5.3 Planning GroupWise WebAccess

Use the GroupWise WebAccess Installation Worksheet to record your decisions about how to install the WebAccess Application. The topics in this section present the required information in a convenient planning sequence. The Installation Worksheet organizes the information in the order in which you need it during installation.

For additional assistance in planning your GroupWise installation, visit the GroupWise Best Practices Wiki.

5.3.1 Selecting the WebAccess Application Platform

The WebAccess Application can be installed to a Web server on Linux or Windows. See Section 5.2, WebAccess System Requirements for supported Web servers.


Under Web Server Platform, mark whether you plan to install the WebAccess Application to a Linux or Windows Web server

5.3.2 Gathering Web Server Information

The WebAccess Application integrates with your Web server to pass mailbox information gathered by the Post Office Agent to your Web browser for display in GroupWise WebAccess. The location of the WebAccess Application files that are installed depends on the Web server that it is being integrated with. The default Web server paths vary by platform:

  • Apache Web Server on OES 11:
  • Tomcat on OES 11:
  • Apache Web Server on OES 2 Linux:
  • Tomcat on OES 2 Linux:
  • Apache Web Server on SLES 11:
  • Tomcat on SLES 11:
  • Apache Web Server on SLES 10:
  • Tomcat on SLES 10:
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) on Windows:
  • Tomcat on Windows:


Under Web Server Information, select the type of Web server where you plan to install the WebAccess Application, then specify the Web server’s root directory.

On Windows, if the Internet Information Server services more than one Web site, specify the Web site where you want to install the WebAccess Application.

5.3.3 Determining the WebAccess Application’s Configuration

WebAccess Application configuration information is stored in a configuration file (webacc.cfg). The webacc.cfg file is located in the following directories:

To change the WebAccess Application’s configuration, you need to manually modify the webacc.cfg file.


Under Configuration File Location, note the location for the platform where you are installing WebAccess.

5.3.4 Connecting the WebAccess Application with Supporting Agents

The WebAccess Agent needs to communicate with a POA and a DVA.


Under POA Network Address, specify the IP address or DNS hostname of a POA that the WebAccess Application can communicate with, along with that POA’s SOAP port number.

Under DVA Network Address, specify the IP address or DNS hostname of a DVA that the WebAccess Application can communicate with, along with that DVA’s TCP port number.

IMPORTANT:The POA that the WebAccess Application communicates with must be configured for SOAP. A secure SSL connection between the POA and the WebAccess Application is highly recommended.

For instructions on preparing the POA to work successfully with the WebAccess Application, see the following sections in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide:

For instructions on preparing the DVA to work successfully with the WebAccess Application, see the following sections in Document Viewer Agent in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide: