Content Search Guide
This chapter describes the types of Autonomy-based queries supported by the exteNd Director Search subsystem and how to implement them.
The following queries are covered:
For background information, see Querying Content and Metadata.
A boolean query uses logical operators to refine search criteria.
This is the order of precedence of logical operators (in descending order):
You can use parentheses to group operators and operands.
In this example parentheses are not needed, because AND has a higher precedence than OR. To change the order of evaluation use parentheses, as in this example:
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the boolean query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set the query type to be "text" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_TEXT); // Specify the query query.setText("effect+AND+recession+AND+economic+AND+slowdown+AND+consumer+AND+spending+OR+buying"); ...
A conceptual query returns content that is related by meaning and ranked by relevance to the search criteria. The query string should be as specific as possibleusually a paragraph or at least a sentence.
word1+word2+word3+... wordN
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the conceptual query like this:
// Instantiate a blank query object query =;
// Set query type to be "text"
// Specify the query
A field query allows you to search metadata in documents, or metadata and content in a single method call. Metadata refers to standard metadata and/or custom metadata. Before issuing a field query, make sure you configure your search environment to specify the types of metadata you want to searchstandard metadata and/or custom metadataas described in Setting Search Options.
To specify the metadata to search, you must set up a field specifier list by calling the method setFieldSpecList() on an object that implements the EbiQuery interface. If you are searching more than one field, you must define a field boolean expression that specifies how the fields should be searched, then pass this expression as the second argument to setFieldSpecList(). If you are searching only one field, this argument should be null.
Field specifier list The syntax for the field specifier list is:
fnameFieldname1=*value1*+fnameFieldname2=*value2*+... fnameFieldnameN=*value3*
You can issue field queries using the names of standard or custom metadata fields, as long as the metadata has been indexed.
Standard metadata field names are listed in DirectorDRE.cfg, located in:
exteNd Director installation directory\autonomy\engine
Field boolean expression The syntax for the field boolean expression is:
fnameFieldname1+LOGICAL OPERATOR+fnameFieldname2+LOGICAL OPERATOR+... fnameFieldnameN
Logical operators can be the keywords AND, OR, and NOT.
Suppose that in your Content Management (CM) repository you define a document type called Research Study and a custom field called Topic. If you want to find all research studies whose topic is Economy, follow these steps:
Define a field specifier list, as follows:
String fieldSpecList = "fnameDOCTYPENAME=*Research Study*+fnameTopic=*Economy*";
Define a boolean expression to direct the search, as follows:
String fieldBooleanExpr = "fnameDOCTYPENAME+AND+fnameTopic";
Pass these two strings as arguments to the setFieldSpecList() method:
query.setFieldSpecList(fieldSpecList, fieldBooleanExpr);
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the field query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set query type to be "text" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_TEXT); // Specify the query query.setText("effect+recession+economic+slowdown+consumer+spending"); // Provide field specifiers (to find research studies about the // economy) String fieldSpecList = "fnameDOCTYPENAME=*Research Study*+fnameTopic=*Economy*" String fieldBooleanExpr = "fnameDOCTYPENAME+AND+fnameTopic"; query.setFieldSpecList(fieldSpecList, fieldBooleanExpr); ...
Notice that this example defines criteria for searching content (using the setText() method) as well as criteria for searching metadata (using the setFieldSpecList() method) in a single query expression. This is a powerful feature, because it allows you to search both content and metadata with a single call to the runQuery() method.
A fuzzy query tries to match terms even when they are misspelled.
Fuzzy queries are implemented in the same way as conceptual queries except that you must define the query type to be fuzzy. In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the fuzzy query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set query type to be "fuzzy" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_FUZZY); // Specify the query query.setText("The+efect+of+the+recession+on+consumer+spending"); ...
A get-all query returns all documents.
You do not specify query strings for get-all queries, but you must define the query type to be get all. In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the get-all query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set query type to be "get all" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_GETALL); ...
NOTE: The get-all query is provided for debugging purposes, but not recommended for production usebecause returning all documents can impact performance.
A traditional keyword search looks for occurrences of a search string.
word1:+word2:+word3:+... wordN:
These are the steps for implementing keyword searches:
Make sure that content can be indexed and stored in the DRE, by enabling the property name in config.xml for the CM subsystem.
For more information about where project files are located, see the section on exteNd Director project structure in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
For more information about this property, see Copy document contents into the DRE?.
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the keyword query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set query type to be "text" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_TEXT); // Specify the query query.setText("effect:+recession:+consumer:+spending:+buying:"); ...
As its name suggests, a proper name search looks for proper names.
ProperName1+ProperName2+ProperName3+... ProperNameN
Proper name searches are implemented in the same way as conceptual queries, except that you must define the query type to be a name search. In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the proper name search like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set query type to be "name search" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_NAMESEARCH); // Specify the query query.setText("Ralph+Waldo+Emerson"); ...
A proximity query specifies that certain words in the query must occur close to each other.
Put single quotes around the words that should occur close together.
word1+`word2+word3'+... wordN
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the proximity query like this:
... // Instantiate a blank query object query =; // Set the query type to be "text" query.setQueryType(query.QUERY_TYPE_TEXT); // Specify the query query.setText("effect+recession+`economic+slowdown'+`consumer+spending'+`consumer+buying'"); ...
A suggest-similar query tries to find documents similar to other documents that were found to be relevant to your search criteria.
document-identifier1+document-identifier2+document-identifier3+... document-identifierN
The document identifier is either the document ID assigned to the document by the query engine (exteNd Director DRE) or its URL (DRE reference).
In the query expression, you can specify document identifiers as document IDs or document URL references.
To implement the suggest-similar query, follow these steps:
Set the query type to suggest, using the setQueryType() method.
Define suggest options, using the setSuggestOptions() method:
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the suggest similar query like this:
... //Get the query engine delegate EbiQueryEngineDelegate qe =; //Instantiate a blank query object query =; query.selectAll(); //Set query type to "text" to get documents whose references //or IDs can be passed on to the suggest-similar query query.setQueryType(; //Set query string query.setText("economic+recession+effects"); String ids = ""; //Search for documents that meet the original search criteria try { Iterator results = qe.runQuery(context, query, null, false).iterator(); //Put together the list of engine document IDs that constitute //the suggest-similar query boolean first = true; while (results.hasNext()) { res = (; String engineDocID = res.getProperty(EbiQueryResult.PROP_ENGINE_DOC_ID); if (!first) ids += "+"; else first = false; ids += engineDocID; } } catch (Exception e) { if (m_log.isError()) m_log.error(e); } if (!"".equals(ids)) { //Set query type to "suggest" query.setQueryType(EbiQuery.QUERY_TYPE_SUGGEST); query.setSuggestOptions(true, true); query.setText(ids); //Run the suggest-similar query Iterator results = qe.runQuery(context, query, null, false); ... }
In this example, the setSuggestOptions() method specifies that:
Identifiers in the query expression be interpreted as document IDs
Documents referenced in the query expression suggestQuery be excluded from the query results
To use document URL references (instead of document IDs) in this example, modify the following statements:
String engineDocID = res.getProperty(EbiQueryResult.PROP_ENGINE_DOC_ID);
String engineDocID = res.getProperty(EbiQueryResult.PROP_ENGINE_DOC_REF);
query.setSuggestOptions(true, true);
query.setSuggestOptions(false, true);
A thesaurus query analyzes not only the terms in the query expression, but also associated terms (or synonyms) that you define in a separate thesaurus.
To issue a thesaurus query, you follow these basic steps:
For each term, create a thesaurus document that contains synonyms or words you want to associate with that term.
Mark the query to run as a thesaurus query by calling the setIsThesaurusQuery() method on an object that implements the EbiQuery interface.
Get a repository descriptor object for each thesaurus DRE you create.
Set thesaurus options by calling the setThesaurus() method on an EbiQuery object.
Thesaurus DRE
For each term you plan to search, you need to create a thesaurus DRE (Step 2 above). This section explains how.
NOTE: This section is based on information adapted from the Autonomy Server 2.2 manual from Autonomy, Inc.
Create a folder called ThesaurusDRE in the folder where the Autonomy integration files are installed.
By default, the Autonomy integration files are stored in the exteNd Director installation directory at:
exteNd Director\autonomy
Copy all files from the existing exteNd Director DRE to the ThesaurusDRE folder.
These files are stored in the exteNd Director installation directory at:
exteNd Director\autonomy\engine
In the ThesaurusDRE folder, rename the following files:
Change this |
To this |
DirectorDRE.exe |
ThesaurusDRE.exe |
DirectorDREadmin.exe |
ThesaurusDREadmin.exe |
DirectorDRE.cfg |
ThesaurusDRE.cfg |
Edit ThesaurusDRE.cfg to point to different ports, as follows:
Change this |
To this |
The QUERYPORT setting |
The INDEXPORT setting |
In your favorite text editor, create a thesaurus document.
The thesaurus document should contain a list of associated words, separated by carriage returns, as in this example:
Use the DRE Administration console to import and index your thesaurus document in the thesaurus DRE. Follow these steps:
Connect the DRE Administration console to the thesaurus DRE by double-clicking ThesaurusDREadmin.exe in the ThesaurusDRE folder.
Make sure the connection was successful by checking for the check mark symbol on the DRE Administration console window:
Create a new DRE database by entering ThesaurusDB in the New Database Name text box and clicking the Create New Database button.
If an alert box appears, click Yes to confirm that you want to create the database.
Browse to your thesaurus document, select it, and click Open.
The thesaurus document should appear in the list of input files to import.
Select ThesaurusDB as the destination database and click OK.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to add the thesaurus document's IDX file to the list of documents to index.
Now you are ready to implement a thesaurus query.
In the getComponentData() method of your exteNd Director component, set up the thesaurus query like this:
... //Instantiate a blank query object query =; //Construct your query expression query.setText("feline"); //Mark the query to run as a thesaurus query query.setIsThesaurusQuery(true); //Get a repository descriptor for the thesaurus DRE EbiRepositoryDesc thesaurus ="", 8000, 8001, "ThesaurusDB"); //Set thesaurus options query.setThesaurus(thesaurus); //Run the query Collection results = queryEngine.runQuery(context, query, repositories, true); ...
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