The GroupWise WebAccess interface for tablet devices is designed to give you quick access to your Mailbox and Calendar information. The following sections help you navigate the interface to easily perform the tasks you want:
To see a video demonstration, see WebAccess Mobile (Tablet Interface).
When you log in to GroupWise through your tablet’s Web browser, your Mailbox is displayed.
Figure 1-1 Mailbox
Item List: The Item List in the left panel displays the current items in your Mailbox, and automatically refreshes as you receive new items. You can scroll to see all items in the list. You can tap an item to display it in the Item View to the right. If you select one or more items, the Selection Bar appears and you can perform tasks such as deleting the items, marking them read or unread, and moving them to other folders.
The toolbar located at the top of the Item List lets you perform the following actions:
Tap to access the Folder List. The Mailbox is just one of many folders you can use to view and manage your email items. The Folder List gives you access to the other folders, such as the Sent Items, Work In Progress, Unopened Items, and Trash. For more information, see Section 1.3.2, Exploring the Folder List.
Tap to refresh the Mailbox and display newly received items.
Tap to create new mail messages, tasks, appointments, and notes.
Item View: The Item View in the right panel displays the contents of the item selected in the Item List.
The toolbar located at the top of the Item View lets you perform actions on the displayed item. The available actions vary depending on the type of item you are currently viewing:
Tap to access the Reply actions.
Tap to access all other actions.
Tap to increase the size of the viewing area.
Quick Access Bar: The Quick Access Bar is located at the bottom of the screen. It contains the following links:
Mail: Displays the Mailbox or the last folder (Sent Items, Work In Progress, Unopened Items, Trash, and so forth) that you had open.
Calendar: Displays the Calendar. You can use the Calendar to view your date-dependent items such as appointments, tasks, and notes.
Find: Displays a search feature that you can use to find items.
More: Lets you check your GroupWise version, access Help, and log out.
Previous and Next: Let you scroll through items in the Item List.
The Mailbox is just one of many folders you can use to view and manage your email items. The Folder List gives you access to the other folders, such as the Sent Items, Work In Progress, Unopened Items, and Trash.
To access the Folder List, tap in the Item List toolbar in the Mailbox.
Figure 1-2 Folder List
The Mailbox is the default folder that opens when you first log in. It displays all the items you have received. Appointments, tasks, and notes are moved to the Calendar from the Mailbox when you accept them. Declined items are moved to the Trash. For more information about the Mailbox, see Section 1.3.1, Exploring the Mailbox.
Unopened Items:
Unopened Items lists all the received items you have not yet opened.
Sent Items:
Sent Items displays all the items you have sent. You can check the properties of your sent items to determine their status (Delivered, Opened, and so on).
The Calendar shows appointments, notes, and tasks. There are several Calendar view options. After you open the Calendar, you can tap
to choose which calendars to display. To return to the Folder List from the Calendar, tap the Mail button in the Quick Access Bar, then tap the Folders button. For more information about the Calendar, see Section 1.3.3, Exploring the Calendar.
The Tasklist contains any tasks you have received (or created for yourself) that have not yet been completed. You can add other items, such as messages, notes, and appointments, and arrange the items in the order you want.
Work in Progress:
Work In Progress stores email items you started and then saved in order to finish later. You must manually save messages. There is no Auto Save feature.
The Cabinet contains your personal folders and shared folders. To create personal folders and shared folders, you must use the GroupWise Windows client or GroupWise WebAccess in a desktop browser.
Junk Mail:
Junk Mail contains email items that have been isolated by Junk Mail Handling. The folder is only displayed if the Junk Mail Handling option is enabled. To enable Junk Mail Handling, you must use the GroupWise Windows client or GroupWise WebAccess in a desktop browser.
While Junk Mail Handling is enabled, this folder cannot be deleted. However, you can rename or move the folder to a different location in the Folder List.
To delete items from the Junk Mail folder, open the folder, select the items, then tap .
The Trash stores deleted mail messages, appointments, tasks, notes, and documents. Items in the Trash can be viewed, opened, or returned to your Mailbox before the Trash is emptied. Emptying the Trash removes items in the Trash from the system.
You can empty your entire Trash, or empty only selected items. The system administrator can specify that your Trash is emptied automatically on a regular basis.
Find Results Folder
A Find Results folder displays the results of a query. When the folder is opened, GroupWise examines the search criteria defined for the folder, searches for everything specified, and then displays everything it finds in the Item List. You can act on items in a Find Results folder the same way you act on items in any folder, such as opening, forwarding, moving, or deleting them, but the original item remains stored in the folder where the search found it. This means that if you move or delete an item from a Find Results folder, the item is deleted from the Item List, but not from the original location. The next time you open the Find Results folder, the search is performed and the item is once again displayed.
The Unopened Items folder is an example of a system Find Results folder. To create personal Find Results folders, you must use the GroupWise Windows client or GroupWise WebAccess in a desktop browser.
Some email items, such as appointments, tasks, and notes, have dates associated with them. The Calendar enables you to view and manage these date-dependent items.
You can access the Calendar from the Folder List, or you can access it by tapping the Calendar icon in the Quick Access Bar at the bottom of the screen.
Figure 1-3 Calendar
The Calendar opens to a Week view of your appointments, tasks, and notes. You can do the following to manage your Calendar:
Tap an item to view its contents.
Tap to refresh the Calendar items.
Tap to create a new appointment, task, or note.
Tap to select the calendars to display.
Tap to select the Calendar items (appointments, tasks, and notes) to display.
Tap to change to the Day view,
to change to the Week view, or
to change to the Month view.
Tap the two arrows surrounding the date period to display the previous and next periods.
Tap to reset the view to the current day.