The following switches point the GWIA to the GWIA’s directory. They are assigned their initial value during installation.
Points to the SMTP service work area. This is normally the GWIA’s gateway directory under the domain\wpgate directory. See Section 57.1, Relocating the GWIA’s Processing Directories.
Syntax: --dhome path_name
Linux Example: --dhome /gwsystem/provo1/gwia
Windows Example: /dhome=c:\gwsystem\provo2\gwia
Specifies the hostname that is displayed when someone connects to your GWIA using a Telnet session. You should enter the hostname assigned to you by your Internet service provider.
Syntax: --hn host_name
Example: --hn
This switch is required only under certain circumstances. Normally, the GWIA gets the information from another source and does not need this switch. If you receive a message that the ‑‑hn switch is required, you must use the switch.
Points the GWIA to the GWIA’s gateway directory. This is always a subdirectory of wpgate in the domain directory structure.
Syntax: --home gateway_directory
Linux Example: --home /gwsystem/provo1/gwia
Windows Example: /home-j:\headq\wpgate\gwia
If you specify a UNC path with the ‑‑home switch when you run the GWIA as a Windows service, you must configure the GWIA service to run under a specific Windows user account. If you specify a local directory or a mapped drive, you can configure the GWIA service to run under the local system account.