There are several different ways to view your GroupWise calendar, including by day, week, and month.
All unaccepted items in your Calendar are italicized to help you easily identify which items you have not yet accepted.
The Calendar tab in the Nav Bar has a toolbar that provides access to several view options. The view that is displayed when you exit your Calendar displays when you open the Calendar folder again.
In the Nav Bar, click Calendar, then click the buttons on the Calendar toolbar to choose different views.
You can view the Calendar in various formats, including day, week, and month. To see another view, click a different button on the Calendar toolbar.
The first day of the week is either determined by your GroupWise Administrator, or is inherited from your account settings in the GroupWise client. You cannot change this setting in WebAccess.
For more information, see Changing the First Day of the Week in Your Calendar
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Client User Guide.
GroupWise WebAccess has the ability to display multiple calendars in the main GroupWise Calendar. You can select to view your main GroupWise Calendar, personal calendars, and shared calendars.
In the Calendar view, select the calendar check box next to the calendars you want to display.
Click a date in the date picker calendar at the bottom left corner of the Calendar view.
Today’s date is in bold.
The arrows in the left corner move you back or ahead one month, and the arrows in the right corner move you back or ahead one year in most languages.
All day events are located at the top of the calendar in the All Day Events pane in the Day and Week views.
Figure 4-1 All Day Events Pane
Use the Calendar toolbar to navigate in your calendar.
To select a date to view, click a date in the Calendar at the bottom left corner of your calendar view.
To return to today’s date, click Today.
To move forward or back one day, one week, or one month, depending upon what the calendar display is set to, click the Back icon to move back and the Forward icon
to move forward.
To see a day view, click the Day icon on the Calendar toolbar.
To see a week view, click Week icon on the Calendar toolbar.
To see a month view, click Month icon on the Calendar toolbar.
Appointments on your calendar appear in different shades, depending on how the appointment is shown:
Busy: The appointment displays as gray.
Free: The appointment displays as white.
Out of the Office: The appointment displays as dark gray.
Tentative: The appointment displays as gray with white and gray stripes on the side.
To change an appointment’s Show Appointment As status:
Open the appointment, then click Busy, Free, Tentative, Out of the Office, or Tentative from the Show As drop-down menu.
In the Nav Bar, click Calendar.
Double-click the item you want to read.
In all Calendar views, you can rest your mouse pointer on most items and see more information such as Subject, Time, Place, and To.
In a Calendar view, click the drop-down arrow next to Appointment, then click Calendar.
Type a name for the new calendar.
(Optional) Type a description for the calendar.
(Optional) Select a color for the calendar by clicking a colored square.
Click Save, then click Close.
Each calendar has a name and a color associated with it. Although the name of the calendar cannot be edited in WebAccess, you can edit the color of the calendar.
Right-click the calendar you want to edit.
Click Properties.
Select the color you want.
Click Save.
Click Close.
A shared calendar is like any other calendar, but other people have access to it and it also appears in their calendar lists. You can share existing personal calendars in your calendar list. You choose whom to share the calendar with, and what rights to grant each user. Then, users can post calendar entries to the shared calendar. You can’t share your main calendar.
In the Folder List, right-click the calendar you want to share, then click Share.
Select Shared with.
In the Name field, start typing the name of a user.
When the user’s name appears in the field, click Add User to move the user into the Shared list.
(Optional) Click Address Selector button to use the Address Selector to add users.
For more information on how to use the Address Selector, see Section 6.2, Using the Address Selector.
Select the access options you want for each user.
Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 for each user you want to share the folder with.
Click Save, then click Close.
Right-click the shared calendar, then click Display this calendar only.
In the shared calendar, select a date, then click a time in the Appointments List.
(Optional) Type a subject and a place if necessary.
Make sure the correct calendar is selected from the Calendar drop-down menu.
For more options, such as the Start Date, Time, Show As, Duration, or the appointment message, click More options.
Click Post.