3.9 Troubleshooting the Free/Busy Service

The Test Configuration option in the Free/Busy Configurator helps you provide accurate configuration information about your GroupWise and Exchange systems. Typically, after accurate configuration information is provided, the GroupWise Free/Busy service starts successfully and continues to run dependably.

If you experience a problem with the GroupWise Free/Busy service after it has been running successfully, consider the following:

3.9.1 Working with Internet Information Services

The GroupWise Free/Busy service is installed into Internet Information Services (IIS). If you experience problems with IIS, the Free/Busy service can also experience problems. When you restart IIS, the Free/Busy service automatically restarts.

3.9.2 Working with Log Files

By default, GroupWise Free/Busy service log files are located in the following directory:


Each GroupWise Free/Busy service component writes to its own log file in that directory.

By default, the GroupWise Free/Busy service uses the default logging configuration for the IIS Web site where it is installed, or the logging configuration for EWS, OWA, and NGWFBS if the logging for these modules has been customized.

Logging settings in IIS Manager

The GroupWise Free/Busy service uses Apache log4net to manage its log files. The log4net configuration file for each module is located one directory up from the DLL for each module.


Location of Logging Configuration File

Free/Busy Handler


Free/Busy Redirector

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\

Free/Busy Interceptor

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\

Various aspects of logging can be customized in the log4net configuration file for each component, including the log file name, maximum log file size, and log level.

Use any ASCII text editor to modify the log4net configuration file for each component as needed.

3.9.3 Working with Raw Free/Busy Data

You can view the raw free/busy calendar data that the GroupWise Free/Busy service works with by viewing the following URLs:


When the GroupWise Free/Busy service is running normally, the output for a user should look similar to the following example: