8.3 Creating a Rule

8.3.1 Creating a Basic Rule

  1. On the main WebAccess page, click the Options icon , then click Options.

  2. Click Rules.

    New Rule dialog box
  3. Select the type of rule you want to create.

  4. Click Create to display the Create Rule form.

  5. Type a name in the Rule name field.

  6. If you want to further restrict the items affected by the rule, select the appropriate options in the Define Optional Conditions section.

    For more information, see Understanding Rule Fields.

  7. Define the actions you want the rule to perform.

    Some actions, such as Move to Folder and Reply, require you to fill in additional information.

  8. Click Save.

For a rule to function, it must be enabled. See Enabling or Disabling a Rule.

8.3.2 Creating a Vacation Rule or Auto Reply

  1. On the main WebAccess page, click the Options icon New Rule dialog box, then click Options.

  2. Click Rules.

  3. Select Vacation from the drop-down menu of the Type field, then click Create.

  4. Type a name in the Rule name field, such as Vacation Rule.

  5. Type a subject, such as:

    Janet is out of the office.

  6. Type a message, such as:

    I am out of the office from September 3-September 10. If you need assistance during this time, please contact Martha Robbins at extension 1234.

  7. Click Save, verify that the rule has a check mark next to it indicating that it is enabled, then click Close.

8.3.3 Creating a Rule to Forward All Mail to Another Account

  1. On the main WebAccess page, click the Options icon New Rule dialog box, then click Options.

  2. Click Rules.

  3. Select Forward from the drop-down menu of the Type field, then click Create.

  4. Type a name in the Rule name field, such as Forward Rule.

  5. Use Define Optional Conditions to add specific information to your rule.

    • In the first condition field, select To. This tells the rule to check the To: line in each incoming item.

    • In the second condition field, select Matches. This tells the rule that the text in the incoming item’s To: line must match the text you type in the next condition field.

    • In the last condition field, type your name as it displays in the To: field of a mail message. For example: gsmith@corporate.com.

  6. Type the address that you want the items forwarded to in the To field.

  7. Type a subject you want to use for forwarded items, for example Fwd:.

  8. (Optional) Type a message for all forwarded items.

  9. Click Save, verify that the rule has a check mark next to it indicating that it is enabled, then click Close.

8.3.4 Limiting Items Affected by a Rule

Use Define Optional Condition options to further limit the items affected by a rule.

  1. On the Rules page, click the first drop-down list, then click a field.

    To learn about what the fields represent, see Understanding Rule Fields.

  2. Click the operator drop-down list, then click an operator.

    To learn how to use operators, see Using Rule Operators.

  3. Type the criteria for the rule.

    If you type criteria, such as a person’s name or a subject, you can include wildcard characters such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?). Text you type is not case-sensitive.

    To learn more about wildcard characters and switches, see Using Rule Wildcard Characters and Switches.

  4. Click Save, verify that the rule has a check mark next to it indicating that it is enabled, then click Close.

8.3.5 Using Rule Conditions

There are different conditions you can use in the Define Optional Condition section:

Understanding Rule Fields

The following table explains the fields that are available to you when you create a rule:

Table 8-2 Available Fields for Finds and Rules

Field Name

This Field Refers to:

Field Criteria Entry


The name of a person in the From field of an item.

Specify the From field.


Text appearing in the Message field of an item.

Type part or all of the Message field.


Text appearing in the Subject field of an item.

Specify part or all of the Subject field.


A person’s name appearing in the To field of an item.

Specify a To field name.

Using Rule Operators

The available operators include the following:



Result Includes


From Contains Bill

Items where the From field contains “Bill,” such as items from Bill Jones, Bill Smith, and so on.

Does Not Contain

From Does Not Contain Bill

Items where the From field does not contain “Bill,” such as items from Bill Jones, Bill Smith, and so on.

Begins With

To Begins With cli

Items where the To field begins with “cli,” such as “Client Group” or “Clive Winters.”


Subject Matches customer reports

Items where the Subject field reads “Customer Reports.”

Using Rule Wildcard Characters and Switches

These wildcard characters and switches are available in the Define Optional Condition section only when you select certain fields that require you to type additional text.

Table 8-3 Find and Rule Wildcard Characters and Switches

Wildcard Characters and Switches

What the Find or Rule Will Match

AND, &, or a space

All items that meet two or more conditions. For example, mountain & goat, mountain AND goat, and mountain goat all find items containing the words “mountain” and “goat.”

OR or |

All items that meet one of two or more conditions. For example, mountain goat and mountain OR goat both find items containing “mountain” or “goat” or both words.

NOT or !

All items containing one condition but not the other. For example, mountain ! goat and mountain NOT goat both find items containing the word “mountain” but not the word “goat.” Items that contain both are not included.


All text found within quotation marks. For example, “mountain goats” finds all items containing the phrase “mountain goats.” This does not work with documents or document references.


Matches any one character. For example, jo?n finds all items containing the word “john,” “joan,” “join,” and so on.


Matches zero or more characters. For example, mountain* finds all items containing the words “mountain,” “mountains,” “mountainous,” and so on.

/NOCASE (default)

Items containing a specific word, regardless of case. For example, /NOCASE ZOO finds both “Zoo” and “zoo.”

/WILDCARD (default)

Items containing the search terms where * and ? are treated as wildcard characters. For example, /WILDCARD jo?n finds “john”, “joan”, and “join.”