generate and install a DSA server certificate.
To generate and install a DSA server certificate:
Complete the items on this panel as described below:
The following panel allows you to specify the size of the key pair to generate.
The 1024 bits option usually provides an acceptable level of security. Selecting a higher level decreases the speed of the initial connection. The 512 bits option provides a low level of security.
You are warned that any existing certificate will be overwritten.
To create and install a server certificate for the application server's dispatcher (used in clustering), you must use these command-line utilities:
The following sections include instructions for:
To enable HTTPS/SSL or TLS communications between application servers and clients in a clustered environment, you install an RSA or DSA certificate on the application server's Dispatcher.
To generate an RSA or DSA server certificate:
Change the working directory to the server's \bin directory.
At the command line, specify one of the following commands:
Certificate type |
Command |
RSA certificate |
AgDigitalIDStep1 |
DSA certificate |
AgDigitalIDStep1 dsa |
TIP: The titles and some of the help text may differ slightly if you are generating a DSA certificate.
TIP: In UNIX, this utility runs using a GUI and cannot be run in a character terminal window. If you log in remotely to the UNIX machine, make sure you set your DISPLAY environment variable appropriately.
Complete the items on this panel as follows:
The following panel displays for you to specify the size of the key pair to generate.
The 1024 bits option usually provides an acceptable level of security. Selecting a higher level decreases the speed of the initial connection. The 512 bits option provides a low level of security.
For RSA certificates, the panel shows the paths for the CSR and the password-protected private key.
For DSA certificates, the panel shows the paths for the certificate and the private key files. You may edit these paths if you choose. You will use this information later when installing the certificate.
IMPORTANT: The file that contains the private key must be kept physically secure. Otherwise, anyone who can obtain the server's certificate can masquerade as the server.
If the wizard hasn't been able to collect enough randomness information to generate cryptographically good keys from the key presses and mouse movements you have made, the following panel displays:
If prompted, type random characters in the edit box and move the mouse around to create an encrypted private key. When the wizard has enough randomness information, the OK button is enabled.
For RSA certificates, the wizard generates the certificate signing request and private key.
For RSA certificates, click Copy CSR to Clipboard to copy the contents of the CSR to the clipboard for use in the next step.
For DSA certificates, click Copy Digital ID to Clipboard for use when installing the certificate.
For RSA certificates, follow the directions to request a certificate for your application server (for example, by using the VeriSign Web site Once your request is approved, the certificate authority sends the new certificate back to you through e-mail.
You use AgDigitalIDStep2 to install the certificate. See Using AgDigitalIDStep2 next.
Once you receive your RSA certificate from the CA or have generated a DSA certificate using AgDigitalIDStep1, you can install the certificate using AgDigitalIDStep2.
To install an RSA or DSA certificate:
Start the Dispatcher using the -c (upload certificate) option.
Change the working directory to your server's bin directory.
At the command line, specify the following command:
This panel asks for the path for the private key (you may need to edit the name of the private key, since the names are different for RSA and DSA certificates) and asks you to confirm your password (there is no password for a DSA private key).
Enter the Dispatcher's name (in the server name text field) and the Dispatcher's HTTP port number.
If you have configured separate ports for different types of operations, specify your administration port. By default, the application server listens to port 80.
To activate the certificate, click the Restart (server) button on the SMC.
After the server restart, the server is configured to listen:
For HTTPS requests at the RSA or DSA port (depending on the kind of certificate you just installed).
For more information, see Enabling RSA/DSA ports and Specifying general server properties.
When you are ready for production, use the SMC to enable authorization. See Enabling authentication.
To view certificates that have been installed on the server:
By default, the application server specifies port 443 for RSA and DSA communications. You enable and modify ports for runtime and administrative access for each of the following three security protocols: HTTP, HTTPS-RSA, and HTTPS-DSA. The server does not require you to configure unique port values for the different types of access; ports having the same value will share the same socket and will allow multiple operations.
For more information, see Setting up separate ports.
To enable and change RSA/DSA ports:
Select Certificates and choose either the DSA tab or the RSA tab.
In the Port Settings section of the tab, under Port Settings, select any of the check boxes to enable Runtime or Admin ports for DSA or RSA:
Enable RSA only after you have installed an RSA server certificate from a provider such as VeriSign.
Enable DSA only if you have installed a DSA certificate on the server.
TIP: After a server certificate has been installed, the ports are automatically enabled when the server is restarted.
For more information, see Creating and installing server certificates for the dispatcher.
Change the RSA and DSA port numbers of the Runtime and/or Admin ports if necessary.
With a UNIX server, specify port numbers above 1024 if the server is not being run with root access (ports below 1024 are reserved for root access).
For information about cipher suites, see Restricting SSL cipher suites.
To activate the changes, click Restart (server).
Once ports are enabled, Java clients will verify server certificates when establishing SSL connections to the application server.
For more information, see Verifying SSL server certificates for Java clients.
You can turn off HTTP communications and allow client communications using only HTTPS or RMI.
For more information, see Specifying ORB settings.
If you accidentally disable ports that prevent you from running the SMC (for example, if you disable all the administration ports), you will need to edit the httpd.props file to re-enable the administration port. You can enable and disable runtime ports using the SMC.
To disable HTTP communications:
In the HTTP Ports section, deselect the Enable HTTP Runtime Port (or the HTTP Admin ports) check box to disable.
The server will run even if you disable all runtime ports. You must be careful how you disable runtime ports. When you disable HTTP runtime ports, the server checks to see if you have DSA or RSA runtime ports enabled. It warns if you proceed to disable the HTTP runtime port.
To activate the change, click the Restart button. For more information, see Restarting the application server.
Now the server will not listen on the HTTP server port.
The application server supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 3.0 and TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0. TLS 1.0 protocol is based on the SSL 3.0 protocol, and is sometimes referred to as SSL 3.1.
By default, SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 are both allowed
Check the SSL 3.0 checkbox to enable SSL 3.0
To run in FIPS-mode, TLS 1.0 must be enabled and SSL 3.0 must be disabled.
Check the TLS 1.0 checkbox to enable TLS1.0
To run in FIPS-mode, TLS 1.0 must be enabled and SSL 3.0 must be disabled.
When an SSL connection is initialized, the browser client and the server determine a common cipher value to be used for key exchange and encryption. Various cipher values offer different types of encryption algorithms and levels of security. The application server has a full set of cipher suites that can service a range of clients by providing low, medium, and high-level encryption.
You can restrict the levels of encryption (cipher values) used by the server when communicating in HTTPS through the RSA and DSA runtime ports. This allows you to have a server capable of high-level encryption while preventing connections from lower-level security clients.
During startup, the application server reads the list of allowed cipher suites. See Restricting SSL cipher suites for the list of cipher suites that are enabled by default. You can use the SMC to change the enabled/disabled cipher suites. Only the selected cipher suites will be used to initialize the appropriate SSL socket(s).
To specify which cipher suites are allowed:
Choose the RSA or DSA tab (depending on the type of certificate that is installed).
Select the Enable Runtime Port check box to enable secure DSA (Java-client) and/or RSA (HTML and Java-client) communications.
Specify which cipher suites are allowed by clicking Cipher Suites and selecting and deselecting the cipher suites in the resulting panels, as described in the table below. When you select a cipher suite, its description displays in the panel.
Click OK to exit the Cipher Suites dialog and accept your changes.
Table of cipher suites The following table lists the cipher suites (and levels of security) supported by the application server when using secure communications (HTTPS).
* A cipher suite that is enabled, by default, at server startup.
The application server maintains a list of Certificate Authorities (CAs) for verifying client certificates. This represents the list of guarantors the server will trust. There are three common CAs installed when the server is initially configured. These CAs are from VeriSign, Inc. and represent different levels of trust: class 1 represents a certificate that has minimal trust; class 3 represents the highest level of trust.
When a user with a client certificate tries to access the server, the server first checks the list of CAs to verify that the certificate has been approved by a known party, then checks for a valid timestamp to verify that the certificate has not expired. After completing the verification, the server handles the connection request according to the Client Certificate Level parameter (which you can set using the SMC; see Installing and managing client certificates).
The application server can also server extract the CA from an unrecognized client certificate. For more information, see Installing and managing client certificates.
To install or delete a CA certificate:
This tab contains information about each CA and allows you to add new CAs to allow a broader range of clients to be trusted or to delete CAs to tighten the level of security on the server.
To add a CA, click Add Certificate Authority and select the file. To delete a CA, highlight it and click Delete Certificate Authority.
In the HTTPS environment, a client certificate establishes the identity of a user when communicating with a server. Client certificates can be obtained from various sources, but to be useful the certificate must be signed by a guarantor (Certificate Authority or CA) trusted by the server.
The application server supports client certificates from standard Internet browsers (including Netscape and Internet Explorer) that use RSA encryption and supports X.509 certificates (which is a particular implementation of the Certificate interface used by many certificate issuers).
Client certificates and EJBs Client certificates that use RSA encryption are also used to establish the identity of a user in the SSL environment (used by EJBs). As with the HTTPS environment, the server supports client certificates from standard Internet browsers. If you need to add a new CA to the server, see To install or delete a CA certificate:.
You can use the SMC to determine how the server will handle connection attempts from users with valid client certificates. Seven parameter options are available, each representing a different level of restriction. Two of the options will automatically install new certificates that are verified by the server and add them to the database as new users in the Certificate Security realm. You can also install the certificates manually (see Manually installing client certificates).
Each set of HTTPS ports (HTTPS-RSA HTTPS-DSA) has a single set of cipher suites associated with it. The cipher suite you select applies to all ports (runtime and administration) of that type.
NOTE: The SMC will not allow HTTPS ports to be enabled without a valid certificate. If you try to enable an HTTPS port (using the SMC or by editing the props file) without first installing a certificate, the server error will display on startup. See The httpd.props File.
To enable client certificates on the server:
Each set of HTTPS ports (HTTPS-RSA HTTPS-DSA) has a single set of cipher suites associated with it. Although the cipher suite you select applies to all ports (runtime and administration) within a protocol type, you can set each port to a different value.
IMPORTANT: You cannot enable an HTTPS port without first installing an HTTPS-RSA or HTTPS-DSA server certificate. If you try to enable an HTTPS port (using the SMC or by editing the props file) without first installing a certificate, the server error will display on startup.
Select an option from the dropdown list labeled HTTPS Client certificate level, then click Update:
You need to restart the server only if you changed from level 0 to another level.
Your selection determines how the server will handle all valid client certificates. The certificate verification table (below) describes each option. The options are numbered 0 (no verification) to 6 (most restrictive level).
The previous section describes parameter options that automatically add new validated certificates to the database on the server. You may prefer to install the certificates separately. This section describes how to manually add client certificates to the database. It consists of two procedures, one for the client machine and the other for the server.
To install a client certificateclient machine:
NOTE: For this procedure to work, the certificate validation level on the server must be set to 1, 2, or 4 (see Certificate verification table).
Make sure you have a valid client certificate installed on your browser.
Open your browser and go to the following URL:
where server is the name of your server.
The server will extract the user information from the certificate and send it back to the client.
Save the file that the server presents to an appropriate area.
To install a client certificateserver machine:
Enter the file name obtained by the client from the previous procedure (To install a client certificateclient machine:) and click Finish.
This adds the certificate as a new user to the database on the server.
The application server can extract the CA from a client certificate if the CA is not installed on the server. This section consists of two procedures, one for the client machine and the other for the server.
To extract the CA from a certificateclient machine:
NOTE: For this procedure to work, the certificate validation level on the server must be set to 1 or 2 (see Certificate verification table).
Make sure you have a valid client certificate installed on your browser.
Open your browser and go to the following URL:
where server is the name of your server.
The server will extract the CA from the certificate and send it back to the client.
Save the file that the server presents to an appropriate area.
To extract a CA from a client certificateserver:
Browse for the location of the extracted CA, then click Open.
To activate the new CA, restart the server by clicking the Restart (server) icon.
Certificate users are added to a security realm called Certificate Security. This realm is included in the lists of users and groups supported by the application server.
Use this panel to view current users or add users to groups.
For more information about users and groups, see Setting Up Users and Groups.
You can use certificate users in security expressions exactly as you use other Silver Security users. For more information about security expressions, see Authorization and access control.
An X.509 certificate includes a start date and an end date. A client is not allowed to connect to the server with a certificate that has expired. You can update the certificate representing an established Certificate Security user by obtaining a new certificate and assigning it to a user already known to the application server. This ensures that any security expressions involving the existing user will continue to work properly.
Normally, an existing certificate user would present the updated certificate to the server using the URL described in Manually installing client certificates.
NOTE: If you are running the server with one of the autoinstall parameters described previously (level 2 or 3) and an existing client certificate holder attempts to access the server with a new (updated) certificate that the server validates, that client will be installed as a new user. This client may be restricted from resources available to the previous user.
To update an existing certificate user:
From the Certificate Security domain, navigate to the user you want to update.
A form with three tabs displays. The General tab shows general information concerning the user. The Additional Attributes tab displays information about the certificate. The Update tab allows you to update the certificate for the selected user.
Enter the file name for the updated certificate, then click Update.
This replaces the old certificate with the new version without changing the identity of the user on the server.
Java clients verify server certificates against a list of trusted CA certificates (stored in the agrootca.jar file) when establishing an SSL connection to the application server. If a certificate cannot be verified, the SSL connection cannot be established.
To use SSL communications, you must have one of the following server certificates installed on your application server:
Certificate |
Details |
An RSA certificate purchased from an external company that offers certificate services (such as VeriSign) |
You use the SMC or the command-line tool (AgDigitalIDStep1) to generate an RSA Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The encrypted CSR file is submitted to an external CA, which identifies the organization running the application server and creates a signed certificate. If you use an external CA and RSA encryption, see Using the agrootca.jar file to verify RSA certificates. |
A self-generated RSA certificate (you act as your own CA using your internal organization's tool, such as Netscape Certificate Server) |
If you generate your own certificate, you need to distribute the agrootca.jar file as described in Using the agrootca.jar file to verify RSA certificates. |
A self-signed DSA certificate created using the SMC |
Organizations using a self-signing DSA server certificate should use the command-line option, as described in Command-line option for self-signing DSA server certificates. |
Clients verify the application server's certificate against a list of trusted CA certificates that are stored in the agrootca.jar file. At startup, the client reads in the list of CAs and then checks all server certificates against the contents of the agrootca.jar file to verify that certificates are signed.
You should include all trusted root CAs in the agrootca.jar file and remove any untrusted CAs. Clients will trust only those server certificates that were signed by the root CA certificates in the JAR file.
If you generate your own RSA certificates using a tool such as Netscape Certificate Server, you should put the CA certificate of the Certificate Server into the agrootca.jar file and then distribute the JAR file to each client machine running SilverJ2EEClient. The agrootca.jar file should be stored in SilverJ2EEClient's Common\lib directory.
NOTE: The agrootca.jar file is used by the application server only when user code tries to connect to another server using SSL (such as in the case of a servlet).
Simplified secure port configuration You can use the application server's RSA port to provide secure communications between the server and Java clients, HTML clients, and EJBs.
If your organization uses self-signed DSA certificates to provide data encryption between the application server and clients, you should use the +Dsssw.ssl.nocacheck command-line option when you run SilverJ2EEClient. This option prevents the client from attempting to verify the certificate authority. For example:
SilverJ2EEClient +Dsssw.ssl.nocacheck server database warfile
You can require user authentication and activate related settings. You set authentication settings when you are ready to deploy applications that require authentication for both HTTP user/password protection and HTTPS-RSA client certificates.
For more information, see Setting up separate ports.
To enable user authentication:
Activate the security options as follows:
Item |
Description |
Require user authentication |
Requires users when first accessing the server to authenticate themselves, either through a certificate or user name/password. Once authenticated, users do not have to be authenticated again during the session. Setting this option disallows Anonymous users; if you don't set this option, a user can access the server without logging in or sending a certificate, in which case the user is known as Anonymous. If you are using this option with HTTPS, activate Client certificate level in HTTPS. You can also require login on a per-object basis. See Changing access. |
Disable HTML directory listing |
Disables the listing of server directory contents in a browser when the browser points to the directory's URL. Prevents users from seeing directory contents. If this option is turned on, the server returns a FORBIDDEN error. |
Allow users to modify own account |
By default, users can change their own user properties. You can turn off this privilege by deselecting this check box. If this privilege is turned off, only administrators (users with Read Server Configuration and Modify Server Configuration permissions) can change user properties.
Security resource timeout |
Specifies how frequently the application server will upload current lists of users and groups from the NT, LDAP, and/or NIS+ servers, which would include any updates to these lists.
Cryptographic Hardware Integration (CHI) enables significant application server SSL encryption/decryption performance enhancements on machines with the application server and a supported hardware accelerator card.
For information about the supported cards, see the application server Release Notes.
To use CHI, you need to:
Install a supported hardware accelerator card on the machine where the application server is installed
For information about installing and setting up the card, see your hardware card's documentation.
Install CHI on the machine (see To install CHI: below)
Configure the server using the SMC (see To configure the application server to use the hardware accelerator card: below)
You can later uninstall CHI separately if you want.
To configure the application server to use the hardware accelerator card:
Specify the slot number and PIN, which you can get or set up from the utility software that came with the card.
You can use the SMC to set up a list of clients that are trusted by an application server when receiving an asserted identity in EJB calls. For standalone servers, this is a server-level property. For servers running in a cluster, this is a cluster-level propertyany trusted clients set up on a single server are propagated to all servers in the cluster.
To add a client to the list of trusted clients:
In the Trusted Clients section of the Advanced tab, choose Add.
The entry can contain the asterisk wild card character(*)for example:
If you use the asterisk, it should be the last character in a section of the URL. Any characters following the asterisk in a section are ignored. In the example shown above, if server* were shown as server*1, the 1 would not be included in the list.
This section describes how to configure the application server to run in the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode. The application server is FIPS-ready by default. You need to follow the procedures below to FIPS-enable the application server, the dispatcher, and client connections (these includes outbound connections from the application server, SMC, or SilverJ2EEClient).
NOTE: Silver Security is not FIPS-compliant. To be FIPS-compliant, you must use LDAP or another user registry mechanism for managing users and passwords.
To configure the application server to run in FIPS-approved mode:
Use the SMC to disable SSL 3.0 and enable TLS 1.0.
For more information, see Allowing SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0
Use the SMC to disable all of the cipher suites except:
For more information, see Restricting SSL cipher suites
To run SilverCmd, SilverJ2EEClient, and the SMC in FIPS-approved mode:
Disable SSL 3.0 and enable TLS1.0:
Open ciphersuitesclients.props file (located in the \Common\lib).
To disable SSL 3.0, make sure that the file includes the uncommented line:
To enable TLS, make sure the NOTLS1 command is removed from the file or commented like this:
For more information about the configuration file, seeAbout the cipher suite configuration file.
To configure the dispatcher to run in FIPS-approved mode:
Supply your own configuration file using the -ciphersuites command line option at startup.
For more information about the configuration file, seeAbout the cipher suite configuration file.
Other FIPS-compliance considerations:
Sun's JSSE and JCE implementations are not FIPS-approved. Using them in a deployed application will cause the server to be noncompliant.
If your application uses URL or URLConnection, you will very likely remain in compliance. The URLStreamHandlerFactory uses Phaos SSLava which is based on a Phaos Crypto module. However, if you call URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() to another implementation, then you will become noncompliant.
The cipher suite configuration file is a Java properties file. The legal entries are:
The cipher suite names are sorted descending according to priority#. If no priority# is specified, the cipher suite has the lowest priority.
The application server does not support all of the alias names of cipher suites. (See Restricting SSL cipher suites for the list of supported cipher suites.) The cipher suite configuration files are located in the Common/lib folder or in a JAR file:
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