Content Management Guide
This chapter describes caching in the Content Management (CM) subsystem and includes these topics:
Several CM elements are cached by default while an exteNd Director application is running. Caching can increase the efficiency of an application (because the application makes fewer SQL queries of the database).
For most of these elements, you can configure your exteNd Director EAR to override the default settings for caching.
NOTE: If you make any changes to the caching settings, you must redeploy your exteNd Director EAR for the changes to take effect.
The table below provides the following information on caching behavior for several elements of documents in the CM subsystem:
CM API object nameThe interface name that corresponds to the CM element
CM cache holder usedThe name of the cache holder used for the element
Default behaviorThe default caching behavior for the element
Setting in the CM config.xml fileThe setting to change to alter the default behavior
For information, see the section on reconfiguring your EAR project in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
Folders, categories, and document metadata, when cached, are cached by both UUID and URL.
Document metadata is always cached.
Document contents and versions of document content are not cached, because some cached content might require excessively large amounts of memory.
Another place you can control the caching process is on the Cache tab of the Configuration section of the DAC. For example, you can flush a single cache or all caches at once. This can be helpful when you are doing diagnostic work on a running exteNd Director application.
For more information on controlling caching in the DAC, see the discussion of the Cache tab in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
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