3.3 Receiving Email

GroupWise uses the Mailbox to store all the mail messages, appointments, and other items you receive. The mailbox automatically refreshes as you receive new items. If your computer has audio capabilities, and a GroupWise WebAccess window is open in your web browser, an audio cue plays when a new item is received.

3.3.1 Reading Received Items

You can read items you receive in your Mailbox or Calendar. Your Mailbox displays a list of all of the items you have received from other users. Personal appointments, tasks, and reminder notes appear in your Calendar, not in your Mailbox.

You can open and read all types of new items in your Mailbox. However, you might want to read tasks and reminder notes in your Calendar so you can view new messages while looking at your schedule.

Phone and mail messages stay in your Mailbox until you delete them. Appointments, reminder notes, and tasks stay in your Mailbox until you accept, decline, or delete them. When you accept an appointment, reminder note, or task, it is moved to your Calendar.

All Mailbox items are marked with an icon. The icons change depending on whether or not the item has been opened. See Section 1.8, Identifying the Icons Appearing Next to Items for more information.

All unopened items in your Mailbox are bolded to help you easily identify which items and documents you have not yet read.

Reading Items

Messages are automatically displayed in the format in which they were sent. Messages display in your browser’s default font and size. The date and time of messages is displayed in the same format as is selected for your individual workstation.

To read a message:

  1. Double-click the message in the Message list to view the message in a new window.

NOTE:For security reasons, images are not displayed by default in HTML messages. To view the images, click GroupWise has prevented images on this page from displaying. Click here to display the images.

Setting the View for One Item

You can change the view for one item only if that item is composed in HTML.

  1. Open an item.

  2. Click either the Plain Text or HTML button on the toolbar.

Marking an Item Unread

If you open an item to read it, and then decide you want to read the item later, you can mark the item Unread. Marking the item Unread changes the item to bold and changes the item’s icon to unopened so you know you still need to read the item.

  1. In the Mailbox, click the item in the Item List.

  2. Click Mark Unread at the top of the Item List.

If you have opened an item, marking it Unread does not change the status of the item in Properties. For example, if you have opened an item, then marked the item read later, the sender of the item still sees the item status as opened in the Properties window.

Marking an Item Read

  1. In the Mailbox, click the item in the Item List.

  2. Click Mark Read at the top of the Item List.

Marking an item read changes the status of the item in Properties. For example, if you have not opened an item, but you marked the item read, the sender of the item sees the item status as opened in the Properties window.

3.3.2 Reading Attachments

GroupWise WebAccess can send and receive attachments with items. When you receive an attachment with an item, the list of attachments is under the subject.

Viewing Attached Files

When you view an attached file, the attachment is displayed in the message pane with a viewer. This is usually faster than opening the attachment; however, the attachment might not be formatted properly. If the attachment type is not supported, View is not displayed.

  1. Open the item containing the attachment.

  2. Click View next to the attachment.

Saving Attached Files

When you have an attached file, GroupWise WebAccess allows you to save the file to another location.

  1. Open the item containing the attachment.

  2. Click the linked name of the attachment.

  3. Select a location to save the attachment.


    If the message contains four or more attachments, click the Attachments link located below the Subject heading to open Web browser’s download dialog box.

NOTE:By default, the name of the zip file containing the attachments is the same as the message’s subject line.

Opening Attached Files

When you open an attached file, GroupWise WebAccess determines the correct application to open the file in. You can accept the suggested application, or you can select the path and file name to another application.

  1. Open the item containing the attachment.

  2. Right-click the linked name of the attachment, then click Open.

Printing Attached Files

  1. In an open message, click View or Open to see the contents of the attached file.

  2. Print the file as you would any other page in your Web browser if you are viewing the file.


    Use the native application to print the file if you opened it.

3.3.3 Replying to Email

Use Reply to respond to an item. You can reply to everyone who received the original item or to the sender only, without creating and addressing a new message. You can also include a copy of the original message in your reply. Your reply includes Re: preceding the original subject text. You can modify the subject text if you want.

Replying to an Email

  1. Open the item you want to reply to.

  2. Click Reply on the toolbar to send the email just to the sender.


    Click Reply All on the toolbar to send the email to the sender and all recipients.

  3. Type your message, then click Send on the toolbar.

If the original item included BC or CC recipients and you selected to reply to all, your reply is sent to the CC recipients but not to the BC recipients.

Modifying Your Compose Settings

  1. On the main WebAccess page, click the Options icon Reply requested icon, then click Options.

  2. Click the Compose tab.

  3. Select Enable auto save if you want to enable the Auto Save feature.

  4. Select the Spell Checking options you want, including:

    • Check spelling before send

    • Default language

  5. Select the default Compose view you want, either Plain Text or HTML.

    Your administrator can turn off the HTML format option.

  6. Select the signature options you want.

  7. Click Save, then click Close.

3.3.4 Forwarding Email to Other People

Use Forward to send items you receive to other users. You can forward messages as attachments or inline. The mail message includes your name and any additional comments you have made.

  1. Right-click the item you want to forward.

  2. Click Forward to forward the message inline, which puts the forwarded message text in the body of the new message.


    Click Forward as Attachment to forward the message as an attachment.

  3. Add the names of the users to whom you want to forward the item.

  4. (Optional) Type a message.

  5. Click Send on the toolbar.

If you can’t accept an appointment, task, or reminder note, you can delegate the item instead of forwarding it. Delegating places a Delegated status in the item’s Properties window, letting the sender know you have transferred responsibility for the item to another person.