When performing address book synchronization, the MTA reads information in the GroupWise Address Book and in Active Directory. Information in the GroupWise Address Book is synchronized into Active Directory, and information in Active Directory is synchronized into the GroupWise Address Book.
In Active Directory, users, distribution groups, and resources can be located in one or more Active Directory contexts, typically under the Users context.
When you configure address book synchronization, you choose the specific contexts from which you want to synchronize Exchange objects to GroupWise.
Distribution groups and resources are typically located in the same contexts with users, and are synchronized along with them.
After address book synchronization, Exchange objects are organized under an External Domain object in the GroupWise Admin console. The original Active Directory context of each object is represented by an External Post Office object. As a result, Exchange objects are organized under the External Domain object parallel to how they are organized in your Exchange system.
Exchange users are represented as GroupWise External User objects.
Exchange distribution groups are represented as GroupWise External Group objects.
Exchange resources are represented as GroupWise External Resource objects.
By default, all GroupWise users, groups, and resources in the GroupWise Address Book are synchronized to Exchange, unless their visibility is restricted. For more information, see Object Visibility in the GroupWise Address Book.
If necessary, you can restrict this scope by creating a group of GroupWise users, groups, and resources to synchronize to Exchange.
Although GroupWise object information is synchronized into Active Directory, Exchange object information is synchronized into the GroupWise Address Book, not into the LDAP directory that might be associated with your GroupWise system.
After address book synchronization, GroupWise objects are organized under a new Active Directory folder that is created specifically to hold synchronized GroupWise objects. GroupWise domains are organized into subfolders under the GroupWise folder. GroupWise post offices are organized into subfolders under their respective domain folders. As a result, GroupWise objects are organized in Active Directory parallel to how they are organized in your GroupWise system.
GroupWise users are represented in Active Directory as Exchange Contact objects.
GroupWise resources are also represented as Exchange Contact objects, rather than as Exchange Resource objects. Exchange resources have mailboxes just as GroupWise resources do, and a mailbox cannot be on both sides of the synchronization process. Therefore, GroupWise resources cannot be synchronized as Exchange resources.
GroupWise groups are represented as Exchange Distribution Group objects.