Review the following sections for working with the Filr Desktop Console:
When you first configure the Filr desktop application, you specify your account information and Filr server information. You can change the information at any time after the initial configuration:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
In the Desktop Console, Click Account.
Specify the following information:
Username: Specify the Filr user name that you use to log in to the Filr site.
Password: Specify the Filr password that you use to log in to the Filr site.
Remember password: Select this option to have the Filr desktop application remember your password. (This option can be disabled by your Filr administrator.)
Server URL: Specify the URL for the Filr site where you want to synchronize files to your computer. For example,
Click Apply.
Data quotas can be enabled by your Filr administrator in order to limit the amount of data that is stored on the Filr site.
If data quotas have been enabled on your Filr site, ensure that you understand what counts toward your data quotas, the different kinds of data quotas that exist, and how you can view the current data usage, so you can know when you are approaching the allotted data quota. If you meet your allotted quota, Filr enables you to purge files and attachments that you have previously deleted.
Data quotas limit the amount of data individual users can add to the Filr site. Files that are located in Net Folders (including your Home directory) do not count toward your data quota.
Data quotas might or might not be in use on your Filr site. If you are unable to view your data quotas as described in this section, your Filr administrator has not yet restricted the amount of data that can be added to the Filr site.
You can view your data quota directly from the desktop application:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
In the Desktop Console, Click Account.
Your data quota is displayed with the amount that you have currently used. The max file size is also displayed; this is the largest size of file that you are allowed to upload to the Filr site.
For more information, see Managing Your Data Quota
in the Filr 3.4: User Access Guide.
By default, Filr files are synchronized to the c:\Users\username\Filr folder on your file system.
When you first configure the Filr desktop application, you can specify the installation location on your file system. You can change the location of the Filr folder at any time after initial configuration.
IMPORTANT:You should not synchronize files to a location on a network that can be accessed by multiple computers. If the Filr folder is on a network location that is accessed by multiple computers, synchronization issues can occur when Filr files accessed from either computer are out of sync with each other and with the Filr server.
To change the location of the Filr folder:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
In the Desktop Console, click Storage, then click Browse to browse to the new location on the file system where you want the Filr folder to reside.
Click OK > Apply.
Log out and relogin the computer for the changes to be effective.
When an online file, which is not yet available offline, is accessed either by an application or by double-clicking, a copy of the file is cached locally.
The Storage tab in the Desktop Console specifies the default number of days that your Filr Administrator has set for the locally cached files to remain on your desktop after they are no longer being accessed or modified.
You can modify the number of days for which you want the locally cached files to remain on your desktop after they are no longer being accessed or modified only if your Filr Administrator has enabled you to do so. To modify the lifetime of the cached files, do the following:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
In the Desktop Console, click Storage.
(Conditional) If your Filr administrator has enabled you to modify the lifetime of the cached files, select the Remove cached files after _ days option and specify the modified number of days.
Filr now lets your system administrator control application-driven downloads and prevent Filr from filling up local disks. For more information, see Controlling File Downloads by the Filr Desktop Applications in the Filr 3.4: Maintenance Best Practices Guide.
To see the application-driven download restrictions that apply to your workstation, do the following:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
Click Applications and then click View applications.
Based on the option that your Filr administrator has applied, one of the following is applicable:
No restrictions: All applications are allowed to download files through Filr.
Allowed applications: Lists the applications that your Filr administrator has allowed to download files through Filr.
When an application that is not allowed attempts to download files, you are notified that the application is blocked from downloading the files and a message is displayed in the System Alerts tab. You can choose to dismiss this alert. If the alert for an application already exists in the System Alerts tab and this application attempts to download files again, then no notification displays.
If you no longer want the alert to be displayed again for an application, select the Do not show again for application name option.
If you believe that another application should be allowed to download files through Filr, contact your Filr administrator.
Blocked Applications: Lists the applications that are blocked from downloading files through Filr.
When an application that is blocked runs, you are notified that the system administrator has blocked the application from downloading the files. You can choose to dismiss this alert. If the alert for an application already exists in the System Alerts tab and this application attempts to run again, then no notification displays.
If you no longer want the alert to be displayed again for an application, select the Do not show again for application name option.
Allowed and Blocked applications: Lists all the applications that your Filr administrator has allowed and blocked from downloading files.
The Application tab also displays your local Allowed and Blocked lists that lets you manage unidentified applications that have neither been allowed or blocked by your Filr administrator. When an unidentified application attempts to download files through Filr, it is added to your local blocked list that you control and a notification appears. An alert message also displays in the System Alerts tab with an option to allow the application to download. If you click Allow, the application is moved from your local Blocked list to your local Allowed list in the Application tab.
You can also move applications between the local Allowed and Blocked lists by using the right (>>) and left (<<) buttons.
Most synchronization issues can be resolved through the Pending Actions section of the Filr Console. If issues require further investigation, you can check the desktop logs.
You might encounter any of the following synchronization issues, indicated by one of the following icons:
: There is an upload error.
: There is an upload warning.
: There is a download error.
: There is a download warning.
: There are upload and download errors.
: There are upload and download warnings.
: The client has not yet attempted to upload or download the file.
If you are unsure why a document is not downloading or uploading, view the recent activity, as described in Viewing Recent Activity.
If a document is edited at the same time from various locations, only the first file to be saved and closed is saved with the original file name and uploaded to Filr. Other versions of the file are saved under different file names and uploaded to Filr. Only the original file maintains any file comments and share information.
For example, suppose that User A and User B begin editing file1.doc at the same time on different workstations. User A saves his changes and closes the file. The file is saved to Filr with User A’s changes and with the original file name (file1.doc). User B then saves her changes and closes the file. User B’s file is renamed to file1 (User B's conflicting copy date).doc and uploaded to Filr. User B’s desktop then downloads User A’s version of file1.doc, and User B is notified that her file has been renamed.
IMPORTANT:A renamed file can be uploaded only if the user who created it has Contributor rights to the folder where the file originated. For example, if a file was shared with User B, and User B has only Editor rights to the file (not Contributor rights), the file cannot be uploaded to Filr after it is renamed.
You can view activity that has recently taken place in the Filr desktop application. For example, you can see the date and time that Filr folders were synchronized, which files were modified, and information about any synchronization issues you might be experiencing.
To view recent activity:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
Click Recent Activity.
The Filr desktop application might need to make you aware of various alerts, such as new software updates, expired passwords, server downtime, and so forth.
When system alerts are available, this information icon flashes over the Filr icon
To view system alerts:
Right-click the Filr icon in the notification area, then click Open Filr console.
Click System Alerts.