Workflow Guide
This chapter describes how to use the JSP tags contained in WorkflowTag.jar.
For background information, see the chapter on using the exteNd Director tag libraries in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
These are the JSP tags:
Specifies a workitem addressee that is passed to the tag within which it is nested. This tag is a nested tag. It can only be used as the child of another tag.
The parent tag must have a method of signature addAddressee(String x). The addressee tag calls that method on the parent tag and passes in the addressee.
See also
This example shows how to specify addressee nested tags in the getWorklist parent tag:
<epwf:getWorkList id="example" iterate="true" > <epwf:addressee>user1</epwf:addressee> <epwf:addressee>user2</epwf:addressee> Activity = <%=activity%><br/> workitemid = <%=workitemid%><br/> name = <%=name%><br/> lockedby = <%=lockedby%><br/> message = <%=message%><br/> </epwf:getWorkList>
Creates an EbiProperty object for a workitem or document using the specified values for property name, value, and type.
If docName is provided, the property object is created for the document. The EbiProperty object is returned in a default scripting variable called newProperty, or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps a version of createProperty() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:createProperty workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" propName="propName" value="value" type= "type" immutable="immutable" id="id"/>
Attribute |
Required? |
Request-time expression values supported? |
Description |
workitemID |
Yes |
Yes |
Workitem ID |
docName |
No |
Yes |
Name of the document to which to add the property |
propName |
Yes |
Yes |
Name for the property |
value |
Yes |
Yes |
Property value |
type |
Yes |
Yes |
Data type for the property value; for valid entries, see EbiProperty in the API documentation |
immutable |
No |
Yes |
Boolean value (true or false) that specifies whether the property is immutable; default is false |
id |
No |
No |
Name of the variable in which to store the returned property object; default name is newProperty |
This example creates a workitem property and gets the property name from the returned object:
<epwf:createProperty id="example" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" propName="wiproperty2" value="testvalue" type="string" / > <% prop = ("example");%><br/> <%=prop.getPropertyName()%>
Forwards a workitem to the next activity and returns a boolean representing whether the attempt to forward was successful.
The value is returned on a scripting variable called wi_forward or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps the forward() method on the EbiQueueDelegate interface.
<prefix:forwardWorkitem workitemID="workitemID" id="id"/>
<epwf:forwardWorkitem id="forward" workitemID='<%=x%>' /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("forward") %>
Returns a document for a specified workitem ID. By default it returns the document as an object of type org.w3c.dom.Document. If returnDOM is set to false, the document is returned as a String. The value is returned on a scripting variable called wi_document or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps getDocument() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:getDocument workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" returnDOM="returnDOM" id="id"/>
This example gets a workitem document as a String:
<epwf:getDocument id="example" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="mydoc1" returnDOM="false" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("example")%>
Retrieves a list of available workflow processes. Returns the list as a DOM or as variables that can be set within the tag. The result is returned using a scripting variable called processList or by a value set in the id attribute.
Tag options
Do one of the following:
Set returnDOM to true (returns DOM) or false (returns String XML). In this case the iterate attribute must be false.
Set iterate to true to return results via variables in the body tag. In this case returnDOM is not used.
This tag wraps the getProcessDefinitions() method on the EbiWorkflowEngineDelegate interface.
<prefix:getProcessList returnDOM="returnDOM" iterate="iterate" id="id"/>
This example gets a process list using iterated nested variables:
<epwf:getProcessList iterate="true" > ProcessID = <%=processid%><br/> Name = <%=name%><br/> </epwf:getProcessList>
Gets a property object of type EbiProperty for a workitem or (if docName is provided) for a document. The value is returned on a scripting variable called property or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps the getProperty() method on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:getProperty workitemID="workitemID" propName="propName" docName="docName" id="id"/>
This example gets a workitem property name and value from the returned property object:
<epwf:getProperty id="example" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" propName="wiproperty" /> <%=(("example")).getPropertyName()%> = name <%=(("example")).getPropertyValue()%> = value
Returns a List (java.util.List) of EbiProperty objects for a given workitem and/or related document. Either the forWorkitem or forDocuments attribute must be set to true. If both are set to true, all properties will be returned for the workitem and all related documents. List is returned on a scripting variable called propertyList or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps the getAllProperties(), getWorkitemProperties, and getDocumentProperties on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface, depending on the attributes provided.
<prefix:getPropertyList workitemID="workitemID" forWorkitem="forWorkitem" forDocuments="forDocuments" docName="docName" iterate="iterate" id="id"/>
Property list using iterated nested variables:
<epwf:getPropertyList id="example1" iterate="true" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" forWorkitem="true" forDocuments="true" > name = <%=name%><br/> value = <%=value%><br/> docName = <%=docName%><br/> </epwf:getPropertyList>
Property list as a Java List:
<epwf:getPropertyList id="example2" iterate="false" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" forWorkitem="true" forDocuments="true" /> <%=example2.size()%> = size
Checks the status of the workflow engine. Returns the word running, shutdown, or suspended. The value is returned on a scripting variable called queueStatus or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps getQueueStatus on the EbiQueueDelgate interface.
<prefix:getQueueStatus id="id"/>
Attribute |
Required? |
Request-time expression values supported? |
Description |
id |
No |
No |
Name of the variable in which to store the return value; the default name is queueStatus |
<epwf:getQueueStatus id="queue" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("queue") %>
Returns an object of type EbiWorkitemDelegate for the specified workitemID. The value is returned on a scripting variable called workitem or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps getWorkitem() on the EbiQueueDelgate interface.
<prefix:getWorkitem workitemID="workitemID" id="id"/>
Attribute |
Required? |
Request-time expression values supported? |
Description |
workitemID |
Yes |
Yes |
Workitem ID |
id |
No |
No |
Name of the variable in which to store the return value; the default name is workitem |
<epwf:getWorkitem id="get" workitemID='<%=x%>' /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("get") %>
Retrieves a list of workitems from a specified queue. The result is returned using a default scripting variable called workList or by a value set in the id attribute.
You can embed the workitem addressee in this tag using the addressee tag.
This tag wraps a version of getWorklist() on the EbiQueueDelegate interface. The method version used depends on which tag attributes are provided.
Tag options
Two steps are required:
Step |
What to do |
1 |
First make sure one of the following is true:
2 |
Then do one of the following:
The getWorklist tag wraps a version of getWorklist() on the EbiQueueDelegate interface. The method version used depends on which tag attributes are provided.
<prefix:getWorklist activity="activity" name="name" returnDOM="returnDOM" returnList="returnList" iterate= "iterate" priority="priority" ignoreSuspended="ignoreSuspended" id="id"/>
Worklist using iterated nested variables:
<epwf:getWorkList iterate="true" > Activity = <%=activity%><br/> Name = <%=name%><br/> Workitemid = <%=workitemid%><br/> <%! String x;%> <% x = (String) pageContext.getAttribute("workitemid"); %> Message = <%=message%><br/> Lockedby = <%=lockedby%><br/> </epwf:getWorkList>
Worklist as a DOM:
<epwf:getWorkList id="list" iterate="false" returnDOM="true" /> // access the DOM xml string = <%org.w3c.dom.Document doc = (org.w3c.dom.Document) pageContext.getAttribute("list");%> <%=doc.getFirstChild().getNodeName()%>
Worklist as a Java List object:
<epwf:getWorkList id="list2" returnList="true" /> <% for (int x=0;x<list2.size();x++){ // parse the List wid = ( list2.get(x); %> Wid <%=x%> activity name = <%=wid.getActivityName()%> <% } %>
Worklist as an XML string:
<epwf:getWorkList id="list3" iterate="false" returnDOM="false" /> xml string = <%=(String) pageContext.getAttribute("list3")%>
Worklist using an embedded addressee tag:
<epwf:getWorkList iterate="true" > <epwf:addressee>sample</epwf:addressee> Activity = <%=activity%><br/> workitemid = <%=workitemid%><br/> name = <%=name%><br/> lockedby = <%=lockedby%><br/> message = <%=message%><br/> </epwf:getWorkList>
Checks whether a document exists for workitem and returns a boolean. The value is returned on a scripting variable called hasDocument or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps hasDocument() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:hasDocument workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" returnDOM="returnDOM" id="id"/>
<epwf:hasDocument workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="mydocument" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("hasDocument")%>
Checks whether a property exists for a workitem or (if docName is provided) for a document. Returns a boolean. The value is returned on a scripting variable called hasProperty or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps hasProperty() and hasDocument Property on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:hasProperty workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" propName="propName" id="id"/>
<epwf:hasProperty id="status" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" propName="wiproperty2" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("status")%>
Checks whether a workitem document is lockedand if the userID attribute is set, also checks whether the document is locked by a particular user. Returns a boolean. The value is returned on a scripting variable called doc_islocked or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps isDocumentLocked() or isDocumentLockedBy() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:isDocumentLocked workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" userID ="userID" id="id"/>
<epwf:isDocumentLocked id="doclocked" workitemID='<%=x%>' docName="doc1" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("doclocked") %> <br/>
Checks whether a workitem is lockedand if the userID attribute is set, also checks whether the workitem is locked by a particular user. Returns a boolean. The value is returned on a scripting variable called wi_islocked or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps isLocked() or isLockedBy() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:isWorkitemLocked workitemID="workitemID" userID ="userID" id="id"/>
<epwf:isWorkitemLocked id="worklock" workitemID='<%=x%>' /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("worklock") %> <br/>
Stores an existing EbiProperty object for a workitem (or for a document if docName is provided) using the specified EbiProperty object. Returns a boolean representing success or failure. Return value is stored in a scripting variable called setProperty or the name provided in the id attribute.
If the userID attribute is not specified, the current user is used.
This tag wraps setProperty() and setDocumentProperty() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:setProperty workitemID="workitemID" property="property" forDocument="forDocument" userID ="userID" id="id"/>
Attribute |
Required? |
Request-time expression values supported? |
Description |
workitemID |
Yes |
Yes |
Workitem ID |
property |
Yes |
Yes |
Name of the property to add |
forDocument |
No |
Yes |
Boolean value that specifies whether the property is a document property; the default is false NOTE: The property must have been previously associated with the specified document; see createProperty |
userID |
No |
Yes |
UserID If set, the tag sets the document or workitem property for the user; otherwise, it uses the current context |
id |
No |
No |
Name of the variable in which to store the return value; the default name is setProperty |
This example sets a property from an attribute provided on the page:
<epwf:setProperty id="set" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" property="<%=("myatt")%>" / > <%=pageContext.getAttribute("set")%>
Starts a workflow process with a specified processID. Starts the process with a document if the docName attribute is specified, as well as one of the following attributes representing the document:
Returns an int representing success or failure:
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
Success |
-1 |
Engine not running; unable to start process |
-2 |
Process definition not found |
-3 |
Process suspended |
The value is returned on a scripting variable called processStarted or the name provided in the id attribute.
This tag wraps startProcess() on the EbiWorkflowEngineDelegate interface.
<prefix:startProcess processID="processID" docName="docName" document="document" docstring="docstring" url ="url" id="id"/>
<epwf:startProcess id ="start" processID="c373e9ea737c902a8f7af0aa8c836fd6" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("start") %>
Updates or adds a document for the specified workitem ID and document name and returns a boolean representing success. The return value is stored in a scripting variable called wi_document or the id you specify.
To add a new document, set the addMode attribute to true. To update an existing document, set it to false (default).
The document may be specified using one of these attributes:
If the userID attribute is not specified, the current user is used.
This tag wraps addDocument() and updateDocument() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:updateDocument workitemID="workitemID" docName="docName" document="document" identifier="identifier" url="url" userID="userID" addMode="addMode" id="id"/>
Adding a document with identifier:
<epwf:updateDocument id="doc1" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="identifier" addMode="true" identifier="myidentifier" / > <%= pageContext.getAttribute("doc1")%>
Updating a document with identifier:
// lock the document first <epwf:workitemLock workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="identifier" documentLock="true" action="lock"/> // update the document <epwf:updateDocument id="doc2" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="identifiertest3" identifier="newidentifier" / > <%=pageContext.getAttribute("doc2")%>
Adding document with string XML:
<epwf:updateDocument id="doc3" workitemID="<%=wid.getWorkitem().getId()%>" docName="string1" addMode="true" document="<main><node1>this is my document</node1></main>" / > <%= pageContext.getAttribute("doc3")%>
Locks or unlocks a workitem or the documents associated with a workitem. The action attribute must be set to either lock or unlock. Returns a boolean value representing success. The value is returned on a scripting variable called wilocked or the name provided in the id attribute.
If documentLock is set to true, a docName must be specified.
If the userID attribute is not specified, the object is locked or unlocked using the current user.
This tag wraps lock(), unlock(), lockDocument(), and unlockDocument() on the EbiWorkitemDelegate interface.
<prefix:workitemLock workitemID="workitemID" action="action" workitemLock="workitemLock" documentLock="documentLock" docName="docName" userID="userID" id="id"/>
<epwf:workitemLock id="wilock" workitemID='<%=x%>' action="lock" workitemLock="true" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("wilock") %> <br/> <% get.addDocument("test", "ID" , "sample"); %>
<epwf:workitemLock id="doclock" workitemID='<%=x%>' action="lock" workitemLock="false" documentLock="true" docName="test" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("doclock") %>
<epwf:workitemLock id="wiunlock" workitemID='<%=x%>' action="unlock" workitemLock="true" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("wiunlock") %> <br/> <%-- get.addDocument("test1456", "ID" , "sample"); --%>
<epwf:workitemLock id="docunlock" workitemID='<%=x%>' action="unlock" workitemLock="false" documentLock="true" docName="test" /> <%=pageContext.getAttribute("docunlock") %>
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