Developing exteNd Director Applications


Updating exteNd Director Projects

The exteNd Director Setup Wizard provides a way to update EAR project files. It compares the files in a template (normally the template from which the project was created) to the files in your project directory, then copies all files that are not present or have changed. This chapter contains one section:

NOTE:   This update utility does not analyze how your project is configured. It copies files from subsystems that your project does not include.

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Procedure for updating your exteNd Director project

NOTE:   This menu option is only enabled when you are working with a Version 5.0 EAR project. It is disabled for all other project types.

Procedure To update your exteNd Director project:

  1. Open your exteNd Director project.

  2. Select Project>Director>Setup.

  3. On the Setup Option panel of the Setup Wizard, select Update.

  4. In the From location text box, enter the location of the source project, typically the standard EAR template in your exteNd Director installation. For example:

      C:\Program Files\Novell\exteNd5\Director
  5. In the To location text box, enter the location of the root of your target EAR project. For example:

  6. Select the Mode:


    What it means


    Update all files (no filtering)


    Update class files only (intended for updating subsystem classes in the library WAR)


    See Step 7 (next)

  7. If you chose Selective, specify lists of extensions in the Include Extensions and/or Exclude Extensions fields. Separate extensions by semicolons.

  8. Check Check date & length to replace files that have a different length in addition to those that have a different date.

  9. (Required for version updates) Check Copy new files to include new files in addition to updated files.

    Any file that exists in the From location but not in the To location is considered to be a new file.

  10. Check Trial to see a list of the files to be replaced or copied without actually performing the update.

  11. Click Go.

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