69.2 Indexing Documents in Libraries

Documents stored in GroupWise libraries need to be indexed so users can locate documents using the Find feature in the GroupWise client. Your organization might need dedicated indexing to minimize performance degradation and network congestion. You might also need dedicated indexing so users can have prompt access to newly created documents.

69.2.1 Understanding DMS Indexing

Before determining if you will need dedicated indexing, you should have a basic understanding of how indexing works in GroupWise.

Index Storage

When documents are indexed, the information is stored in QuickFinder indexes, which are located in a library’s index subfolder. A library’s QuickFinder index is partitioned into ten *.idx files. Additionally, temporary *.inc (incremental) files are created that contain each day’s new index information. The *.inc files are combined once per day into the *.idx files (usually at midnight).

In a system with multiple libraries, each library has its own set of QuickFinder index files. Depending on how many libraries belong to a post office, and how many post offices with libraries are in your GroupWise system, there can be many sets of QuickFinder index files.

Index Content

Indexing can include a document’s full text (depending on its document type), and always includes the document’s property sheet information (subject, author, version descriptions, and so on). Both newly edited and newly created documents are indexed, which means indexing volume is determined by how many existing documents are edited as well as how many new documents are created.

Newly-created documents must be indexed before users can search for them. In setting up your indexing strategy, you must know how quickly users will need access to newly-created documents.

The standard search is limited to the QuickFinder indexes in the user’s default library. But users can choose to search for documents in other libraries to which they have access.

Indexing Performed by the POA

Indexing is among the many functions of the POA. To learn more about POA functions, see Role of the Post Office Agent.

You can configure the POA for a post office to meet varying indexing needs. See Configuring Indexing. On a server with adequate memory and disk space, the POA can keep up with indexing demands in a typical post office.

If you want to set up an additional POA specifically to handle indexing, see Creating a New POA in the GroupWise Admin Console. You can temporarily use multiple indexing POAs for importing documents to speed up importing time.

Indexing Cycle

The frequency of indexing is determined by the POA QuickFinder Interval setting. The default is once every 24 hours at 8:00 p.m. You can specify the QuickFinder Interval setting in one-hour increments. For example, a setting of 1 would allow users to find documents created as recently as an hour ago. You can set the QuickFinder Interval to 0 (zero) for continuous indexing, but this might impact other POA functioning.