Content Management Guide
This chapter describes the exteNd Director support for the the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) communications protocol. Using this protocol allows you to access server-side content in the exteNd Director Content Management (CM) subsystem from third-party or custom WebDAV client applications.
This chapter includes the following topics:
The WebDAV protocol extends the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to support asynchronous collaborative authoring on the Web.
As the standard protocol that allows Web browsers to communicate with Web servers, HTTP has transformed the Web into a readable medium by allowing users to view and download individual static documents as read-only information. However, HTTP falls short of supporting write operations such as simultaneous editing of multiple resources on the Web.
WebDAV goes the next step by providing extensions to HTTP that create a distributed writable Web environment. Using WebDAV, multiple users can create content locally or remotely using WebDAV-enabled authoring tools, then save content directly to an URL on an HTTP server.
This section provides a brief overview of WebDAV.
For more detailed information on WebDAV, search on the Web for rfc2518the WebDAV specification. The following URL provided helpful information at the time this chapter was published:
The WebDAV protocol provides methods that act on Web resources, collections, and propertieskey information elements used in distributed Web authoring:
The WebDAV protocol provides extensions to HTTP through a set of open standards that can be used by any distributed authoring tool. These extensions support the following key requirements for collaborative authoring on the Web:
exteNd Director's WebDAV support is designed to work with any WebDAV-compliant client application.
Works with WebDAV-compliant authoring tools You can create content in your preferred WebDAV-compliant authoring tool and still take advantage of the standard document management capabilities of the exteNd Director CM subsystem on your serverfunctions such as checkin, checkout, and versioning.
Includes WebDAV client API While most third-party WebDAV clients support these standard document management functions, they do not support the more sophisticated features of the CM subsystem, such as categorization and document creation using custom templates. To bridge this gap, exteNd Director subsystem also includes a WebDAV client API that provides classes and methods for accessing these custom features from your own client applications.
For more information about the WebDAV client API, see Building Your Own WebDAV Client.
WebDAV support is added, by default, when you create an exteNd Director project. The default WebDAV support includes these settings:
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
Servlet Path |
The WebDAV servlet in the Portal WAR. |
WebDAV |
Property settings in the config.xml file in the (in WEB-INF/conf) include:
Property |
Description |
com.sssw.webdav.cdata |
Specifies whether the server should wrap user data in WebDAV responses in CDATA tags. When true (the default), you are unable to use Microsoft clients. It is required by other client types when valid xml markup is contained in the user data (for example, a folder named "Jack & Jil") |
com.sssw.webdav.reqchkout |
When true (the default), requires files to be checked out and locked before they are moved, copied, or deleted. Locking preserves data consistency when multiple users update data. Disable this parameter if your WebDAV client does not support a locking mechanism. In particular, Microsoft File Explorer does not support locking of WebFolders.
| |
Enables events to be generated when WebDAVis used to manipulate the Content Management subsystem. |
If you opt for Custom setup, you must explicitly specify that WebDAV support be included.
Changing default settings You can change the project's default settings by editing the config.xml file directly.
After you deploy the exteNd Director project containing WebDAV support, you can connect a WebDAV-enabled client to the exteNd Director content repository. To establish this connection, you must provide the following parameters to the client:
User ID and password that are valid for exteNd Director (not a server user ID and password)
URL that references the directory on the WebDAV server you want to connect to. The structure of the URL for the Novell WebDAV server is:
For example:
To learn how to provide these parameters and connect to a site (in this case the exteNd Director content repository) using the WebDAV protocol, consult client documentation.
exteNd Director allows you to perform the following functions remotely from your WebDAV client application:
Get the latest version of your content from the content repository for editing
Lock content for editing in the content repository and know that your changes will not be overwritten by another author
Unlock content so that it is available to other authors for editing
Copy and move content across collections within the hierarchical physical infrastructure of the content repository
Upload resources and collections from the client to the server
WebDAV-enabled clients implement these functions in different ways. Consult your client documentation to learn how to use specific third-party tools with the WebDAV protocol.
For more information about the WebDAV methods exteNd Director supports, see Supported WebDAV methods.
When you save content created using a third-party WebDAV client to the exteNd Director content repository, the content is stored as a system resource. The repository handles system resources by storing a default set of properties (or metadata) along with content. The following table describes these properties and how default values are assigned:
You can change or assign values to these properties in the exteNd Director CM subsystem programmatically or using the CMS Administration Console. Some WebDAV-enabled authoring tools also allow you to edit property values on the client side.
For more information about using the CMS Administration Console, see About the CMS Administration Console.
When content is stored as a system resource, it cannot be associated with any custom document types or categories that have been defined in the CM subsystem. To create content that is more tightly integrated with these CM subsystem features, you can:
Build your own WebDAV client application using a client API provided with exteNd Director.
For more information about the WebDAV client API, see Building Your Own WebDAV Client.
Use the CM API or the CMS Administration Console to create a document of a particular type in the CM subsystem on the server. You can then edit this content inside a WebDAV-compliant client, preserving the original document type.
exteNd Director requires tha you provide a valid user ID and password to the WebDAV client. These values are used to authenticate your access privileges when you attempt to access secure content in the content repository from your WebDAV client.
Users do not see resources for which they do not have read access.
For more information, see Accessing the WebDAV server.
When a WebDAV client requests a resource from the server, exteNd Director returns the latest version from the content repositorythough not necessarily the published version. For example, a WebDAV client cannot retrieve the published version of content if it is not the latest version.
When the WebDAV client uploads and checks in a resource, the exteNd Director creates a new version and publishes it in the content repository.
exteNd Director supports the following WebDAV methods. To learn how to perform these functions from your WebDAV-enabled authoring tool, consult client documentation:
Novell provides a WebDAV serverdeployed and publicly availableagainst which you can test your WebDAV clients. This server provides the features of the Novell WebDAV implementation.
CAUTION: Do not use this server for production applications. Novell cannot be responsible for content uploaded by anonymous users, and periodically purges user data.
To access the Novell public WebDAV server (general steps):
Access the server from your WebDAV client using this URL:
When prompted, provide these credentials:
Credential |
Value |
User ID |
devcenter |
Password |
rocks |
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