The primary domain functions as the main administration unit for your GroupWise system.
In a simple, single-server GroupWise system, the primary domain owns one or more post offices and a GWIA. In a typical, multiple-server GroupWise system, the primary domain can function as a hub for the secondary domains where post offices and GWIAs are located, or it can own post offices that are located on other servers.
As you create a domain, the Installation console prompts you for the following information about the domain:
You can create a domain on Linux or Windows. Your GroupWise system can include both Linux servers and Windows servers.
Under Platform, mark the operating system (Linux or Windows) that you plan to use for the domain. Under Host, specify the IP address or DNS hostname of the server where you plan to create the domain. |
The name of the primary domain might reflect a company name (such as Novell). The name of a secondary domain might reflect a location (such as Provo), a department (such as Engineering), or some other element that makes sense for your organization. The name is used as the Domain object’s name in the Admin console.
The name should consist of a single string. Do not use any of the characters listed in Invalid Characters in GroupWise Object Names.
Under Domain Settings, specify the domain name. |
The domain requires a folder structure in which to store database files and temporary files that are created during message routing. If you want, the folder name can reflect the domain name you chose.
You must specify an empty folder. If the folder does not already exist, it is automatically created. The installation process can proceed more smoothly if you create the folder in advance.
Use the following platform-specific naming conventions for the folder name:
Under Domain Settings, specify the full path for the domain folder. |
The domain language determines the sort order for object lists in the Admin console. The primary domain language becomes the default language for secondary domains. The owning domain language becomes the default language for the domain’s post offices.
Under Primary Domain Settings, specify the language for the domain. |
NOTE:The languages listed for selection in the Installation console includes more languages than GroupWise supports. See Multilingual GroupWise Systems
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide for a list of valid languages.
When a message is sent from a user in one time zone to a user in another time zone, GroupWise adjusts the message’s time so that it is correct for the recipient’s time zone. For example, if a user in New York (GMT -05:00, Eastern Time) schedules a user in Los Angeles (GMT -08:00, Pacific Time) for a conference call at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the appointment is scheduled in the Los Angeles user’s calendar at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
The primary domain time zone becomes the default time zone for secondary domains. The owning domain time zone becomes the default time zone for the domain’s post offices.
Under Domain Settings, specify the time zone for the domain. |
When you add a new domain to your GroupWise system, links define how messages are routed from one domain to another. When you add the first secondary domain, the links between the primary and secondary domains are very simple. As the number of domains grows, the links among them can become quite complex. For more information, see Managing the Links between Domains and Post Offices
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide.
Under Domain Settings, specify the domain that you want to link the new secondary domain to. |
Two agents run for a domain. As you configure the agents for the domain, the Installation console prompts you for the following information:
The agent consoles are automatically available in the GroupWise Admin console. The agents are configured to start automatically when the server restarts.
The Message Transfer Agent (MTA) transfers messages between post offices and domains, and performs a variety of other functions in the domain.
The MTA requires a TCP/IP connection with POAs in the domain and with MTAs in other domains. In order to configure the MTA, you need to plan the following port numbers:
Message Transfer Protocol Port: Used to communicate with the POA. The default MTP port for the MTA is 7100.
HTTP Port: Used to communicate with your web browser to provide the MTA console. The default HTTP port for the MTA is 7180.
Use the default port number unless it is already in use on the server.
Under MTA Settings, specify the required port numbers. |
For a complete list of default port numbers used by the GroupWise agents, see GroupWise Port Numbers
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide.
The Internet Agent (GWIA) converts GroupWise messages into SMTP format and transfers them to the Internet SMTP hosts where recipients are located. In reverse, it receives SMTP messages from Internet SMTP hosts and converts them into GroupWise format. The GWIA can also provide access for POP3 and IMAP4 clients to access GroupWise mailboxes.
The GWIA requires that you provide the fully qualified Internet hostname of the server where the GWIA runs, such as, or the name of the "A record" in your DNS table that associates the hostname with the server's IP address.
Under Create Internet Agent, specify the hostname of the GWIA server as it appears in its DNS record if you want to run the GWIA for this domain. |
As your GroupWise system grows, you might want to set up a standalone GWIA in a domain that does not own post offices.
The GroupWise Administration Service provides the GroupWise Administration console for managing your GroupWise system. For background information, see Administration Service Architecture.
As you configure the domain, the Installation console prompts you for the following information:
An instance of the Admin Service runs on each GroupWise domain server so that you can access the Admin console at the following URL:
Replace domain_server_address with the IP address or DNS hostname of the domain server. The default Admin port for a domain is 9710.
The Admin Service also uses the Admin port to communicate with the MTA for the domain.
Under MTA Settings, specify the Admin port for the domain. |
Use the default port number unless it is already in use on the server.
When you create the primary domain of a new GroupWise system, you create a GroupWise Super Admin user. The Super Admin has all administrative rights throughout your GroupWise system. The Super Admin can designate other Admin users with lesser rights, perhaps for specific domains or post offices. For more information, see GroupWise Administrators
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide.
Under Credential Settings, specify the name for the GroupWise Super Admin user and the accompanying password. |
If you need to reset the Super Admin password at a later time, you can use the GroupWise Administration utility (GWAdminUtil). For more information, see Using the GroupWise Administration Utility
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide.
When you create a secondary domain, you must be the GroupWise Super Admin or a GroupWise system administrator, and know the associated password. For more information, see GroupWise Administrators
in the GroupWise 2014 R2 Administration Guide.
Under System Settings, specify the administrator user name and password that provide access to the primary domain in the Admin console. |
You also need to know the network address of the primary domain server and the Admin port number for the domain. You must be connected to the primary domain in order to create a secondary domain.
Under System Settings, specify the IP address or DNS hostname of the primary domain server and the Admin port. |