34.1 Alphabetical List of Switches

Primary configuration settings are available in the GroupWise Administration Console. Secondary configuration settings are not available in the GroupWise Administration Console and can be set only using switches in the gwia.cfg file.

Switch starts with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Linux GWIA

Windows GWIA

GroupWise Admin Console Settings

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Sender’s Address Format

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Place Domain and Post Office Qualifiers on Right of Address



SMTP/MIME > Undeliverables > Undeliverable or Problem Message


GroupWise > SSL Settings > Certificate File




Server Folders > Settings > SMTP Queues Directory




SMTP/MIME > Settings

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Ignore GroupWise Internet Addressing

  • N/A

SMTP/MIME > Dial-Up Settings > Password

  • N/A

SMTP/MIME > Dial-Up Settings > Username




SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Display Fullname as Lastname, Firstname

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Do Not Replace Underscores with Spaces

SMTP/MIME > ESMTP Settings > Enable Delivery Status Notification (DSN)

SMTP/MIME > ESMTP Settings > DSN Hold Age

SMTP/MIME > Dial-Up Settings > ETRN Host

SMTP/MIME > Dial-Up Settings > ETRN Queue

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Non-GroupWIse Domain for MIME Replies

SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Enable Flat Forwarding

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Use 7 Bit Encoding for All Outbound Messages



SMTP/MIME > Undeliverables > Forward Undeliverable Inbound Messages

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Expand Groups on Incoming Messages

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Hostname/DNS Record “A Record” Name


GroupWise > Optional Gateway Settings > HTTP Password

GroupWise > Network Address > HTTP Port


GroupWise > Network Address > HTTP SSL

GroupWise > Optional Gateway Settings > HTTP User Name

POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Enable IMAP4 Service

GroupWise > Network Address > IMAP Port

POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Maximum Number of Items to Read


GroupWise > Network Address > IMAP SSL Port



GroupWise > Network Address > IMAP SSL

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Enable iCal Service

GroupWise > Network Address > Bind Exclusively to TCP/IP Address




POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Number of Threads for IMAP4 Connections

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Retain Distribution Lists on Outgoing Messages

GroupWise > SSL Settings > SSL Key File

GroupWise > SSL Settings > Password

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Kill Threads on Exit or Restart




LDAP Minimum Allowed TLS




GroupWise > Log Settings > Log File Path

GroupWise > Log Settings > Max Log File Age

GroupWise > Log Settings > Log Level

GroupWise > Log Settings > Max Log Disk Space

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Maximum Number of Hours to Retry a Deferred Message

SMTP/MIME > Security Settings > Enable Mailbomb Protection and Mailbomb Threshold

SMTP/MIME > Security Settings > Enable Mailbomb Protection and Mailbomb Threshold

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Relay Host for Outbound Messages

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Intervals to Retry a Deferred Message


SMTP/MIME > Undeliverables > Amount of Original Message to Return to Sender When Message Is Undeliverable




SMTP/MIME > POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Do Not Publish GroupWise Information on an Initial IMAP4 Connection


SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Disable Mapping X-Priority Fields

SMTP/MIME > POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Do Not Publish GroupWise Information on an Initial POP3 Connection

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Do Not Display GroupWise Information on an Initial SMTP Connection



SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Enable Quoted Printed Message Text Line Wrapping

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Scan Cycle for Send Directory

POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Enable POP3 Service

POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Enable Intruder Detection

GroupWise > Network Address > POP Port

GroupWise > Network Address > POP SSL Port

GroupWise > Network Address > POP SSL

POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Number of Threads for POP3

Access Control > Blacklists > Blacklist Addresses

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Number of SMTP Receive Threads

SMTP/MIME > Address Handling > Use GroupWise User Address as Mail From: for Rule Generated Messages

SMTP/MIME > Security Settings > Reject Mail If Sender’s Identity Cannot Be Verified

SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Apply Global Signature to Relay Messages

SMTP/MIME > ESMTP Settings > Require SSL for authentication

SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Number of Inbound Conversion Threads

SMTP/MIME > Settings > Number of SMTP Send Threads

  • N/A


SMTP-MIME > Settings > Enable SMTP

Server Folders > Settings > Advanced > SMTP Service Queues Directory

GroupWise > Network Address > SMTP Port

GroupWise > Network Address > SMTP SSL




POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Number of Threads for IMAP4 SSL Connections




POP3/IMAP4 > Settings > Number of Threads for POP3 SSL Connections

SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Number of Outbound Conversion Threads

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > Commands

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > Data

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > Connection Establishment

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > Greeting

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > TCP Read

SMTP/MIME > Timeouts > Connection Termination

SMTP/MIME > Dial-Up Settings > Enable Dial-Up

Server Directories > Settings > Conversion Directory

SMTP/MIME > Message Formatting > Line Wrap Length for Message Text on Outbound Mail

SMTP/MIME > Junk Mail