Content Search Guide


Implementing SQL-Based Searching

This chapter describes how to implement SQL-based searching in exteNd Director applications.

The following topics are covered:

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Logic flow for implementing SQL-based search

You can write search components to implement SQL-based searching in exteNd Director applications. Use the following logic flow in the getComponentData() method of the exteNd Director component:

  1. Instantiate a content manager delegate, as follows: contentMgr =;

    NOTE:   A delegate is a wrapper that hides the location of a service. The delegate model follows the J2EE Business Delegate pattern. For more information about delegates, see the chapter on coding Java for exteNd Director applications in Developing exteNd Director Applications.

  2. Instantiate a document metadata query object, as follows: query = (EbiDocQuery) contentMgr.createQuery(EbiDocQuery.DOC_QUERY);
  3. Select the fields to be returned by calling SELECT methods on the EbiDocQuery object.

    EbiDocQuery inherits SELECT methods from

  4. Specify the search criteria by calling WHERE methods on the EbiDocQuery object.

    Each method returns a com.sssw.fw.api.EbiQueryExpression object, which represents a SQL WHERE subclause.

  5. Concatenate the WHERE subclauses by calling methods on EbiQueryExpression to combine terms using logical operators and parentheses.

    For more information    For more details, see Building the search criteria.

  6. Specify the order in which to return results in ORDER BY clause(s) by calling ORDERBY methods on the object.

  7. Execute the search by calling findElements() on the EbiContentMgmtDelegate object.

    The findElements() method executes the query and returns a collection of EbiDocument objects. The collection contains the IDs and data for only those fields you designated using SELECT methods in Step 3. As such, the objects in the collection are not complete representations of the documents in the CM repository.

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Building the search criteria

You specify search criteria for metadata by calling WHERE methods on the document metadata query object WHERE methods match values against data and include a NOT parameter that can negate the clause.

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Using operators to match values against data

WHERE methods can match values against data by using SQL, relational, or string operators defined in com.sssw.fw.api.EbiMetaDataQuery, a generic interface for defining SQL queries over metadata.

Here is a summary of available operators:



SQL operators


SQL BETWEEN operator


SQL IN operator


SQL IS NULL operator (the value argument in the WHERE method is not ignored)

Relational operators


Is equal to (=)


Is greater than or equal to (>=)


Is greater than (>)


Is less than or equal to (<=)


Is less than (<)

String operators


Whether the target string ends with the specified character sequence


Whether two strings are equivalent without considering case


SQL LIKE operator


SQL LIKE operator, where the case of the operands is ignored


Whether the target string begins with the specified character sequence

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Concatenating WHERE expressions

When you need to connect WHERE expressions for several metadata fields, you can concatenate them using com.sssw.fw.api.EbiQueryExpression methods. Here are some examples illustrating patterns that assign the result to expression1:




Join two expressions using AND


Enclose expression in parentheses before joining it to another expression


Join two expressions using OR

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Defining criteria for searching custom metadata

To define criteria for searching custom (extension) metadata fields, use whereField*() methods defined on

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Construct an expression that identifies the field of interest, by either ID or name:




    whereFieldID*() methods


    whereFieldName*() methods

  2. Construct a second expression that specifies the desired value of the field.

    Use any whereFieldValue*() method.

  3. Concatenate the WHERE expressions you just created using the andExpression() method and the parenthesize() method.

    The resulting expression restricts the search to the field identified in Step 1 and the values specified in Step 2.

    TIP:   To search another field, set up another pair of field identifier/value expressions in the same way and concatenate the result with the rest of the WHERE clause.

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Example: searching standard document metadata

The following example illustrates how to perform a SQL-based search on standard document metadata. In this example, a method called executeDocMetaSearch() finds documents of type Movie Review that meet the following search criteria:

In this example, the method allows you to specify your custom metadata query in a single line of code. Other similar methods include:

For more information    For more information on these methods, see the javadoc for EbiDocQuery.

The EbiDocument objects in the returned collection contain all the properties that have been defined for the movie reviews in ascending order by creation date.

The executeDocMetaSearch() method accesses the following objects as input arguments:

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