Use the Contacts folder to view, update, delete, and add information to the contacts in your address book.
The Contacts folder in the GroupWise Folder List, by default, represents the Frequent Contacts address book.
Any modification you make in the Contacts folder is also made in the corresponding address book (Frequent Contacts or other address book).
The Folder List displays a list of all personal address books under the Contacts folder. You can quickly select a different personal address book by clicking the address book in the Folder List.
Clicking the QuickViewer icon on the toolbar allows you to quickly view and edit details for a contact, group, resource, or organization.
For more information, see Section 6.3.1, Managing Contacts, Section 6.3.2, Managing Groups, Section 6.3.3, Managing Resources, and Section 6.3.4, Managing Organizations.
Each contact in the Contacts folder is marked with . When you double-click a contact, the contact item view displays.
You can add a contact to either the Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book.
On the main WebAccess page, click Contacts on the Nav Bar.
Select the address book you want to add the contact to.
Click the drop-down arrow next to Contact on the toolbar, then click Contact.
In the name fields, specify the contact’s First, Middle, and Last names.
In the Display Name field, specify the name you want to use for the contact.
Information in the Display Name field displays in the contact list.
Specify any other information you want to record about the contact by clicking the following tabs:
Summary: (This tab is available only when you modify a contact) Displays a summary of the information contained in the other pages.
Contact: Use this page to specify the contact’s name, photo, email address, multiple phone numbers, and instant messaging ID.
Details: Use this page to specify the contact’s profession, department, assistant, birthday, anniversary, spouse, children, hobbies, and any Internet addresses associated with the contact.
To specify an Internet address for the contact’s office, personal, or Free/Busy information, specify the address in the appropriate fields.
Address: Use this page to specify the contact’s office, home, and any other addresses.
Notes: Use this page to view information about your interaction with this contact that you entered in the GroupWise Windows client. This page can function like a contact journal.
History: (This tab is available only when modifying a contact) Displays all the items you have sent to or received from this contact.
Click Save & Close.
You can modify a contact’s information in either the Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book. In order to modify a contact from your corporate address book, you must first copy the contact to either your Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book.
Click the Contacts tab on the Nav Bar.
Select the address book you want to modify the contact in.
In the contact list, double-click the contact you want to modify.
Make any needed modifications to the contact.
For information about the contact details you can enter on each tab, see Step 6 in Adding a Contact.
Click Save & Close.
You can delete a contact in either the Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book. You cannot delete a contact from your corporate address book.
Click the Contacts tab on the Nav Bar.
Select the address book you want to delete the contact in.
In the contact list, click the contact, then click Delete.
The display name is the name that displays when you begin typing in the To (or BC or CC) field of a message. When you begin typing a name, for example “Ta,” Name Completion fills in the rest of the name with a name from the address book, for example “Tabitha Hu.” However, if there are two Tabitha Hus in the address book, one in Accounting and one in Facilities, it might be difficult for you to know which name Name Completion has filled in, unless you take the time to look at more properties.
You can change the display name so that it’s easy to know which name Name Completion has filled in. For example, if you only correspond with Tabitha Hu in Accounting, you could change the display name to Tabitha--Accounting.
Click the Contacts tab on the Nav Bar.
Click the address book you want to modify the contact in.
Double-click a contact.
Type a new name in the Display Name field.
Click Save & Close.
Click the Contacts tab on the Nav Bar.
Click the address book you want to use.
Double-click a contact.
Click the History tab.
All items you have received from or sent to this contact are displayed.
Like a journal, the notes feature has the ability to log your various interactions with your contacts.
Click the Contacts tab on the Nav Bar.
Click the address book you want to use.
Double-click a contact.
Click the Notes tab.
Add the information pertaining to the contact in the Comments field.
Click Save & Close.
Each group in the Contacts folder is marked with . When you double-click a group, the group item view displays.
A group is a list of users or resources you can send messages to. Use groups to send a message to several users or resources by typing the group name in the To, BC, or CC fields. There are two types of groups: public and personal.
A public group is a list of users created by the GroupWise administrator, and it is available for use by each GroupWise user. For example, there might be a public group for the Accounting Department. Each employee in Accounting is included in the group. Public groups are listed in the system address book.
A personal group is a group created by you. For example, if you often send an appointment to your work group, you can include each co-worker’s address or name and a meeting place (a resource) in a personal group.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab.
Click the personal address book you want to add the group to.
Click Group.
Specify the following information:
Select Address Book: Click the drop-down list if you want to add the group to a different address book than the one that is already selected.
Group Name: Specify a name for the group.
Members: Begin typing the name of a member that you want to add to the group, then click Add (or press Enter) when the name appears. Repeat for each user you want to add to the group.
You can click Address Selector to search for and select each user, as described in Section 6.2, Using the Address Selector.
Comments: Specify any comments concerning the group, such as a description of the group.
Click Save & Close to save the group in the personal address book.
You can modify the group name, membership, and comments after the group is already created.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab.
Click the personal address book that contains the group that you want to modify.
Double-click the group that you want to modify.
Groups are marked with .
Make the desired modifications, then click Save & Close.
If you are adding contacts to a group, such as a corporate distribution list, you must have the proper rights granted to you by the GroupWise administrator.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab.
Click the personal address book that contains the group that you want to add contacts to.
Double-click the group that you want to add contacts to.
Groups are marked with .
In the Members section, begin typing the name of a member that you want to add to the group, then click Add (or press Enter) when the name appears.
Repeat this step for each user you want to add to the group.
Click Save & Close.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab.
Click the personal address book that contains the group that you want to remove contacts from.
Double-click the group that you want to remove contacts from.
Groups are marked with .
In the Members section, select the users you want to remove from the group, then click Remove.
Click Save & Close.
In an item view, click Address on the toolbar.
The Address Selector is displayed.
Specify the group name that you want to send the item to, then click Find.
(Optional) Click the Plus icon to refine your search by Name, First Name, Last Name, and Department; by begins with, equals, not equal; and by the address book and the type of entry.
Select a group, then click To, CC, or BC.
Click OK to return to the item view.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab.
Click the address book that contains the group whose information you want to view.
Double-click the group whose information you want to view.
Click Cancel when you are finished viewing the information.
Resources are items that can be scheduled for meetings or other uses. Resources can include rooms, computer projectors, cars, and more. The GroupWise administrator defines a resource by giving it an identifying name and assigning it to a user. Resources can be included in a busy search, just as users can. Resource IDs are entered in the To box.
A user assigned to manage a resource is the owner of that resource. The owner of a resource is responsible for accepting and declining appointments for the resource. In order to do so, the owner must have full proxy rights to the resource. As a resource owner, you can select to receive notification of appointments for the resource.
Each resource in the Contacts folder is marked with . When you click a resource, the resource item view displays.
You can accept or decline requests for a resource only if you are the owner and have been granted Read and Write rights.
On the main WebAccess page, click Proxy on the toolbar.
Click the resource you own.
If the resource you own isn’t listed, type the name of the resource you own, then click Login.
Click the item you need to accept or decline.
Click Accept or Decline on the toolbar.
You can add a personal resource to either the Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the personal address book you want to add the resource to.
Click the drop-down arrow next to Contact, then click Resource.
In the Name field, specify the name for the resource.
Specify any other information you want to record for the resource.
In the Comments field, specify any comments you might have for the resource.
For example, you might want to specify how big a conference room is or what type of equipment is in the room.
Click Save & Close.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the personal address book that contains the resource that you want to modify.
Double-click the resource.
Resources are marked with .
Modify any information as needed.
Click Save & Close.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the personal address book where the resource is located, then search for the resource.
Resources are marked with .
Select the resource, then click Delete.
Each organization in the Contacts folder is marked with the Organization icon. When you click an organization, the organization item view displays.
You can add an organization to your Frequent Contacts address book or a personal address book.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the personal address book you want to add the organization to.
Click the drop-down arrow next to Contact, then click Organization.
In the Organization field, specify the name of the organization.
Specify any other information you want to record for the organization.
Click Save & Close.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the address book where the organization that you want to modify is located.
Search for the organization.
Organizations are marked by the icon.
Double-click the organization
Modify any information as needed.
Click Save & Close.
On the main WebAccess page, click the Contacts tab in the Nav Bar.
Select the address book where the organization that you want to delete is located.
Select the organization, then click Delete.
Organizations are marked by the icon.
Click OK.
Use the Frequent Contacts address book to access your most frequently used or most recently used entries. When you use an address in a message, the entry is copied to the Frequent Contacts address book.
After an entry is placed in Frequent Contacts, it remains there until you delete it. The entry also remains in its original address book.
Click Address in an item you are composing.
The Address Selector is displayed.
Click the Plus icon next to the Find field.
In the All Address Books drop-down list, select Frequent Contacts.
Search for and select the users you want.
Click To, CC, or BC for the selected users.
Click OK.
The Frequent Contacts address book can be closed, but it cannot be deleted.
Click Contacts on the Nav Bar.
Click the address book that contains the contact that you want email.
Select the contact that you want to email, then click Send Mail in the toolbar.
Finish composing the email, then click Send.