Content Management Guide


Maintaining Content

This chapter describes various ways to access and update existing content using the CMS Administration Console. It has these sections:

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Flow of operations

Here is a workflow that shows the variety of operations available to authorized users who are responsible for maintaining content in the CMS Administration Console:


This section presents procedures for:

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Previewing content

Users with READ permission can preview documents to get a view of how content will appear to users of the Web site. Using the preview function, document reviewers verify the accuracy, structure, and layout of content before it is published.

Procedure To preview the latest version of content:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click to select the folder that contains the content of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Preview button.

    The latest version of the document's content opens in the Content Reader window:


Procedure To preview a specific version of content:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click to select the folder that contains the content of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Select the Versions tab.

    A list of content versions appears, ordered from most recent to earliest.

    The currently published version of content appears with the published-version icon:


    If no version has been published, all versions appear with the default document icon:


  6. Click to select a version.

    The version name appears highlighted.

  7. Click the Preview button.

    The selected version of the document's content opens in the Content Reader window:


    NOTE:   If no version of this document has been published, no dynamic content appears in the Content Reader. Instead, a message appears at the bottom of the Content Reader window indicating that there is no currently published content for the document. For information about publishing content, see Administering version control.

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Editing content

Users with READ and WRITE permission can edit content. Documents must be checked out before they can be modified. The CMS Administration Console applies edits to the latest version of a document and saves the modifications as a new (later) version.

Procedure To edit content:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click to select the folder that contains the content of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Check-Out button.

  6. Click the Edit button.

    An edit window appears in which metadata, fields, and dynamic content can be modified.

  7. Edit the content, then click Update The Content.

    NOTE:   To undo your edits, click the Reset button to return the document to its original state.

    The updated content is saved in a new version of the document.

  8. Check the document back in by clicking Check-In.

For more information    For more information about checking documents in and out, see Checking documents in and out.

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Modifying properties

Users with READ, WRITE, and LIST permissions can modify the properties of the following CM elements in the CMS Administration Console:

Procedure To modify properties:

  1. Select the CM element of interest and open its Property Inspector.

    Here's how to access the Property Inspector for each element:

    CM element

    How to access


    1. Click the Content button.

    2. Select the Folder View tab.

    3. Select the folder of interest.

    Taxonomy and category

    1. Click the Content button.

    2. Select the Category View tab.

    3. Select the taxonomy or category of interest.


    1. Click the Content button.

    2. Select the Folder View tab.

    3. Expand the folder that contains the document of interest.

    4. Select the document.

    5. Check out the document by clicking Check-Out.

    Document field

    1. Click the Templates button.

    2. Select a document type that contains the field of interest.

    3. Select the field and click the Properties button.

  2. In the Property Inspector, modify properties as needed.

    TIP:   Some properties cannot be edited.

  3. Record your changes:


    Do this

    Folders, taxonomies, categories, and documents

    Click Save.

    Document fields

    1. Click Update.

    2. Check the document back in by clicking Check-In.

For more information    For more information about checking documents out and in, see Checking documents in and out.

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Assigning a document's folder, categories, and taxonomies

You can change the folder, categories, and taxonomies anytime for any document for which you have READ, WRITE, and LIST permissions.

Procedure To change a document's folder:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click the folder that contains the document of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Check-Out button.

  6. Click the Edit button.

    An edit window appears.

  7. Click the ellipsis next to the Folder field.

    The Folder Selector window opens:


  8. Navigate to the new folder, click the folder name, and click Done.

    The name of the new folder replaces the old one in the Folder field of the edit window.

  9. Click Update The Content.

  10. Click Check-In.

Procedure To assign a document to categories or taxonomies:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click the folder that contains the document of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Check-Out button.

  6. Click the Edit button.

    An edit window appears.

  7. Click the ellipsis next to the Categories field.

    The Category Selector window opens:


  8. Navigate to an appropriate category or taxonomy and click the name.

    The name of the new category appears in the Categories field of the edit window.

    You can click additional categories and taxonomies to add the document to them.

    TIP:   If you click a category or taxonomy that already contains the document, that document is removed from that category or taxonomy. (In the Edit Document dialog, the document's name is removed from the Categories listing.)

  9. When you have finished specifying categories and taxonomies, click Done.

    The Category Selector window closes and your choices are reflected in the Categories listing.

  10. Enter other content as needed and click Update And Close.

    The Edit Document dialog closes.

  11. In the Content Property Inspector, click Check-In.

Procedure To change a document's categories or taxonomies:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Category View tab.

    Your taxonomies and categories appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click the category or taxonomy that contains the document of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click Check-Out.

  6. Click Edit.

    An edit window appears.

  7. Select the ellipsis next to the Categories field.

    The Category Selector window opens:


  8. Navigate to the appropriate category or taxonomy and click the name.

    The name of the new category appears in the Categories field of the edit window.

    You can click additional categories and taxonomies to add the document to them.

    To remove the document from a category or taxonomy, click that category or taxonomy. (In the Edit Document dialog, the document's name is removed from the Categories listing.)

  9. When you have finished specifying categories and taxonomies, click Done.

    The Category Selector window closes and your choices are reflected in the Categories listing.

  10. Click Update The Content.

  11. Click Check-In.

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Modifying display styles

Authorized users can modify a display style by uploading changes to its XSL style sheets. The CMS Administration Console stores these updates as new versions of the style sheets. Users then publish the version they want to apply to content.

This section describes the procedure for modifying style sheets in a display style.

NOTE:   Before you begin, make sure you have updated the style sheet in an external editor and can access the file containing these modifications from your local file system, the network, or the CMS Administration Console.

Procedure To modify a display style:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Navigate to the folder that contains the XSL style sheet you want to modify.

    TIP:   Style sheets appear as system resources.

  4. Select the style sheet of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Check-Out button.

    The style sheet is checked out and appears with the checked-out document icon:


  6. Switch to templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing all document types that have been defined.

  7. Select the document type that contains the display style you want to change.

    A document type Property Inspector appears.

  8. Click the XSL Style Sheets tab.

    Two panes appear. The Default Display Styles pane lists the display styles that have been created for the document type, and the Properties pane displays the properties of a selected display style.

  9. In the Default Display Styles pane, expand the display style you want to modify to display its associated XSL style sheets.

  10. Select the style sheet you want to modify and click Upload.

    The Update Style Sheet window opens:


  11. Enter the name of the updated XSL style sheet using one of these methods:

    A new version of the XSL style sheet is created.

  12. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

    The style sheet document should still be selected with its Property Inspector open.

  13. Check the style sheet back in by clicking Check-In.

For more information    For more information about checking documents in and out, see Checking documents in and out.

NOTE:   To apply the updated style sheet to content, you must publish the new version, as described in Administering version control.

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Editing document types

Authorized users can edit document types. All changes apply to legacy documents as well as new documents of the designated type.

Procedure To edit a document type:

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing the document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type you want to modify and click Edit.

    The Edit This Document Type window opens:


    NOTE:   If you created the document outside of the CMS Administration Console using the CM APIs, you might not be able to access the document type and associated data. The CMS Administration Console requires that certain meta data be included. For more information, refer to EbiContentMgmtDelegate in the on-line API Reference section.

  3. (Optional) Click Extended Options to display additional document type options.

  4. Edit fields and options as needed.

    For more information    For details about the individual options, see Creating document types.

  5. Click Update Document Type.

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Editing document fields

Authorized users can edit fields, but only from within the document types where the fields were originally created.

Procedure To edit a document field:

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing all document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type in which the field was created.

    The fields defined for that document type appear along with the list of all available fields.

    NOTE:   If you created the document outside of the CMS Administration Console using the CM APIs, you might not be able to access the document fields. The CMS Administration Console requires that meta data from the document fields be included. For more information, refer to EbiContentMgmtDelegate in the on-line API Reference section.

    The Available Fields list displays the parent document type in parentheses next to each field. Use this information to verify that you are editing the field in its parent document type.

  3. Select the field you want to edit and click Properties.

    The Property Inspector opens.

  4. Edit the properties of the field as appropriate and click Update.

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Setting document expiration dates

There are occasions when a content administrator needs to set an expiration date for a documents that has a limited life span. The CMS Administration Console allows users with WRITE permission to set or change this date anytime after the document is created.

When expiration dates are set, developers can write queries in portlets to remove expired content, or write a scheduled business object to check expiration dates and take specified actions if content is obsolete.

Procedure To set the expiration date of a document:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Click to select the folder that contains the document of interest.

    A list of documents appears in the content list.

  4. Select the document of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  5. Click the Check-Out button.

  6. In the Expiration Date field, enter an expiration date of the form:

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the Check-In button.

For more information    For more information about checking documents in and out, see Checking documents in and out.

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Deleting content

Authorized users can delete certain CM elements in the CMS Administration Console. This section describes procedures for:

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Deleting folders

When you delete a folder, all folders and documents it contains are also deleted.

Procedure To delete a folder:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Select the folder of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

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Deleting taxonomies and categories

When you delete a taxonomy or category, all categories it contains are also deleted. Documents are always retained in their parent folder, even if their assigned taxonomies or categories have been removed.

Procedure To delete a taxonomy or category:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Category View tab.

    Your taxonomies and categories appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Select the taxonomy or category of interest to open its Property Inspector.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

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Deleting documents

You must check out a document before you can delete it. When you delete a document, all versions are removed.

Procedure To delete a document:

  1. Enter content mode by clicking the Content button in the toolbar.

  2. Select the Folder View tab.

    Your folders appear in the content tree view. You may need to expand some of these containers to see the complete view.

  3. Navigate to the document of interest and select it to open its Property Inspector.

  4. In the Property Inspector, select the General tab and click Check-Out.

    The Property Inspector refreshes to display new function buttons.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

For more information    For more information about checking documents in and out, see Checking documents in and out.

When you delete a document, the Director DRE Administrator reflects the change in the number of documents immediately, but the number of terms remains the same. The number of terms will not change until the DRECOMPACT command is executed. DRECOMPACT is not run immediately on delete because of the impact on query performance. You can find out more about DRECOMPACT in your Autonomy documentation.

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Deleting display styles

When you delete a display style, the CMS Administration Console also removes all XSL style sheets that have been created for that display style.

Procedure To delete a display style:

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing all document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type that contains the display style to delete.

  3. Select the XSL Style Sheets tab.

    A list of the document type's display styles appears in the Default Display Styles pane.

  4. Select the display style you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete under the Properties pane.

  6. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

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Deleting document types

When you delete a document type, the CMS Administration Console also removes all documents that have been created using that document type.

There is another side effect of deleting document types: any fields that were created within that document type are adopted by a new parent—the system document type—that appears in the Document Types list as _PmcSystemDefaultType.

Once adopted, these fields remain part of the available pool of fields but can be edited only from within _PmcSystemDefaultType. You can easily identify adopted system fields: they appear in the Available Fields pool with the suffix --System Field appended to their names.

In the following example, Multiple Choice is an adopted system field:


Procedure To delete a document type:

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing all document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type to delete.

  3. Click Delete under the Document Types pane.

  4. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

    The CMS Administration Console deletes the document type and all documents that have been created using that document type.

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Deleting and removing document fields

There are two separate operations:



Permanently deleting fields—from the CMS Administration Console

Deletes fields from all documents and from pool or available fields

Removing fields—from the parent document type

Removed fields from all documents—but leaves fields in pool of available fields

Permanently deleting fields—from the CMS Administration Console

You can delete document fields permanently from the CMS Administration Console, but only from within the document types where they were originally defined. When you delete a field from the CMS Administration Console, the field is removed from all existing documents in which it appeared and from the pool of available fields.

CAUTION:    Although this is a convenient way of applying one deletion to multiple documents, be aware that the effect is global and irreversible.

Procedure To permanently delete a document field from the CMS Administration Console:

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing the document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type for which the field was defined.

  3. Select the field in the Available Fields pane.

  4. Click Delete under the Available Fields pane.

  5. When a confirmation window appears, click OK.

    The CMS Administration Console deletes the field from the Available Fields pane and from all documents that have been created using document types that contain the field.

Removing fields—from the parent document type

You can remove a document field from the document types where it was originally defined but leave it in the available pool of fields for later use.

When a field is removed from its parent document type, it is adopted by the system document type _PmcSystemDefaultType. You can then add the field to any document type, but edit it only from the system document type.

What happens to legacy documents when you remove a field from its parent document type? There are two scenarios:

If you

The CMS Administration Console

Selected the Clean Up Data option in the parent document type

Deletes the field from legacy documents of the designated type

Did not select the Clean Up Data option in the parent document type

Preserves the field in legacy documents of the designated type, but does not allow you to edit the field

NOTE:   You will see the legacy field when you preview the document, but not when you edit the document.

For more information    For more information about the Clean Up Data option, see Creating document types.

Procedure To remove a document field from a document type (but leave it available):

  1. Enter templates mode by clicking the Templates button in the toolbar.

    A panel appears listing the document types that have been defined.

  2. Select the document type for which the field was defined.

  3. Select the field in the Fields pane and then click the Remove Field button:


    The field is removed from the Fields pane and refreshes in the Available Fields pane as a system field.

  4. Click Save.

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